Subject Area: Education & Educational Teaching Methods
Douglas, Darrell R.1998 0-7734-8343-8 288 pagesCountless texts exist to teach the organization and analysis of harmony and melody; however, there are only a few texts that teach a student how to write harmonic dictation, and none that teach a student to write melodic dictation drawing on the melodic practice from the last five centuries. This text will train even the least able student to write dictated melodies accurately by presenting simple conjunct examples to advanced melodies using 20th century practices. The 840 examples are carefully organized into twelve chapters. Each chapter has an introduction that explains the specific new melodic material the student will encounter in the chapter's dictation. The melodies in each chapter will be integrated with those already learned. This repetition and integration will enable the student to remember and write melodies in an organized way. Softcover spiral-bound for easy use.
Isabelli-García, Christina L.2004 0-7734-6348-8 173 pagesThis study examines the impact of a one-semester study abroad experience in Argentina on the second language acquisition of five North American university Spanish learners. The goal is three-fold: (1) to measure development of linguistic accuracy of (a) tense selection, (b) aspect selection, (c) subject-verb agreement and (d) adjectival agreement; (2) to measure development of oral skills in performing the functions of narration, description and opinion; and (3) to relate patterns of social contact via analysis of social network logs to development in oral ability as measure by gains in linguistic accuracy and oral communication skills over time. The author submits that the two vital factors that lead to acquisition gains in the study abroad context are motivation and extended significant target language interaction with native speakers in social networks. The study shows through qualitative and quantitative data that those who had high motivation were those that had more extended networks, which correlated with gains in linguistic accuracy and development in performing discourse functions.
Brewer, Mary Kathryn2022 1-4955-0959-1 204 pagesFrom the author's Abstract:
This guidebook examines Verdi's 26 published art songs to highlight their pedagogical and performance value. Each song is discussed in reference to range, tessitura, poet and text, opportunities for pedagogical use, and performance recommendations. This guide shines a light on Verdi's relatively unknown art songs and provides a resource for teachers and performers in the study and performance of these pieces.
Whitehead, Maurice1996 0-7734-8856-1 280 pagesDrawing on a vast range of archival sources on both sides of the Atlantic, this volume pieces together an intriguing story of patronage, adversity and success, and reveals the vitality of a hitherto unknown aspect of the history of education in 18th century England and Revolutionary America. Bartholomew Booth, Oxford-educated, entered the Church of England and became a country schoolmaster. He opened his own academies first in Liverpool, later in Lancashire and Essex, offering an unusually wide curriculum, broadly following the educational philosophy of Benjamin Franklin. Booth emigrated to Maryland in 1773 with two of his three sons, his two patronesses. After siding with the Revolutionary cause, he returned to his educational work and opened academies in Maryland, at The Forest of Needwood and at Delamer, for the sons of the leaders of the Revolution, including Benedict Arnold, Dr. William Shippen, and members of the Washington family. Despite the privations of war, his work prospered and the popularity of his enlightened curriculum endured until his death in 1785.
Mealy, Rosemari A.2013 0-7734-4347-9 216 pagesExamines the emergence of Radical African American Student Voices in the 1960s civil rights struggles. Focusing on personal stories of African American college students expelled or suspended from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) the work examines their vibrant Sit-In Movement activism that resulted in exposing the world to the nation’s complicity in endorsing the South’s archaic notions that black citizens had no rights that were equal to those enjoyed by Whites. The birth of the Southern Black Student Sit-In Movement eventually engaged thousands of students attending many of the South’s land-grant and private HBCUs, becoming the major vehicle for students en masse to demonstrate their opposition to the South’s deep-seated, racist Jim Crow laws.
Wolochuk, Alexandria2014 0-7734-3523-9 140 pagesThis study explores the relationship between adult English-language learners’ assessment of their own language proficiency on the English Ability Questionnaire (EAQ) and their performance on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). It addresses aspects of developing the “autonomous” student and makes for the integration of self-directed learners who will be more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and how to address them
Sposet, Barbara A.2003 0-7734-6943-5 252 pagesCulture learning is a particular type of human learning related to the patterns of human interaction and identification. This study describes the process of culture learning as it takes place within a foreign language program at a selected suburban middle school site. It explores two arenas of inquiry: How does an awareness of people different from oneself develop in the middle school adolescent, and what is the contribution of foreign language study to the development of culture learning? The findings have implications for the middle school community (administrators, staff, students, parents) and those concerned with facilitating cross-cultural learning in today’s global society.
Sherrod, Elgie Gaynell2022 1-4955-0988-5 516 pages"In the chapters that follow, I illustrate the dance pedagogy created by Black dance artists in the 1930s and 1940s in America. I discuss the ways in which this dance instruction undergirded the emergence of the Black concert dance construct, which manifested in the late 1950s and took on a definitive global presence in the 1960s with the popularity of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. In this discussion, I document the dance contributions of dance pioneer Katherine Dunham and her peers, whose works blazed a trail for many contemporary dance artists." -Dr. Elgie Gaynell Sherrod
Varenne, Hervé2009 0-7734-5023-8 324 pages[Note: This book is a reprint of the text of Vol 109, Number 7, July 2007 of the
Teachers College Record, Teachers College, Columbia University]
This work adds to the scholarship in the field by exploring educational processes in the broadest manner and from a variety of disciplinary orientations. At its core is the challenge it issues: what sort of research should one conduct if s/he believes the commonly held idea that education is a broader process that it is made to be when one takes schooling as a paradigmatic institution of education?
Paasche, Karin I.2006 0-7734-5616-3 296 pagesThe language of education policy documents indicates the nature of the society South African educational policy-makers envisioned in a country where people from diverse backgrounds share the same geographical space. The language indicates how they perceived both themselves and the various groups in their society and points to concerns which, couched in similar-sounding terms as regimes have changed, often have the same ideological content and reflect the aspirations of the respective dominant group. Today, this is no longer the white minority, but what it has perhaps always been, the “first-world” – global – economy. South Africa’s educational policy documents from four periods are examined: the Period of Colonization 1652-1910; the Era of Segregation 1910-1948; Apartheid: the Years After 1948; 1994: the ANC, South Africa and a Government of National Unity.
