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Subject Area: Classics- Ancient: Latin & Greek

A Translation From Ancient Greek Into English of Xenophon’s Manual on the Duties of a Cavalry Commander
 Doty, Ralph E.
2011 0-7734-1599-8 100 pages
This text is the first translation of Xenophon’s Manual on the Duties of a Cavalry Commander in over a century.

Adaptations of Roman Epic in Medieval Ireland Three Studies in the Interplay of Erudition and Oral Tradition
 Harris, John R.
1998 0-7734-8285-7 252 pages
This is the first book-length project to examine, side by side and through close textual analysis, the medieval adaptations of Vergil, Lucan, and Statius from Latin into Irish Gaelic. By juxtaposing the Imtheachta Aeniasa, In Cath Catharda, and the Togail na Tebe more closely to the Aeneid, the Bellum Civile, and the Thevaid than has ever been done, Harris is able to detect patterns of nuance in all three adaptations which go beyond the obviously historical generalizations about times and customs.

Aeschines de Falsa Legatione / on the False Embassy
 Greaney, George L.
2005 0-7734-6148-5 128 pages
This new translation of Aeschines' On the Embassy is designed for readers who know little or no Greek but would like to gain a sense of the linguistic and stylistic qualities of the original text. Numerous notes to the text incorporate the analysis of ancient rhetoricians, the work of nineteenth-century scholars, and that of the most recent commentators in English, German, and Italian. At certain points in the notes textual problems and variant interpretations by recent translators and commentators are addressed and, in some cases, new solutions or interpretations are offered. The bibliography is comprehensive, including work in several languages, both recent and from the past, addressing rhetorical issues, as well as legal and historical ones.

Alcestis of Euripides with Introduction, Translation and Commentary
 Thorburn, John E. Jr.
2001 0-7734-7396-3 252 pages
This translation and commentary aims to make the ancient play accessible not only to Greek scholars, but also to non-specialists. It provides a fuller commentary than those of both Dale and Conacher. The translation follows the line numbering of the Greek text as closely as possible, allowing Greek specialists easy comparison between the translation and original.

An Anatomy of the Marprelate Controversy 1588-1596 - Retracing Shakespeare’s Identity and that of Martin Marprelate
 Appleton, Elizabeth
2001 0-7734-7490-0 540 pages
This study provides a blueprint of the texts and intricacies of this battle of writings and of the protagonists involved. It recovers the poet and playwright Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford (under pseudonyms) as the leader of the writers defending the Church and Crown and the liberty of the stage against the Puritans and Martinists. It provides overwhelming evidence given by two writers about Oxford (under pseudonyms) who reveal him as an attacked active poet and dramatist whole brilliant works were in ‘abeyance’ and whose identity must not be known. The manuscript also provides the evidence given by two associates of Oxford, the writers Lyly and Nashe, that the writer who, under the pseudonym of Martin Marprelate, attempted the overthrow of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Anglican bishops and episcopacy in England was in fact the scholar Gabriel Harvey, who was the major opponent of Edward de Vere throughout the battle of writings, and his blackmailer.

An English Translation of Claudius Aelianus' Varia Historia with Introduction and Notes
 Johnson, Diane Ostrom
1997 0-7734-8672-0 260 pages
Claudius Aelianus (c. AD 175 - c. 235), a Roman of Praeneste who chose to write in the archaizing Greek of the authors of the Second Sophistic, earned the epithet "honey tongue" because of the sweetness of his style. In the Varia Historia, a miscellany of anecdotes, lists, apophthegms, biographical sketches, and descriptions of natural wonders, Aelian compiled from various sources data which he felt spoke to the interests and needs of his contemporaries. Scholars have for a long time quarried Aelian's miscellany for information, often untrustworthy, about earlier centuries. But Aelian did not compile his data with the scientific aims of the modern scholar; consequently, he has been scorned for not providing material which in fact he did not set out to present. The present volume presents Aelian in such a way that his program for selection and compilation of information becomes apparent. Considering the range of data, and the voices in which he writes, Aelian's moral focus becomes clear, as does his agenda. Aelian sought to create in the Varia Historia a paedeutic collection of information, material which he felt provided models for the correct response to the Classical literary heritage.

An English Translation of the Poetry of Lucillius, a First-Century Greek Epigrammatist
2004 0-7734-6488-3 302 pages
This volume offers for the first time facing-page translations into contemporary English of the entire body of Lucillius’ work, 140 epigrams. Classicists have established beyond question his significant influence on the development of the ancient epigram, such as his influence on Martial.

An Essay in Post-Romantic Literary Theory: Art, Artifact and the Innocent Eye
 Fleming, Bruce
1991 0-7734-9791-9 170 pages
Offers a theory of art that overturns post-Romantic, prescriptive theories and reclaims the independent and direct experience of art as being of primary importance. examines the relevance of perception and attacks `social usefulness' as the criterion of excellence in the arts.

