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Percussionist’s Guide to Music - Bibliographic Essays

Fifty essays in bibliographic form with commentary, on international and multicultural aspects of music as they relate to percussion instruments, performance, teaching and scholarship. Headings include: acoustics, articles, audio recording review; bibliography of Native American topics; Black history; books reference; building; business and music; children’s literature; compact disc review; composer’s notes; contemporary topics; cymbal history; drum duets; the drum set; French percussion; German bibliography; health ideas; jazz; John Cage; music and sociology; percussion in music education; percussion repertoire; percussion teacher references; Polish music; publication references; reviews; school programs; Siwe’s Books; Tabla Virtuoso; tambourine technique; timpani. Vibraphone review; Whitaker’s; who’s who; women’s history.


".. an effort to list, often with descriptive notes, valuable articles on the subject of percussion. Geary Larrick has assembled pertinent material about percussion, which provides an overview of percussion in the last century. He covers such subjects as Articles, Black History, Cymbal History, Music and Business, Percussion in Music Education, Who's Who, and Percussion Teacher References&. There are also numerous references to music, books and events at strategic periods in the history of percussion." - Percussive Notes

"This reference source provides the percussionist with a series of essays that pertain to various musical topics that he has encountered through his years as a performing musician, pedagogue and academician. Beyond the scope of these essays, which alone are interesting, Dr. Larrick supplies the reader with a plethora of bibliographic sources. . . . a wealth of information that no other source that I have encountered provides. . . . this reference source may be sought after by others who are not only academic percussionists, but by scholars in other musical disciplines who may find themselves in need of parallel references . . . Composers may also wish to review this source for they will be directed not only to references that assist on how one should write for a percussionist, but also as to instrument capabilities, other composers and compositions written for the percussionist, analytical sources of these compositions, as well as recordings of these works." - Domenico E. Zarro

". . . will lead the reader to innumerable other resources. . . the percussion performer or teacher will find new insights and resources. The scholar will find an abundance of avenues to explore. And musical enthusiasts of all persuasions will find much of interest and enlightenment." - James L. Moore