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Negrín, María Luisa

About the author: María Luisa Negrin was born in Las Villas, Cuba. She received her Doctor of Philology from the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, where she currently teaches Spanish. She has received numerous awards in journalism. She has parti

El Circulo Del Exilio Y La EnajenaciÓn En La Obra De Reinaldo Arenas
2000 0-7734-7909-0
This analysis shows that Arenas’ work is one of exile and alienation. Arenas, as a human being as well as an author, suffered all forms of exile, and these influence the structure of his work. In his literary work, as well as in his life, are present all the definitions of exile given by sociology; that of inner exile, to which Arenas added a new characteristic, and that of territorial exile as well. His work represents the vision of the marginated, imprisoned, persecuted, rejected. The purpose of his novels and poetry is to reveal, from a historical reconstruction, the explanation of Cuba’s constant political problems. In Spanish.