An Interpretation of the Poems of Catullus
 Arkins, Brian
1999 0-7734-7890-6 148 pages
This study is a full introduction to the poetry of Catullus for students and general readers, establishing a number of crucial contexts – personal, social, literary – within which Catullus functioned. It sets out four way in which Catullus can be seen as a modern poet: emphasis on art, on sexual themes, on the individual voice, and on a brief, clear style. “Brian Arkins allows us to appreciate more precisely this ‘modernity’ of Catullus in his introductory chapter. . . . A particular feature is the sensitive introduction to the longer poems which are often put to one side as an expression of the more forbidding and ‘learned’ side of Catullus. . . . Especially fascinating, in what we commonly regard as a totally masculine world, is the way in which Catullus often compares his own feelings and ideals in relationships with those of women such as Laodamia. This book will make us pick up our Catullus again to explore with new insights an age and a poet whom we thought we knew so well.” – Andrew Smith

An Introduction to Greek Mythology Story, Symbols, and Cultures
 Barrell, Rex A.
2000 0-7734-7748-9 288 pages
Based on the lecture notes of a brilliant classical scholar who possessed the unique ability of bringing to vibrant life the thoughts and aspirations of Greek writers of man eons ago, this book will fill a need not only for scholars and educated laymen but for advanced students in the classics for whom no really adequate introduction to Greek mythology now exists. Topics include myth and religion, purpose in the creation myth, human origins, death and deliverance, wildness and civilization, nature and culture amongst the gods, the nature of the Hero, the place of the family in the community, the Hero in the family and the polis, and the search for self-knowledge. Includes notes, bibliography, glossary of Greek names and terms, index.

Apuleius' Debt to Plato in the Metamorphoses
 O'Brien, Maeve C.
2003 0-7734-7012-3 160 pages
This book argues for a Platonist approach to the novel Metamorphoses, and shows that Apuleius forms his own theory of discourse in his philosophical work. This study of Apuleius’ late Roman novel is also a response to the scholarly debate about the unity of the text. The author shows that the Metamorphoses is a perfect illustration of the very Platonic notion of an inferior discourse that is captivating, persuasive, and suited to dealing with inconsistent or ephemeral subjects.

Bibliotheca Lexicologiae Medii Aevi in 10 Volumes
 Tremblay, Florent
1989 0-88946-208-9 3340 pages
This work is a computerized bibliography of all topics related to Latin lexicology in the Middle Ages.

Collection of Translations Into Latin Verse: Neo-Latin Poetry
 Murgatroyd, Paul
1991 0-7734-9750-1 120 pages
A collection of translations and original compositions, accompanied by an introduction which explains methodology and discusses a representative sample of versions. The author's technique of verse composition constitutes a stimulating new approach to this specialized field of classical scholarship and should be of interest to all students of Neo-Latin poetry. In contrast to traditional methods, an attempt is made to reproduce the distinct flavor of particular Latin authors by various methods (such as close conformity to the model's linguistic, grammatical, metrical, stylistic and structural norms, and reminiscences in the form of words or phrases.)

Complete Latin Poetry of Walter Savage Landor Vol. I
 Landor, Walter Savage
1998 0-7734-1249-2 635 pages
Brings together all the Latin poetry of Walter Savage Landor, who believed that Latin was the only language suitable for memorializing the great contemporary political struggles of his lifetime. He set himself up as the bard of anti-tyrannical revolutionary moevements in Italy and elsewhere and published approximately 550 poems between 1795 and 1863. Many of these excellent poems reflect contemporary outlooks, prejudices, and sensiblities of English Romanticism to such a degree that they can legitimately be considered specimens of English Romantic poetry. Many of them offer fresh and illuminating insights about the poet's life and personaly and constitute a treasure trove of valuable material that hass beeen nhelgected by biographers, literary scholars, and critics. This edition presents all of his Latin poetry, together with critical introduction, facing English translations, and copious annotations.

Constitution of the Lacedaemonians by Xenophon of Athens
 Jackson, Donald F.
2007 0-7734-5516-7 128 pages
This work is a new critical text of The Constitution of the Lacedaemonians, written in the fourth century B.C. by Xenophon of Athens, based upon collations of the two best manuscript witnesses presently extant. Each page of Greek text is faced with an idiomatic English translation, and the author provides as a testamonia a collation of the text of excerpts made by the Byzantine scholar Joannes Stobaeus, and a new translation of Plutarch’s Life of Lycurgus, which serves as a helpful commentary to Xenophon’s work. Unlike earlier critical editions of the The Constitution of the Lacedaemonians of Xenophon, which have been established upon an imperfect understanding of relationships between extant manuscript witnesses, resulting in the adoption of unworthy text readings and an overly stocked critical apparatus, this present edition seeks to present a text based upon Vaticanus gr. 1335 and Marcianus gr. 511, keeping as close as possible to the text offered in these codices and ignoring many of the changes offered by modern scholars who suspect more deterioration of the transmitted text than seems likely.