Concepts of the ‘self’ and the ‘other’ present in the non-homogenous society within which the documents were formulated are identified, as are the concerns underlying educational policies. Models developed by Van Dijk on the relevance of political, social and historical context in discourse analysis, by Halliday and Hasan on cohesion, by Fairclough on language as the carrier of ideology, by Lakoff and Johnson on experimental metaphors, and by Vaughan on dominant themes in discourse, are adapted to examine how the language used encodes, reflects, and creates the reality of South African society in general and of education policy in particular.
Language, Christianity and nationalism are identified as the underlying concerns. Their subservience to the economic interests of the dominant group raises questions as to the practical possibilities of changing meaning systems when prejudice and racism are institutionalized to serve the purposes of those wishing to retain economic dominance. This study demonstrates that despite political change, the style and register of the language used and the concerns underlying educational policies in South Africa are continuous and congruous.
Mahoney, Daniel J.2003 0-7734-6797-1 344 pagesThis book makes a major contribution to the scholarship of organizational analysis and leadership. It describes the imperfect world of school organizations as navigated by flesh-and-blood human beings – the leaders in this study are real people in real situations. It illuminates the ethical reasoning articulated by school principals in response to candid questions: why they chose to ignore, bend, or break rules; why they chose not to disclose factual information; or why they lied. Current administrators will find affirmation and validation in its theoretical grounding. Professors in graduate educational leadership programs will find integrity of scholarship, authentic descriptions of the realities of professional practice, and a means for promoting lively discussions. Scholars of organizational analysis and leadership studies will find a gold mine of data and future research suggestions.
Roig-Vila, Rosabel2003 0-7734-6788-2 296 pagesThis study analyzes and evaluates websites in Spanish scholastic centers.
Westhues, Kenneth2008 0-7734-4922-1 108 pagesExamines two cases of academic mobbing, with an introduction explaining the background, context, and significance of the incidents.
Gayle-Evans, Guda2004 0-7734-6474-3 204 pagesToday’s schools are very diverse. As a result, many teachers and parents are faced with the challenge of helping children understand and accept differences. Multicultural literature provides an ideal way to expose children to how much we are alike even if we are different.
This annotated list of over three hundred multicultural children’s books is a comprehensive list of books from diverse cultures. Children from different cultures as well as children for whom English is not their first language will see themselves represented in authentic ways. Children from mainstream America will also have the opportunity to learn about different cultures.
While there is a plethora of multicultural literature for children, there is an absence of tools to connect the literature to activities. In this book there are several activities which are connected to and support the stories discussed. These activities, along with the "A Suggestion to Broaden Cultural Awareness” section, allow adults and children to view literature and cultural diversity from different perspectives. Children considered different will feel validated as they begin to learn that being different is not a deficit.
Early childhood and elementary teachers will find this annotated list of books a good resource for connecting children to books. The variety of books will also help children to understand and appreciate the positive aspects of diversity.
Harvey, Delores S.2008 0-7734-4975-2 404 pagesExplicates a functional approach to employing theories of learning in the
Johnson, Theresa M.2024 1-4955-1198-7 208 pages"This book is a collection of essays from conferences centering on the challenges of teaching and assessing compositions of ESL/EFL or second language (L2) students. The contributing authors have developed practices within their pedagogies that have worked in language institutes and university classrooms. ...The chapters in this collection include tried-and-true, research-based assessments, ranging from multimodal midterms to daily formative to ungraded assessments. Moreover, the essays explore the use of digital tools to encourage collaboration and creativity in multilingual classrooms." (From the Editors' Introduction)
Roig-Vila, Rosabel2003 0-7734-6780-7 372 pagesThis study examines the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, especially in the field of Spanish linguistics. It discusses the need to carry out innovative training and didactic strategies in order to prepare teachers and students to use the internet and ICT resources.
Birnbaum, Barry W.2020 1-4955-0805-6 244 pagesThis book focuses on the assessment process for students with disabilities. Different categories of exceptionality are included as well as a discussion on Differentiated Instruction and Universal Design for Learning. These techniques are applied to a wide range of students, between birth and twenty-one who have been diagnosed with a disability. This book is based in current research and is appropriate reading for teachers, parents and other professionals in the field.
O'Donoghue, Tom2006 0-7734-5636-8 216 pagesIn recent years, there has been a great interest worldwide in the development of bilingual education policies, as well as interest in associated research and innovations reported in the academic literature. Yet, bilingual education is not a recent phenomenon. Rather, it has a rich and diverse history. This book is offered as a contribution to a small but growing corpus of studies in the field. It is an historical account of the Bilingual Program of Instruction introduced in selected primary schools in Irish-speaking districts in Ireland between 1904 and 1922. The general historical context is outlined, and the nature of the Program, the extent to which it was disseminated, and the inadequacies of teacher training for its implementation are considered. Teacher development of bilingual methods is also examined. This is followed by an exposition on the broad pattern of responses to the Bilingual Program in the various Irish-speaking districts around the country, and an overview of developments leading up to the phasing out of the Program shortly after the establishment of the Irish free state in 1922. The book concludes with an overview of the major milestones in language education policy in Ireland in the post-independence years.
Phillips, Francis R.1990 0-88946-796-X 304 pagesDuring a past century when educators in England and Wales spoke of the problem in education, it was understood to be that of Church vs. State for control. This book is the fascinating story of the final decade of that struggle, 1949-1959.
Tice, Terrence N.1990 0-88946-359-X 165 pagesGives Schleiermacher's own distinctive theory of theological study as he presented it at the University of Berlin in 1811.
Henry, Sally2008 0-7734-5196-X 284 pagesThe study examines and explains the phenomenon of bullying in the context in which it occurs and the various agents involved. The author provides a detailed examination of the emotional lives of both bullies and their victims. This, in turn, offers readers insight into the emotional impairments that underlie violent behavior and the strategies that young people develop in order to cope.
