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Ball, Martin J.

About the authors: Martin J. Ball is Professor of Phonetics and Linguistics at the University of Ulster, having previously held senior positions at the University of Glamorgan and the University of Wales Institute Cardiff. He has published widely in the area of Welsh linguistics as well as other areas, such as language disorders. He has edited collections on the Celtic languages, Welsh phonology, sociolinguistics, as well as authoring articles on all areas of Welsh linguistics and phonetics. Briony Williams is Senior Researcher at the Centre for Speech Technology Research of the University of Edinburgh. Her main areas of interest include speech synthesis and suprasegmental phonetics (especially stress and pitch/intonation). She has applied both these areas to the study of Welsh. She has led research projects in these areas, and published in Celtic and speech technology journals. She is the first researcher to apply instrumental techniques to the study of Welsh suprasegmentals. About the author: Susan Billingham is the Lecturer in Canadian Studies at the University of Nottingham. Recent articles consider work by Carol Shields, Timothy Findley, Daphne Marlatt and Betsy Warland. Her next project will examine lesbian and gay subjects.

2001 0-7734-7603-2