Contrast as Narrative Technique in Ovid's Metamorphoses
 Spencer, Richard A.
1997 0-7734-8549-X 182 pages
This is the first study which attempts a thorough analysis of the definition, nature, scope, functions and effects of the contrasts which Ovid employs. The study examines six stories from the Metamorphoses for all types of contrast, ranging from occasional and immediate, rhetorical figures to farther-reaching contrasts of them, character, tone, and style. Spencer examines intertextual contrast, which are oriented toward the poet's sources, and intratextual contrasts. It is the most thorough analysis available of how Ovid uses contrast on many levels and for a wide range of effects.

Corpus Parisinum (Two Book Set)
 Searby, Denis M.
2007 0-7734-5300-8 1036 pages
The Corpus Parisinum occupies an important place in the history of medieval Greek florilegia and anthologies, because, as previous scholars such as Elter proved, it was the chief source of the profane or pagan selections in the widely circulated Loci Communes of pseudo-Maximus and related compilations, such as that attributed to Antonius Melissa. Both these latter works have frequently been used by editors of the fragments of lost works, though not always with an understanding of their underlying sources. The Corpus Parisinum includes a collection of Christian texts from the Bible, various Church Fathers and Philo. This edition will be of interest for scholars working on the reception of classical culture, in anthologies and similar forms of indirect textual transmission for a variety of authors, and even for those working more with the history of ideas and ethical traditions.

Critical Edition of De Gentilium Deorum Imaginibus by Ludovico Lazzarelli First Edited Text with Introduction and Translation
 Lazzarelli, Ludovico
1997 0-7734-8579-1 144 pages
This poem by Ludovico Lazzarelli (1450-1500) well illustrates the long tradition of post-classical authors picturing and Christianizing the gods of antiquity. It demonstrates how the gods were integrated into Renaissance life as elements of the Christian universe, and also demonstrates how the artists of the Renaissance secured patronage in order to pursue their disciplines. Until now, the poem existed only in manuscript, two in the Vatican Library, one in Florence. This volume contains an Introduction, text of the poem, and translation.

Development of the Epyillion Genre Through the Hellenistic and Roman Periods
 Merriam, Carol U.
2001 0-7734-7532-X 196 pages
The epyllion as a genre was developed in the Hellenistic period (and continued into Roman times) in order to show what else was happening while traditional heroic stories were happening, as if the authors of epyllia were committed to giving their readers a glimpses through the back doors of the palaces in which traditional characters lived and enjoyed their adventures. Traditional heroic stories were always narrated in epics with particular conventions. The epyllion challenges these conventions in ways which make it a genre in its own right. The existence of the epyllion in antiquity is not universally acknowledged by literary scholars, and there have been few published works studying the genre as such. The present study examines its development through the Hellenistic and Roman periods, focusing on the use of unheroic and female characters.

Epic Circle Allegoresis and the Western Epic Tradition From Homer to Tasso
 Zlatar, Zdenko
1997 0-7734-8643-7 260 pages
The two studies in this work were written in order to find out how the epic circle (Virgil, Homer, Horace, Ovid, Lucan, Dante, so-called from Dante's reference to the outermost circle of Hell in his Inferno) functioned in the Western literary tradition from Homer to Tasso. The first study, Lectura Dantis apud Gondolam, shows how an epic poet, in this case the Slav Divo Franov Gunduli (1589-1638) "read" Dante who, in turn, had already "read" Virgil. The second and much longer study, Allegoresis and the Western Epic Tradition from Homer to Tasso, was written to substantiate Conte's claim that 'a literary work cannot exist outside this system'. It takes issue with the notion of imitation as the dominant mode of reading the text, and argues that it is allegoresis that has provided the first and most enduring school of literary criticism from Antiquity to the end of the Renaissance. The two studies are complementary and show how a particular epic must be read with the context of the epic circle that it belonged to, and how this tradition was itself defined and determined by the number of texts which alone formed the epic circle.

Euripides Hecuba
1995 0-7734-8974-6 84 pages
Topical, accessible, and vigorous, Euripides' Hecuba is a play of strong women, broken vows, political and familial disaster, human suffering and revenge. This translation of Hecuba starts with the play's conflicts and chooses from a whole range of registers to render the characters. This mixture of dictions faithfully captures the Euripidean practice of mixing genres, his shifting of identities, his shrewd portrayal of political negotiation, his both fierce and playful irony. The rhythms of contemporary speech guide the formation of the characters. Finally, the line-breaks give shape to the play, be it on the page, staged, or read aloud. Yet they also respect the pauses, emphases, and repetitions in the Ancient Greek meter, syntax, and word order.

