Harris, Whitney G.
About the editors: Whitney G. Harris is Professor of Teacher Education and Executive Director of Human Relations and Social Equity at McNeese State University, lake, Charles, LA. He is also a priest of the local Roman Catholic dioceses. His doctorate degree is from The Union Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio, and he completed theological studies at Toronto School of Theology, Toronto, Canada.
Dr. Gwendolyn M. Duhon-Boudreaux is currently an Assistant Professor in the Burton College of Education at McNeese State University in Lake Charles Louisiana. She has eight years’ experience as a certified classroom teacher at the elementary level and three years at the post-secondary level. She has extensive experience in counseling, serving as a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor, and program manager in the community mental health field. She has published one book, several articles, and numerous book chapters. She has conducted workshops on whole language curriculum, family counseling approaches, peace education curriculum, parenting thechniques, and professional writing techniques.
1999 0-7734-7884-1This book differs from most of the available literature focused on African-American males, in that it is based on a collection of studies conducted on African-American males and data gathered from them, allowing them to ‘speak for themselves’. A few of the essays deal with the topic of being a gay African-American male.