Quek, Guan Cheng2009 0-7734-4674-5 400 pagesThis book examines the construction and practice of creativity policy in Singaporean education, and contributes to the existing body of knowledge on creativity policy.
Martinez-Pons, Manuel2014 0-7734-3531-X 304 pages This reader friendly discussion of causality is a comprehensive analysis of the five conditions necessary for a causal effect to exist. Historical precursors of the standpoint are reviewed, and structural equations modeling (SEM) is used with large-scale data to illustrate the process associated with the test for these conditions.
Corr, Helen2009 0-7734-4913-2 304 pagesHistorically, education in Scotland lies at the heart of national pride and has been widely acclaimed as a more democratic and meritocratic system in terms of wider access to schools and universities when compared with England. One of the main paradoxes which this book unpacks is the that under the Scottish public co-education structure, schoolmasters did overall benefit more favorably within this distinctive tradition whereas the treatment of women teachers as an occupational group in relative terms was more ideologically undemocratic and patriarchal in relation to their female counterparts under the English system. This book sets out on a historical journey and embarks on the reconstruction of policy formation on gender and occupational segregation in the elementary (now called primary) school teaching and it shows that there was nothing ‘natural’ about that process.
Ng, Peter Tze Ming2002 0-7734-7051-4 256 pagesThis volume features two scholars from China and two from Hong Kong. They represent an international outlook on the set of problems they address. The contribution of this work is to highlight a few significant aspects of Christian higher education in China during the Republican Period (1912-1949, especially the fading of religious and theological education, and the paradoxical growth at some of these foreign-established institutions of high quality academic programs in Chinese studies.
Williams, Lawrence H.2002 0-7734-6907-9 152 pagesThis work examines the little-known story of this father and son whose work in religion and education spanned a period of more than a hundred years. A former slave, Charles H. Parrish, Sr. graduated in 1886 from State University in Louisville (later Simmons College). The school was owned and operated by black Kentucky Baptists, the only school of black higher education in the state until 1930. Parrish, Sr. served as president from 1918 to 1931. As a founding member of the National Baptist Convention, he also served as chairman of the foreign mission board and editor of the publishing board. During a period of rank segregation, he was an officer of the Baptists World Alliance, a racially integrated worldwide organization.
Parrish, Jr. was a leader in black higher education during several transitional periods. He was a part of the transition from missionary schools to public black schools, and from public supported black schools to integrated ones. He was the first black professor to teach at a public supported university in the South, teaching at the University of Louisville.
Xia, Bin2024 1-4955-1240-1 304 pagesThis is a 8 x 10, softcover book. "China's international cultural exchange is significant because it allows the country to project its soft power, build up diplomatic relations, connect with people from other countries, promote tourism and economic benefits, facilitate education and academic collaboration, foster cross-cultural learning, preserve its own cultural heritage, enhance bilateral relations, and assert its global leadership. For China's international cultural exchange, it is a multifaceted tool for diplomacy and global engagement." Dr. Bin Xia
Gao, Bao Qiang2011 0-7734-3658-9 308 pagesThis book examines the significance of China’s open-door policy to comparative education and its effect on Chinese educators. It considers traditional forms of the Chinese teacher-student relationship and how differences in pedagogical theory in China and the West influence this relationship.
Hashway, Robert M.1992 0-7734-9930-X 132 pagesTraces the process of maturing individuals' evolution from serial learners to multimodality assimilators of information, constructs and concepts. The book stresses the need for all social scientists to be aware of the research concerning cognitive style. Underscores the need to focus curriculum as well as instruction on the learning process, not teaching techniques.
Whitehead, Geoffrey2003 0-7734-6750-5 196 pagesThis study begins with a brief history of the tuba, focusing on its development from its instrumental precursors, as well as the development of solo and ensemble literature for the tuba. The second chapter contains an in-depth study of pedagogical techniques and materials required for the implementation of a college level tuba program. It contains essential technical information such as tone production articulation concepts, etc., as well as essential administrative information such as grading procedures, equipment choices, etc. The final section contains annotated tuba literature lists, divided into solo, orchestral, band, and etude works, and a listing of solo tuba recordings.
Witt, Robert W.1992 0-7734-9893-1 340 pagesThis is a textbook specifically designed to make students aware that various rhetorical modes can and should be combined to produce the most effective results. All the selections in the text combine various strategies while clearly demonstrating one above the others and thus serve as excellent models. The last section includes selections chosen expressly for the purpose of demonstrating combined modes. Headings include "Description/Characterization"; "Narration'; "Process"; "Comparison/Contrast/Analogy"; "Division/Classification"; "Definition"; "Analysis"; "Argument". Essayists range from Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Richard Wright, James Agee to Mary McCarthy, Tom Wolfe, William Golding, and Woody Allen.
Ragoonaden, Karen2010 0-7734-3773-9 300 pagesStudies the benefits and the disadvantages of on-line collaborative learning in Distance Education courses. In order to verify how interaction and collaboration work between students in distance education courses, the author makes the distinction between collaboration and cooperation and discusses how interactions between learners occur in a virtual environment.
Means, Tom2011 0-7734-3942-0 284 pagesThis study provides new evidence in favor of TBI methodologies in the acquisition and development of fluency in second language learners of Italian.
Hinton, Samuel2006 0-7734-5814-X 168 pagesThis book significantly contributes to the literature in international education by offering unique perspectives on specific issues of the discipline, particularly in the areas of civic education, democratization of the curriculum, and the internationalization of multicultural education. Specific post-modernist issues in international education are analyzed in a style that is free from oblique jargon. The multidisciplinary nature of international education invites contributions to the literature from scholars in different disciplines. Selected topics in international education are discussed under the theme “Problems in International Education.”