Examining the Changes in the Eighteenth-Century French Translations of Homer’s Iliad by Anne Dacier and Houdar De La Motte
 Morton, Richard E.
2003 0-7734-6594-4 128 pages
Anne Dacier, a distinguished Classicist and committed “Ancient” published in 1711 a prose translation of the Iliad, designed to forward the agenda of the ”Homerists” by reproducing the Ancient Greek as literally as possible in modern French, and by elaborate annotations proving the moral and aesthetic excellence of the original. Houdar de la Motte, courier and wit, published in 1714 his verse “imitation” of the Iliad, in deliberate competition with Mme Dacier’s text, designed to purge from Homer what he saw as the barbarities of antiquity. Their contrasting translations stimulated a vivacious literary storm. This monograph concentrates on the translations themselves, assessing the changes that de la Motte made and that Dacier, in spite of herself, was forced to make in accord with contemporary propriety. This text will be of interest to those working on the theory of translation, as well as to students of French literary history and classical scholars.

Folktale as a Source of Graeco-Roman Fiction
 Anderson, Graham
2007 0-7734-5372-5 280 pages
For over a century, research in Ancient Fiction has concentrated on the literary aspects of the texts available to us. Ancient novels had their roots traced to a number of literary genres, including Epic, Euripidean Romantic drama, and New Comedy. The studies collected in this work look instead at the relationship between formal fiction and popular storytelling. Connections between these two forms of literature were prevalent in various cultures in antiquity, and also reemerged in the significant quantities of folk- and fairy-tales from the Renaissance onwards.

Geography- De Situ Orbis A.D.43
 Berry, Paul
1997 0-7734-8558-9 184 pages
Pomponius Mela wrote the first systematic geography in Latin literature, datable to 43 A.D. This translation contains a facing page reproduction of the the typeset 1493 edition (Venice, Hermolaus Barbatus) of Mela's work. The Latin text casts considerable light on the Roman mind of the 1st century A.D.

Greek and Roman Themes in Joyce
 Arkins, Brian
1999 0-7734-8035-8 208 pages
This volume begins with a brief analysis of the meaning of the Classical Tradition; deals with how Joyce acquired knowledge of Greek and Roman material; and then devotes chapters to analysing Joyce's appropriation of Greek philosophy, of the Odyssey of Homer, and of Greek and Latin language. "Brian Arkins' book is one that leaves every scholar in his debt. He brings in much more than Homer that is relevant from the Greek and his discussion of Joyce's use of the Latin Mass allows for a serious, many-sided discussion of this much misunderstood topic. And the author never loses sight of his audience, adopting a lucid, frequently witty and always accessible style to convey his learned insights." – Dr. Anthony Roche

Greek Gods in Italy in Ovid's Fasti a Greater Greece
 Parker, Hugh C.
1997 0-7734-8589-9 192 pages
This monograph deals with Ovid's treatments of the gods in the poem, and in particular with gods who emigrate from Greece to Italy and become part of Roman religion as the poem progresses. It offers a new reading of the Fasti which focuses on four figures from Greek mythology (Saturn, Ino, Faunus, and Hercules). In the course of the poem each of them comes to Italy, and Ovid shows how each one sheds his or her Greek past to become a figure of genuine religious significance to the Roman people. These transformations suggest that the Fasti is meant to be read as an encomium of Roman religion.

Hellenistic Treatise on Poisonous Animals (the Theriaca of Nicander of Colophon) a Contribution to the History of Toxicology
 Knoefel, Peter K.
1991 0-7734-9674-2 188 pages
Evidence is given here that Nicander was artist-poet-naturalist-physician, that he was libelled as merely a versifier and metaphrast, that his depiction of poisonous serpents and the effects of their venom on man was original and veracious: that his work has had recognition from and influence on writers about serpents for centuries.

Henry William Bunbury's Tales of the Devil
 O'Connor, Robert H.
1995 0-7734-9429-4 96 pages
This volume makes available the text and illustrations of a neglected volume of poetic parody and visual humor whose contents suggest the reaction of a lingering Neo-Classical rationalism against the more extravagant Gothic element in turn-of-the-century Romantic verse. The introductory remarks narrate the appearance in 1796 of several British translations and adaptations of G. A. Burger's horror ballad "Lenore"; they describe the rise of the Gothic ballad movement in the late 1790s which these translations inspired; give an account of the parodies written in reaction to the Gothic ballads; give an overview of Bunbury's life and career; and comment on the contents of Tales of the Devil itself, particularly those elements of the book which parody The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.

Hiero - A New Translation
2003 0-7734-6693-2 132 pages
Since classical antiquity, Hiero has been the most popular of Xenophon’s minor works. This new critical edition clears up manuscript errors from the Marchant edition of 1920, and is a contemporary facing-paged translation which makes the language much more accessible to the current reader. Hiero is a dialogue in which the poet Simonides questions the tyrant Hiero about the pleasures of the tyrant’s life. It is a study of the form of government called tyranny, and an ethical treatise as well.

HÖlderlin and the Golden Chain of Homer Including an Unknown Source
 George, Emery E.
1992 0-7734-9606-8 140 pages
Consisting of two essays, this book investigates the impact on Hölderlin's poetic imagery of the Homeric metaphor of the golden chain of nature. It contrasts A. O. Lovejoy's ideas on "the great chain of being" with the results of recent research. It also announces discovery of an unknown source to which Hölderlin was indebted: an early seventeenth-century Jesuit devotional tract. The study considers the full range of the poetic work, including the poems, Hyperion, and Empedokles. The book is illustrated with two figures, and concludes with two appendixes of verbal data, a bibliography, and indexes of names and of Hölderlin's works.

How Habits of Culture Shape Our Rational Thinking: A Comparison of Classical Greece and Ancient China
 Warden, John
2013 0-7734-4503-X 196 pages
A succinct yet remarkable incisive study of the complex interplay between language, modes of reading it, and modes of thinking as observed in the surviving literature of classical Greece and the roughly contemporary corpus inherited from the age of Confucius in China.

Idler and the Dandy in Stage Comedy, 500 B. C. to 1830
 Ritchie, Chris
2007 0-7734-5439-X 216 pages
This book follows the progress of the Greek parasite figure through his various interpretations by different poets as seen in the remaining fragments. On the Roman stage of Plautus, the parasite became a key comic figure in proceedings, later replaced by the wily slave. In medieval comedy he can be seen as the vice of morality plays, in mummers plays and he emerges as a type in early Tudor theatre. On the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage the chancing rascal was a frequent feature, most notably Falstaff. Throughout the Restoration dissipated gallants and workshy fops became well established and their behaviour reached the outer limits of the bawdy. In 18th century sentimental comedy the fascination with such roguery, ageing dandyism and peripheral scavengers remained, but modified. Rogues, idlers, skivers, flatterers and the work-shy: all chisellers.

Images & Impressions of Old Age in the Great Works of Western Literature (700 B.c.- 1900 A.d.) an Analytical Compendium
 Berman, Lorna
1987 0-88946-037-X 400 pages
Shows the traits and attitudes that have been associated with old age by 87 authors (e.g., Aeschylus, Balzac, Shakespeare, Zola) in 267 great works of Western literature, with allusions categorized ("pessimistic," "derogatory," "sympathetic," etc.), analyzed, and provided with a computerized index generated by David Berman.

Influence of the Classical World on Medieval Literature, Architecture, Music, and Culture a Collection of Interdisciplinary Studies
 Fajardo-Acosta, Fidel
1992 0-7734-9188-0 184 pages
Essays examine the vigorous survival of classical culture, and the way it was embraced and absorbed in such a way as to create a medieval humanism in no way inferior to the culture of the Renaissance.

Influences of Callimachean Aesthetics on the Satires and Odes of Horace
 Coffta, David Joseph
2002 0-7734-7247-9 206 pages
This study investigates the literary program of Horace’s Odes as part of the Callimachean tradition’s emphasis on brevity, novelty, and refinement, as well as a familiarity with a critical vocabulary, formulated at Rome and mirroring the programmatic imagery and terminology pioneered at Alexandria. It begins with a preliminary analysis of the Satires, and discusses the ‘meta-literary’ aspects of both the Satires and the Odes.

Interpretation of the Poetry of Propertius (c. 50 - 15 B. C.)
 Arkins, Brian
2005 0-7734-6229-5 116 pages

Interpreting Euripedes's Medea from Aristotelian and Nietzschean Perspectives: A Comparative Literary Criticism
 Eliopoulos, Panos
2021 1-4955-0880-3 544 pages
From the authors' introduction: "Among the many losses which followed the philosophical domination of Plato and Aristotle, one is central to this introduction. Until Nietzsche, serious thought has been associated with, often defined as, systematic thought in prose. As a result, the profound moral and political insights embedded in poetry and tragedy have been neglected or relegated to imaginative speculation. ...In this book we try to extrude some of Euripedes's moral and political thought from Medea. ...[T]his great masterpiece has not been understood as completely as might be expected of a play so famous and so thoroughly examined over the last twenty-five hundred years."

Iohannis or De Bellis Libycis of Flavius Cresconius Corippus
 Shea, George W.
1998 0-7734-8242-3 232 pages
This is the first modern translation, with a useful introduction, of Corippus’ epic work. It is a major source of historical information about the reign of Justinian and especially about the wars of reconquest which that emperor waged it North Africa. Since it provides a good deal of information about the native Berber tribes of North Africa, it is an important text for ethnographers and anthropologists. Finally, it may be considered the last classical Latin epic. Produced in a Byzantine Christian and North African context, it is also a significant example of literary adaptation.