Xu, Di1992 0-7734-9799-4 168 pagesThis study compares the educational ideas and implementations of Dewey and Mao from 1919 to 1981 in the context of Chinese modern history. The differences between them, on whether school is society or society is school, whether class character should be embodied in moral education, and whether intellectuals are leaders or mere followers in social transformation, highlight the most fundamental debates in education, still unsettled today. Their similarities in emphasizing the connection between school and society, the role of experience in learning, and of morality in schooling illuminate the essential issues in modern education. The interweaving of their differences and similarities offers us intriguing and provocative insights for education today and tomorrow.
Dallaire, Michael2001 0-7734-7550-8 196 pagesThis book proposes a method for educating for spirituality in our contemporary North American culture. The method is grounded on the traditional Ignatian method of contemplation-in-action, reconstructed to foster political spirituality suitable for our global age. The book brings the concerns of social and political action directly into the discussion of spirituality. As a work in philosophy of education it will be of particular interest to professional educators, as well as to students of religion, social work, international development, and social ethics.
O'Hagan, Francis J.2006 0-7734-5932-4 336 pagesThis study describes, explains, analyzes and assesses the contribution of five teaching religious orders to the development of Catholic education in Glasgow from 1847, when, with the arrival of the Franciscan Sisters, Catholic religious life returned to Glasgow for the first time since the Reformation until 1918 and the passing of the landmark Education (Scotland) Act. It concentrates on the influence and achievements of the religious orders in their role as teachers and managers of a number of primary, secondary, and night schools in Glasgow as well as the contribution of the Sisters of Notre Dame in their particular role as educators of Catholic teachers in Glasgow. In 1918 Catholics in Scotland reversed the decision they took in 1872 to remain outside the national system of education. From 1918 religious education according to ‘use and wont’ was to be allowed within well-defined limits, but would not be fostered by the civil authority, and provision was made for a revision of the teacher-training system.
McDougall, Roseanne2008 0-7734-5187-0 288 pagesThe study demonstrates the processes through which Cornelia Connelly arrived at her educational synthesis and portrays an historical account of her work in education. It traces the development of Connelly’s work in girls’ education and provides an educational-historical framework within which to situate her contribution. This book contains four black and white photographs.
Phillips, Francis R.1992 0-7734-9528-2 212 pagesThis book is a re-creation of the two magnificent parliamentary dramas that forged the educational future for the populace of England and Wales. In 1870 and 1902 Education Bills were before the British Parliament designed to create a unique system of education. They provoked deputations and letters of protest, mass rallies and heated exchanges. Surviving clauses affected more people more profoundly than almost any comparable legislation in the history of the nation. Controversial clauses precipitated two battles in the House of Commons, and drew contributions from politicians including Gladstone, Forster, Russell, Lowe, Shaftesbury, Norfolk, Chamberlain, Balfour, Campbell-Bannerman, Asquith, Lloyd-George, Rosebery, Churchill, and more.
Kayyali, Mustafa2024 1-4955-1297-5 206 pagesTable of Contents
Chapter 1: Understanding the Higher Education Landscape
Chapter 2: The Evolving Nature of Crises in Higher Education
Chapter 3: The Stakeholder Ecosystem
Chapter 4: Crisis Preparedness: Proactive Strategies
Chapter 5: Crisis Response and Recovery
Chapter 6: Data, Technology, and Innovation in Crisis Management
Chapter 7: Case Studies in Crisis Management in Higher Education
Chapter 8: Reputation Management in Higher Education
Chapter 9: Leadership and Crisis Management
Chapter 10: Building a Culture of Resilience
Chapter 11: The Future of Crisis Management in Higher Education
About the Author
Durst, Maribeth1992 0-7734-9634-3 136 pagesA descriptive analysis of the results of a multi-method research study which utilized both qualitative and quantitative techniques to study the student culture at Saint Leo College. Describes the college student culture in detail: its mores and customs, its beliefs, values, and attitudes, its pattern of daily life, its developmental phases, and the interpersonal relationships among members of the culture. Although the methodology used in the study is common among anthropological researchers, it has rarely been used to study college students. Those taking or teaching anthropology or sociology can benefit from the description of methodology employed in the study. Also, the campus-specific data can be used to examine college policies and practices.
Ni, Ting2002 0-7734-7193-6 416 pagesIn addition to exploring the experience of these Chinese students, this study examines the social, cultural, economic and political history of the two countries. Due to the Americanization of China’s higher education before the Sino-Japanese War in 1937, the students were well-prepared for studying in the United States. But the unexpected founding of Communist China and the development of the Cold War prevented some from returning. When they did return, some suffered during the political campaigns in China, and a few became members of a CCP-controlled elite.
“. . . a fine effort supported well by a wide variety of sources. . . . the United States and China have had for generations a deep and personal connection with each other. Countless thousands of students from each country have studied in the other and this continues through today. There is a record there that needs to be understood and Ting Ni’s work helps us to understand that record. . . . a particularly important contribution to the history of Sino-American activities and a contribution that will be sorely needed as we move into the coming decades when not only contemporary Sino-American relations but the history of Sino-American relations will become important tools for those attempting to guide our two nations toward a cooperative and successful future.” – Steven Leibo
Woodfield, Ian2008 0-7734-4786-5 180 pagesExamines the political context of recent educational policies and the replacement of tracing a broadly social democratic consensus view on the purpose of state education with the radical market-led neo-liberal policies of successive Conservative and New Labour governments.
The study establishes a phenomenological methodology for exploring the world view of senior professionals engaged in the process of managing a specialist secondary school in England.
Sherrod, Elgie Gaynell2018 0-7734-3539-1 392 pagesThis book, originally written as a doctoral dissertation at Temple University, describes the theory and pedagogy of the major Black dance artists of the 1930’s and 1940’s. The most important of these was Katherine Dunham whose thought influenced a large number of 20th century anthropologists and sociologists.
Dr. Sherrod’s book is important not merely because it recovers the artistic and cultural contributions of dozens of major Black dancers, but also because it documents their enormous social and political
influence on mid-century American society.