Julius Caesar and its Source
 Green, David C.
1979 0-7734-0407-4 129 pages

King Sisebut and the Culture of Visigothic Spain, with Translations of the Lives of Saint Desiderius of Vienne and Saint Masona of Mérida: Vita Vel Passio Sancti Desiderii a Sisebuto Rege Composita and Vita Sancti Masonae Emeretensis
 Martyn, John R. C.
2008 0-7734-5033-5 252 pages
This work skillfully elucidates a period often misunderstood by historians. The study also explores the use of imitation and the intersections of the political and the religious in medieval times.

L'antigone De Jean Cocteau
 Le Ber, Jocelyne Françoise
2007 0-7734-5424-1 208 pages
This study consists of a literary critical investigation into Jean Cocteau’s Antigone, which combines traditional and contemporary computer-assisted approaches to the text. The first half of the book considers the place of the Antigone story, as well as myth in general, in French, while also offering a description of the evolution of the tragedy from Sophocles to the present. After this, the second half of the book is devoted to an in-depth study of Cocteau’s Antigone itself, from written drafts to its stage production. This multi-disciplinary study offers an original and timely contribution to the literature on the subject.

Life of Saint Servatius
 Vivian, Kim
2006 0-7734-6063-2 512 pages
The Life of Saint Servatius presents, for the first time together in one volume, the Middle Dutch Legend of Saint Servatius by Heinrich von Veldeke and the anonymous Upper German Life of Saint Servatius, and, again for the first time, offers those readers not versed in medieval Germanic languages authoritative English translations. With this volume, then, readers have two principal vernacular texts concerning the life and deeds of St. Servatius. Commentary has been provided to point out historical and Biblical references and to draw attention to significant parallels between the texts, and between the texts and their Latin sources. The introductions to the Legend and the Life offer background on the writers and the times they lived in, and discuss some of the most important aspects of the two works. Due to the scope of this book and to the limitations of space, no effort has been made to attempt an exhaustive comparison of the two vernacular texts, neither to each other, nor to their sources. Such studies are rare, but it is hoped that scholars in the near future will undertake what promises to be a fascinating investigation.

To aid the reader, maps have been provided along with photographs of subjects that are either mentioned in the text or are of great importance in the life and legend of Saint Servatius.

Olympiodorus of Thebes and the Sack of Rome a Study of the Historikoi Logoi, with Translated Fragments, Commentary and Additional Material
 Chaffin, Christopher
1993 0-7734-9321-2 392 pages
This is the first complete edition to bring together all that can be recovered of the Histories of Olympiodorus of Thebes (c. 370-430). Olympiodorus's account was by far the best: it included an extended analysis of the political and military blunders which led up to it and the slow recovery which followed. His independent political judgment, realistic attitude to the barbarians, concern for precision in dating and technical terminology, and flair for anecdotal writing make him one of the most original historical writers of his age. This edition presents a new reconstruction and translation, along with historical and critical introduction and commentary. To this are added extracts from other contemporary sources on the sack (Augustine, Jerome, Orosius), select inscriptions, and a glossary of technical terms.

Partial Edition of Les Fais Des Rommains with a Study of Its Style and Syntax a Medieval Roman History
 McCormick, Thomas J. Jr.
1995 0-7734-2918-2 264 pages
Les Fais des Rommains is an early fifteenth century copy of an anonymous prose translation of Roman history with Julius Caesar as the central figure. It was an ambitious attempt to glean from the best Roman historians a history of Roman civilization with intentional didactic emendations for a medieval audience. Fifty-nine manuscripts of the translation are accounted for, the oldest one written in the thirteenth century. Hence, changes in syntax and style and other miscellaneous variations between this fifteenth century version and previously edited thirteenth-century renditions can be studied, where a scribe is faithful to his text, but echoes the thoughts and language of his own time.

Plotinus and Freedom. A Meditation on Enneads 6:8
 Westra, Laura
1990 0-88946-312-3 250 pages
Explicates Plotinus's doctrine of freedom by paying respectful attention to his thought, together with its background and underlying intentions.

Poetic Style of the Greek Poet Sappho: A Study in Word Playfulnessthe Poetic Style of the Greek Poet Sappho: A Study in Word Playfulness
 Zellner, Harold
2010 0-7734-3626-X 148 pages
This book argues that Sappho’s style is characteristically playful, and that this is probably the best explanation for some problematic features of her text.

Poroi - A New Translation
2003 0-7734-6695-9 112 pages
In Poroi, Xenophon examines the meaning of prosperity and its relationship to employment, consumption, and expenditure in a way that now one else would until John Maynard Keynes wrote The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. The observations of Xenophon and Keynes agree on many points. This study strives to clarify Xenophon’s importance as an economic thinker and the originator of the study of macroeconomics. Because the only readily available English translation of Poroi is Marchant’s Loeb edition, it provides a contemporary and accessible rendering of the Greek into English. This critical edition also incorporates recent scholarship and remedies some difficulties in the critical apparatuses of earlier editions. Facing page translations.

Translation and Commentary
 Coyne, Patricia
1991 0-7734-9772-2 236 pages
Explores both the comparatively neglected genre of imperial Latin panegyric and an important piece of evidence for the reign of the Emperor Anastasius, under whom the eastern and western halves of the Mediterranean world became increasingly separate and distinct cultures.

Prose Rhythm in Latin Literature of the Roman Empire - First Century B.c. to Fourth Century A.d
 Oberhelman, Steven M.
2003 0-7734-6667-3 312 pages
This study provides a comprehensive assessment of the ancient and modern evidence on Latin prose rhythm in a single volume. Any student of ancient rhythmical style will find very useful the extended excursuses on the theories of Greek and Roman rhetoricians and literary critics, and will be well served by the detailed discussions and explanations of the complex methodologies crafted by German, French, Russian, Italian, British, and American scholars since 1881 to analyze prose rhythm.

A New Interpretation
 Colavito, Maria M.
1989 0-88946-398-0 164 pages
The first study uncovering Pythagorean epistemology as the intertext of Ovid's masterpiece. Creates a completely new interpretation of this classic and its author.

Reading of Apollonius Rhodius’ Argonautica - The Poetics of Uncertainty
 Byre, Calvin S.
2002 0-7734-7116-2 192 pages

Richard of St. Victor's
 Barnes, Dick
1990 0-88946-294-1 64 pages
Attempts to capture the qualities of the fourteenth-century translation of Richard of St. Victor's treatise on contemplation. This author of "The Cloud of Unknowing" produced a Middle English translation that, while condensed in length, contains thoughts and advice of his own that are not found in the original. It is one of the classics of English devotional literature: plain, homely, and powerful in style, deeply pious but with a joyous freshness and sincerity that shine across the centuries.

Shakespeare the Philosophical Poet
 Zabeeh, Farhang
1999 0-7734-8185-0 244 pages
There are many significant philosophical issues in Shakespeare's creation, unrecognized by literary critics, especially those who are unfamiliar with both old and new philosophical ideas and trends, such as the linguistic turn in contemporary philosophy. This book also uncovers certain underlying trends: naturalistic and humanistic, anti-scholastic, anti-war, anti-racist, and a Stoical stance.

Shakespeare’s Additions to Thomas Kyd’s
 Stevenson, Warren
2008 0-7734-5227-3 116 pages
This monograph presents for the first time the full case for Shakespeare’s authorship of the Additions to the 1602 quarto of The Spanish Tragedy. It considers the respective “claims” of Jonson and Webster, each of whom has at some time been seriously mentioned in connection with the additions. The work also includes a detailed stylistic comparison of the Additions and Shakespeare’s known works written before and after 1602.

Silence, Sublimity and Suppression in the Romantic Period
 Price, Fiona
2002 0-7734-7244-4 246 pages
This collection of essays by researchers on both sides of the Atlantic is centered on a single theme capable of two main interpretations. First, it is concerned with the role of silence, the sublime and the transcendental. Secondly, it investigates silence as exclusion, suppression and censorship. Offering fresh readings of a wide variety of literary works, from Shelley to Eliza Fenwick.

Symposium of Xenophon of Athens: A New Critical Edition with a Facing-Page English Translation
 Jackson, Donald F.
2014 0-7734-4350-9 140 pages
This work is a critical text of The Symposium, written by Xenophon of Athens in the fourth century B.C. Each page of Greek text is faced with a contemporary English translation which richly embodies the original meaning of the author.

Ten Latin Schooltexts of the Later Middle Ages: Translated Sections
 Thomson, Ian
1990 0-88946-124-4 372 pages
An anthology of texts used in medieval Latin instruction, with introductions and notes. The only anthology to make the most important texts in this subject area available in English. Of use to scholars in English, history, comparative literature, theater, speech, medieval studies, and Latin.

A Revisionist Analysis
 Fajardo-Acosta, Fidel
1990 0-88946-111-2 270 pages
Demonstrates what the author sees as Homer's condemnation of the heroic world's values and its exaltation of the hero.

The Mythological Foundations of the Epic Genre: The Solar Voyage as the Hero's Journey
 Fox, Hugh
1989 0-88946-109-0 231 pages
A study of the ancient myth of two twins voyaging to the House of the Sun, placing it in a worldwide context and relating it in "real time" to the palace-temple complex at Tiawanaku, Bolivia.