Cheney, Anne1995 0-7734-2757-0 120 pagesCulmination of three years work of a course taught at Virginia Tech, The Literature of Rock and Roll, to students who each wrote a poem concerning their experiences with rock and/or Popular Culture
Gascoigne, Carolyn2002 0-7734-7194-4 100 pagesThis study provides an historical review of grammar’s treatment in the second language classroom followed by a series of studies examining the effects of schema theory on grammar acquisition. It provides both theoretical and practical contributions to the fields of language acquisition and applied linguistics.
Itzkoff, Seymour2022 1-4955-1024-7 372 pages(Softcover Book) This book is a reprint of the author's A New Public Education.
From the author: "This book is about educational reform. It is not primarily concerned with the particular improvement that can take place in an individual classroom or school. More basically, it is a study of the interaction of the institutions of formal education with our evolving sense of community life and social structure. It constitutes an interpretation of the changing character and direction of American society and education. It also purports to explore the meaning of our present circumstances and the most probable and rational directions for future development."
Duhon-Sells, Rose M.2007 0-7734-5426-8 216 pagesIn the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, a group of Southern University at New Orleans administrators, faculty and staff provided counseling for the children at Sophie B. Wright Middle School. Many of these children and their families could not evacuate for the hurricane and endured the horror at the Superdome and the local, state and national neglect. This book tells their stories. Gathering together leading experts to examine the lessons that Hurricane Katrina teaches us about better assessing, perceiving, and managing risks as well as dealing with the aftermath of a natural disaster, this book provides insight into the effects of such disasters on the daily lives of the individuals who live through them.
Williams, Lesley Margaret2017 1-4955-0546-4 512 pagesStudy highlights the development of academic excellence from the perspective of high achieving school graduates, their parents and teachers.
Daly, Mary Catherine2004 0-7734-6166-3 356 pagesThe critical importance of the early years is now recognized and it is widely acknowledged that early learning and experience remain crucial to all later development. A limited amount of publications are beginning to address the emotional and social domain. However, there are few if any publications which address the important areas of moral and spiritual growth. This book addresses the emotional, social, moral and spiritual progress of the young child. One of the vital aspects of this book is its proposal to optimize the progress of these areas within the context of the whole child. Its use of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as its structural base to outline the needs of children provides a very useful framework for the reader to fully comprehend just what is involved. Though written by an Irish author the book tackles developmental areas and indeed philosophical questions which are important all over the world. The book shows that at present we are not doing the best for our children and the negative repercussions of this are being felt in homes, schools, communities and in societies worldwide. The author suggests that the best possible opportunities and experiences must be provided for children in those vital early years so that children have happy and fulfilling experiences. The book puts the onus on the reader to start making changes immediately. If we ignore this book’s contents we do so at our peril. Thus this book makes a very valuable contribution to scholarship and one that can not be ignored.
Willis, Richard2012 0-7734-2659-0 260 pagesThis book outlines the emergence of teacher standards in England which were enacted to raise the quality of primary and secondary education. The College of Teachers in London is a prestigious institution known for pedagogy and training teachers. Willis shows how the college developed into a leading force in the field by giving out diplomas in the mid-19th century. This was something no other teachers colleges were doing at that time. It ushered in a new era in education of raised standards. The quality of schooling throughout the country was elevated by this policy, which other colleges eventually adopted, but only after a long fight with the state to make certifications mandatory throughout the country.
Lynch, Audrey L.2010 0-7734-3745-6 620 pagesThis book is the first study on the respected Steinbeck scholar Roy Simmonds. It
examines the rise of an unknown, unlettered boy to a giant in Steinbeck studies. Lynch gives an overview of Simmonds life interspersed with tributes from some of the most well-known scholars in the field.
Bellas-Papageorge, Gale2006 0-7734-5728-3 160 pagesThis study addresses the influx of ethnic texts into the literary canon and provides a theoretical / pedagogical strategy for reading and teaching ethnic American texts based on the theoretical works of M.M. Bakhtin, particularly dialogism and literary polyphony. Because students are often rooted safely in their own cultures, they often do not have an opportunity to engage, experience, or appreciate texts of other cultures. As a result of this inexperience, students exhibit a resistance or inability to engage in meaningful dialogue with these texts, and the result is that these texts are often read through the ethnocentric assumptions (linguistic and otherwise) of the reader’s own culture rather than the cultural context(s) to which the text belongs. This study demonstrates reading strategies designed to help readers acknowledge the polyphony in American ethnic minority texts and recognize how the characters’ and narrators’ representations of self and the self’s relationship to its environment reside in this polyphony. The first part of the book explains the major principles behind dialogism, provides a definition of terms and demonstrates an application of these principles to specific ethnic American texts taught in an introductory literature course. Each chapter in this section includes a comparative, recursive analysis of works discussed in previous chapters to foreground the differences and similarities in their representations of multivocality. The last section provides a pedagogical application of these principles to a required diversity literature course at the university level.
Girtz, Suzann2013 0-7734-4532-3 252 pagesThis conceptual and practical blue-print was designed for formal and informal leaders in the secondary education system to help transform the secondary schoolhouse into a true culture for learning. The book shares the stories of educators who have approached the transforming of systems and structures to support teaching and learning and the lessons learned. The reader will be encouraged that real educational reform is possible.
Seenarine, Moses2004 0-7734-6407-7 304 pagesThis book explores the problems of how caste and gender issues are related to the education and empowerment of rural Dalit women in India. The key focus is on the presentation of Dalit female voices regarding their educational experiences. Specifically, this study explores the nature and role of education and its relationship to empowerment among thirty-three poor, rural Dalit women and girls who volunteered to become involved with an explicit women’s empowerment project, the Mahila Samakhya program in Karnataka (MSK) during the years 1994 to 1995. This book will be of interest to practitioners in the fields of development: sociology, cultural studies and education; caste, gender, post-modern and subaltern academics and students, the general public and policy makers in India; Dalits and Dalit women in particular.