A Verse Translation
 Kelk, Christopher
2010 0-7734-1425-8 460 pages

Theory of the King’s Two Bodies in the Age of Shakespeare
 Rolls, Albert
2000 0-7734-7692-X 336 pages
This study reevaluates the theory of the king’s two bodies and examines representations of renaissance culture relying on its principles. Unlike previous accounts, it demonstrates that there were different versions, analyzing the differences between Edmund Plowden, the lawyer who popularized the theory in 16th-century England, James I, Shakespeare, and a number of other writers. It goes on to explore the Shakespearean version in more detail. Rolls presents a view of Renaissance thought that could adapt itself to new discoveries, and also turns to a number of recent thinkers, particularly Saussure, Barthes, and Lacan, to interpret the material.

Translation and Commentary on the Lectures on Greek Rhetoric by Pedro Nunes (1502-1578)
 Nunes, Pedro
2004 0-7734-6350-X 432 pages
This two-volume book contains an introduction to the rhetorical theories put forward by the most important ancient Greek rhetoricians, followed by a modern English translation of the Latin version of their commentaries in Hermogenes’ seminal work on stasis-theory, the basis for writing any sort of speech for a law-court or for public use. Rhetoric today is extremely important in public life, as any politician’s speech-writer knows, and the work by Syrianus, Sopater and Marcellinus translated in this book remain the foundations on which all theories of public speaking are built. When Pedro Nunes translated the original texts, no doubt from the recently published Aldine text, he was lecturing to the brightest young law students in Lisbon in the 16th century. It is unique in that in Europe at that time all other works on rhetoric were based on Cicero and Quintilian. The modern English translation will be of great use for students, as it will give them access to the basic theories of speech-writing, well exemplified with plenty of apposite quotations from leading Greek orators, especially Demosthenes, and from major events in Greek history. This version contains the original Latin as well as the English translation.

Translation and Commentary on the Lectures on Greek Rhetoric by Pedro Nunes (1502-1578)
 Nunes, Pedro
2004 0-7734-6506-5 336 pages
This two-volume book contains an introduction to the rhetorical theories put forward by the most important ancient Greek rhetoricians, followed by a modern English translation of the Latin version of their commentaries in Hermogenes’ seminal work on stasis-theory, the basis for writing any sort of speech for a law-court or for public use. Rhetoric today is extremely important in public life, as any politician’s speech-writer knows, and the work by Syrianus, Sopater and Marcellinus translated in this book remain the foundations on which all theories of public speaking are built. When Pedro Nunes translated the original texts, no doubt from the recently published Aldine text, he was lecturing to the brightest young law students in Lisbon in the 16th century. It is unique in that in Europe at that time all other works on rhetoric were based on Cicero and Quintilian. The modern English translation will be of great use for students, as it will give them access to the basic theories of speech-writing, well exemplified with plenty of apposite quotations from leading Greek orators, especially Demosthenes, and from major events in Greek history. This version contains the original Latin as well as the English translation.

Views of Clytemnestra, Ancient and Modern
 MacEwen, Sally
1991 0-88946-627-0 128 pages
Six essays by five classicists describing a number of ancient and modern works which have Clytemnestra as a central character. Combines classical philology, modern psychology, feminist theory, and a variety of other critical techniques to analyze old views of Clytemnestra and arrive at new ones ranging from that of a fearful monstrosity to that of a mater dolorosa. Includes many one-of-a-kind museum photos.

Vives Bibliography
 Noreña, Carlos G.
1990 0-88946-148-1 92 pages

Resolving the Apparent Incongruities
 Sorensen, Peter J.
1995 0-7734-4188-3 155 pages
This volume reads Blake's writings as an initiation into a divine revelation (gnosis) given to the poet-prophet. The vision is dualistic and heterodox, and bears a striking and consistent resemblance to the visions and writings of many of the Christian gnostics of ancient times. Based on this gnostic reading, the author asserts that, concerning Blake's so-called monomyth, both traditionalist and poststructural approaches can coexist.

Xenophon on Hunting
 Doty, Ralph E.
2001 0-7734-7578-8 204 pages
The Cynegeticus, probably written in the first half of the fourth century C.E., is a manual for hunters. Its author, Xenophon, was a disciple of Socrates, the able general who led ten thousand Greeks on a successful forced march from Mesopotamia to the Black Sea, as well as an historian and practical philosopher. In his book, he aims to acquaint the novice with not only the techniques but also the values of the hunter. The first chapter lauds the famous hunters of legend, the last two chapters discuss the moral value of hunting, and the middle books examine the techniques. He arranges his material to begin with the smallest game animal, the hare, proceeding through progressively larger prey, to end with a description of hunting as a preparation for war, in which one hunts the most dangerous game of all. This new edition of the Cynegeticus is an attempt to incorporate recent scholarship and at the same time provide a contemporary English rendering of Xenophon’s Greek in facing-page translation.