Ellington, Lucien1992 0-7734-9609-2 252 pagesThis study describes and analyzes the varieties of educational experiences of Japanese from infancy through old age. It also compares these experiences with those of Americans. It is an integration of the major findings of American and Japanese scholars of education, the author's own research, and the reactions of American scholars. Each chapter contains both general information and illustrative case studies. Unlike other studies of the Japanese education system, it examines not only the formal education systems but also the roles of the family, the adult kendo or English conversation club, workplace on-the-job training, and senior citizens organizations, providing a unique and realistic perspective on the subject.
Rogal, Samuel J.1993 0-7734-9232-1 432 pagesManuscript serves as a useful and convenient catalogue of major and minor prose writers, poets, and dramatists of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, arranged (with the dates of their births and deaths) under the schools that they attended -- public grammar school, village school, national school, college, and/or university. In addition, the volume includes a category for those writers who never attended educational institutions, but received their learning at home, by private tutors, parents, or through their own devices.
Petschauer, Peter1989 0-88946-347-6 612 pagesA synthesis and analysis of systematic educational opportunities available to women from the 16th century to the 18th century, concluding with a hypothesis on the way women learned to perceive themselves.
Itzkoff, Seymour2022 1-4955-1025-5 204 pages(Softcover Book) This book is a reprint of the author's Cultural Pluralism and American Education.
From the author: "[This] is an essay in the social and philosophical foundations of education. It reflects a concern for the changing character of our society and the manner in which formal education has become enmeshed in its institutional patterns. "
Rogal, Samuel J.1994 0-7734-9095-7 113 pagesMary Emilie Holmes's contributions to American education are examined, beginning with her own accomplishments, particularly with her identification as the first woman to have earned the doctorate in the earth sciences. The study then follows her scholarly efforts in geology and the pedagogy of earth sciences, her attempts to educate freed Blacks in Tennessee and Arkansas, the founding of a two-year seminary (now a coeducational junior college) for Black women in Mississippi, and the educational and social work on behalf of the Presbyterian Church. Reconstructed from Holmes's publications, church record books, minutes of meetings of church organizations, newspaper accounts, and secondary sources, the story of Holmes's life also provides insight into a specific type of late 19th-century American woman -- scholar, teacher, administrator who refused to float aimlessly amid the clouds of unattempted dreams.
Zelenka, Marc H.2008 0-7734-5184-6 196 pagesThis study elucidates the educational thought of Abraham Flexner, investigating the application and efficacy of his thought in the development of medical education, and determining his contemporary relevance. The author, in the spirit of the 1910 Flexner Report, seeks to yield information central to both curriculum and ethical definition in medicine.
Sika, Nadine Mourad2010 0-7734-3708-8 332 pagesThis study analyzes the degree to which the authoritarian political system in Egypt is able implement a democratic educational system at the primary education level, which can work as a catalyst in a multifaceted democratization process.
Curran, Thomas D.2005 0-7734-5952-9 516 pagesThis study examines the history of modern education in Republican China and analyzes its interaction with China’s traditional educational heritage. In the first decade of the 20th century, the Chinese government introduced a new, national system of education, hoping that doing so would produce for China the human resources it needed to save itself from foreign encroachment. The new structure, however, was designed in accordance to foreign models that were hardly suited to conditions in China, and it had to compete with a strong indigenous educational tradition that was intimately associated with important features of Chinese social structure.
Ultimately, when evaluated in the reformers’ own hopes and expectations the new schools were a failure. Often referred to as the “foreign eight-legged essay,” they contributed to the destruction of a system of schooling that had helped to integrate traditional Chinese society by providing, at minimum, an avenue for upward mobility that most people considered fair and an introduction to an intellectual and literary heritage that all Chinese could claim as their own. Meanwhile, they introduced both a new set of values that many people considered alien, and a new set of neither institutions that produced the skilled manpower that the reformers sought nor the channel for upward mobility that elite aspirants wanted. By reforming the schools, instead of saving China, the reformers contributed to the disintegration for which the Republican Period is aptly remembered.
Young, Sharon K.2014 0-7734-4260-X 136 pages The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine the extent to which implementation of the Scientific Research Associates Reading Program (SRA) with students attending grades 4 through 6 with reading disabilities improves the scores of this student population on the Standardized Test for the Assessment of Reading (STAR). The research questions were formulated with a focus on on the manner in which implementation of the SRA program as supplemental intervention compares with traditional reading programs void of such intervention.
Linton, Leslie2015 1-4955-0321-6 360 pagesThis work offers a potential paradigm shift in primary music education. The children in this study emerge not as passive recipients of an adult selected childhood musical culture but as active agents, producing, constructing and reproducing their own unique childhood musical cultures alongside their teacher/facilitator. This view places the child in an active role in the creation and reproduction of their childhood. There are no studies we know of that investigate this mode of music learning from this particular sociological perspective.
Swanger, David1991 0-7734-9900-8 168 pagesConceived in the tradition of expansive discourse on the arts, this collection speaks to the situation of the arts in Western, and specifically, American, culture. The book's main purpose is to explain and, in part, remedy the anomalous position of the arts in our culture and consequently, in our educational system. Examines the relationship between art and ideology, epistemology, and education; wrestles with the problem of morality and art, and discusses new ways to approach the arts in education. Incorporates close readings of Plato, Coleridge, Dewey, and Read on the arts.
Williams, Melvin D.2002 0-7734-7123-5 280 pages Tsayang, Gabatshwane Taka1998 0-7734-8281-4 264 pagesThis book is the result is the result of a research project on the evaluation of Community Junior Secondary School Partnership Policy in Botswana. The methodology employed was mainly qualitative, notably field work, participant observation and in-depth interviews. Since research in this area is dominated by quantitative approaches, this volume makes an important addition to scholarship.
Douglas, Darrell R.2001 0-7734-7419-6 232 pagesThis text is designed to instruct students and keyboard performers how to realize figured bass. No other book is anything like it. It contains 114 musical examples, at least one-half of which are intended for players with very little keyboard background. The music represents highly playable examples of the greatest composers of the Baroque period. Bach and Handel are represented by some of their very best works. One of the greatest values of this collection is that the student can find an organized series of keyboard figured bass examples that he/she would have to search for months to collect.
Schwerin, Alan K.1993 0-7734-1933-0 220 pagesA new and accessible anthology designed to introduce students to some of the central issues of philosophy, including the nature of philosophy, perception and knowledge of the external world, as well as the relationship between mind and body.
Chishty-Mujahid, Nadya Q.2014 0-7734-4348-7 152 pagesThe text focuses on six major themes often found in canonical English poetry. These include religion, nature, classics, romance, individual struggle, and politics. Using representative works of famous poets including, but not limited to, Milton, Donne, Shakespeare, Keats, Kipling and the Rossetti siblings, the book links poems on diverse and varied topics (such as the Virgin Mary, colonial India, and Tudor history) in order to illustrate the richness and complexity of the literary canon.
An impressive and compelling contribution to the study of poetry that will enchant students of literature and casual readers for years to come. Instead of using chronological division of works the author arranges the poems according to central themes in literature. The text’s main aim is to make challenging poems more approachable and accessible to young undergraduates.
Birnbaum, Barry W.2006 0-7734-5792-5 124 pagesThis work focuses on the foundations of special education and details the history of the field. The work describes how special education became law and how it has impacted education in today’s academic world. It describes the placement of students, the rights of parents, the writing of the Individual Education Plan (IEP) and the process of learning and how it takes place. This work also describes in detail the laws that govern special education and how these laws impact teachers, parents, administrators, and students who receive services. The book describes the types of services available to students with special needs.
This book describes in detail the laws that regulate special education and how these laws came to be. It provides the reader with an understanding of the influence parents had in the development of these laws and it gives a careful review of what these laws mean to today’s educational leader. This book would be an important starting point for anyone who is unfamiliar with the governance of special education and the implications for running a school.
This work describes and defines educational leadership as it relates to special education. It discusses the characteristics of good leaders in the field while enumerating on school quality. It provides an overview of how special education is governed and how different constituencies are responsible for ensuring that federal law is followed. From the school principal to the director of special education, this book includes the steps that are necessary for quality leadership in the field.
Additionally, the book traces some historical aspects of leadership and relates these aspects to modern educational thought. The theory of effective leadership is covered as are current trends and characteristics that make effective leaders. It also discusses those characteristics that make for effective leadership in special education. The work includes a discussion of how modern educational leaders can be successful when working with a diverse population of students.
Ayiro, Laban2012 0-7734-2901-8 604 pagesAn informative text on educational research and statistics, this book tries to utilize outcomes of research for the benefit of humanity. Examines how research is conducted across the major traditions of educational research (quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods). It is designed for graduate students who want to pursue statistics, and it will help them to write their thesis. The book fulfills a need for a systematic account of research concepts and the use of statistics for advanced students.
Mayer, Martin P.1993 0-7734-2236-6 196 pagesThis empirical study describes the relationship between discrimination against gay teachers, the way teachers manage their identity, and their self-esteem, including acceptance of self and acceptance of others. It describes the need for this research in its historical context, reviews the related literature, presents the methodology and findings, and recommendations for future research. It documents the lack of substantive differences in personality characteristics, and offers useful data that can foster insight and knowledge too often missing in emotionally-charged debates about gays in the professions.
Sack, Robert David2010 0-7734-1315-4 560 pagesThis study proposes that geographic theory can provide an explanation of how self-reflective consciousness is the basis of the relationship among self, society, and nature. It then applies this principles to how the social is constituted.
Penzel, Klaus2004 0-7734-6428-X 212 pagesThe focus of this study is Philip Schaff (1819-1893), whose life spans two continents. Born in Switzerland and educated at German universities, as an immigrant scholar he had a distinguished American career as church historian, biblical scholar, apologist of Christianity, and fervent advocate of the reunion of the Christian churches.
This book offers for the first time a scholarly exploration of Philip Schaff’s German years of education, for, as the book demonstrates, only a thorough understanding of Schaff’s formative years will enable us to do full justice to his distinguished American career. His German education largely shaped his American career.
With its broad compass and with its focus on outstanding personalities and theological positions in nineteenth-century German Protestantism, this study therefore contributes to the ongoing scholarly discussion both of a significant figure in nineteenth century American Christianity and of German Protestantism in the nineteenth century’s first half, as it contributes to the important field of immigration studies. An extensive bibliography of relevant German literature is another contribution to scholarship by this book.
Wertsch, Douglas1997 0-7734-8669-0 168 pagesWhen the Girls Reform School of Iowa opened, it became the first school of its kind (state funded and operated) west of the Mississippi River, and only the second such school in North America. This volume deals with the first years of the school's existence, using primary sources such as school records and journals.
Mushi, Selina Lesiaki Prosper2015 1-4955-0357-7 396 pagesThis book analyzes the quality, challenges and prospects of 21st Century education worldwide. It is aimed at encouraging educators around the world to take a closer look at the current situation of global education with regard to where we are headed as a human global family.
Lei, Christine2011 0-7734-3861-0 268 pagesThis study revises the existing body of historical research by examining the critical role of the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s (IBVM) in the process of establishing convent schooling in Hamilton, Canada West, in 1865. Without the diligent work of women, and in particular that of the Loretto Sisters, the history of higher education of Hamilton girls in the late-nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries would have been markedly different. This work adds to our understanding of nineteenth and twentieth-century education by examining the experiences of those students and teachers who participated in the day-to-day life of Loretto Hamilton.
Fonkeng, George Epah2007 0-7734-5422-4 344 pagesThis book focuses on the process of and the underlying motivation/philosophy for the provision of schools and the expansion of education in Cameroon. It offers an examination of the role of missionary agencies, successive colonial and national governments and private agencies (confessional and lay) in the establishment of schools within the context of social, economic, cultural and political obligations. Cameroon, like many African nations, can trace the origin of its formal education to evangelization and imperialism, both of which have greatly influenced the development, structure and content of its educational system. This book traces the evolution, expansion and changing provisions of this system through the various stages of the country’s history, addressing policy issues, national developmental perspectives, and international constraints.
Williams, Donovan2001 0-7734-7398-X 656 pagesIn 1916, under missionary auspices, the South African Native College was established, the first college instituted for higher education of the Blacks in Southern Africa. In 1951 it was affiliated with Rhodes University and renamed The University College of Fort Hare. By that time it had acquired an enviable reputation. Among its graduates are many who today hold high office in and outside South Africa, Nelson Mandela being the most distinguished. In 1948, the Afrikaner Nationalist Government was elected. It was committed to the implementation of apartheid, including the creation of separate educational facilities, and in 1960 the University College of Fort Hare was taken over by that Government, as a college for Xhosa students only. It became one of four ethnic colleges, while admission to the White “open” universities was severely curtailed. This book examines how staff and students opposed the legislation to place the college under government control and reduce its staff to civil servants. The affairs of the college are discussed against the background of rapidly changing conditions in South Africa, with campus disturbances and protests sometimes linked to the wider application of apartheid.
White, Robert E.2010 0-7734-3895-5 464 pagesThis work examines the nature of corporate involvement in schooling. It analyzes the extent and effects of corporate involvement in schooling and identifies processes by which businesses and educational transactions occur.
Craig, Anita P.2007 0-7734-5714-3 180 pagesThis book, written to help teachers, is a psychology of knowledge and the learning process in children aged between 4 to 18 years. It deals with problems in the classroom such as: differences in the degree of social preparedness; different assumptions about work, space and time; and variations in intellectual learning levels. The book's goal is to help teachers identify, analyze, test and teach with these issues in mind.
Hill, S. Laurie2010 0-7734-1318-9 440 pagesThis qualitative study provides a framework for planning institutional change and
considering present institutional practices by examining the challenges and rewards
experienced by first-year students in regard to adapting to the academic and social
culture of a large commuter university.
Gerbig, Andrea2006 0-7734-5627-9 304 pagesIn this timely collection, an international group of linguists, literary scholars and cultural historians addresses crucial issues facing educators in the field of English today. What is the value of the discipline? Which skills can we impart to students? How can we better use our field’s resources? For the authors and editors, interdisciplinarity helps to answer these questions, but only when approached self-critically and applied with methodological rigor. Joined by that shared concern, these essays – ranging from Shakespearean drama to South African fiction, from cultural materialism to stylistics – run the gamut of academic discourses and methodologies, offering practical suggestions for a process of rejuvenating English Studies.
Salm, Twyla Lynn2009 0-7734-4798-9 296 pagesThis study was designed to explore the meaning of interprofessional collaboration for human service providers from five sectors including teachers and administrators who work across sectors with families and schools. Lawson’s (2003) taxonomy provided a framework to interpret how participants understood their experiences. Three levels of participants emerged: frontline workers, middle managers and policy makers.
Four challenges are presented that outline ways interprofessional partnerships might further oppress marginalized communities. The complementary nature of anti-oppressive thinking and interprofessional partnerships emerges suggesting that informed and shaped by critical theory and anti-oppressive thinking, interprofessional partnersips in a SchoolPLUS
Context has the potential to become a powerful force for transformative change.
Etim, James S.2008 0-7734-5279-6 248 pagesThis study examines and offers examples of the implementation of interdisciplinary teaching and the integration of curriculum. Such integrated approaches promise a more relevant curriculum and more meaningful learning. This book is concerned with early secondary education and proposes that literature can serve as the center for such curriculum integration.
Reid, Lydia2017 1-4955-0596-0 352 pagesThis study aims to explore how Christian, Jewish and Muslim students navigate the terrain of the secular university whether such an environment is challenging or conducive to their faith in terms of degree content, interactions with peers and involvement with relevant societies and /or chaplaincies.
Sugarman, Sally2016 1-4955-0490-5 272 pagesExamines children’s books about Shakespeare, his time and his characters in the light of changing ideas about childhood as well as changes in the experiences of the children who read the various versions of Shakespeare available to them in adaptations, fiction and non-fiction.
Ramirez, Silvia2010 0-7734-3778-9 160 pagesThis book on organizational change and strategic schooling for English Language Learners, offers a model for students and teachers in an environment of changing student needs, and divided opinion on how best to educate our English Language Learners. Research shows that educating students who are not fluent in English is a continuing challenge in our schools.
Popp, Jerome A.2015 1-4955-0417-4 212 pagesThis book is an important piece of work to challenge the culture of bullying in schools and universities. It analyzes the presence of sociopathic individuals, their desire to bring psychological harm to others and an effective early warning system to alert those who will encounter this kind of destructive personality in the work place.
Popp, Jerome A.2015 1-4955-0379-8 40 pagesThis book examines bullying in academia. It focuses on the abuse of teachers above and beyond the normal interpersonal conflicts that occur in the workplace. It exposes those workplace individuals who operate with serious personality disorders and who orchestrate deliberate and pointed attacks against other teaching professionals targeting their victim for academic removal.
Smith, Mychelle Hadley2017 1-4955-0591-X 192 pagesThis work utilizes hermeneutics as a lens for understanding the role of profanity in two young adult novels:
The Catcher in the Rye and
The Chocolate War. Profanity usage in both novels is indicative of the realistic nature of the characters' lives and struggles.
Hermeneutics, used as a philosophical lens, allows for deeper understanding of textual language. If interpreted through educational and historical context with the aid of hermeneutics, profanity becomes a useful literary element within the text.
Youmans, Patricia2018 1-4955-0661-4 104 pagesDr. Youmans' work will offer new perspectives and techniques for teaching primary age children how to read. It focuses on the attitudes and approaches to reading and how they affect young pupils. The goal is to help instructors create a comprehensive guide with the most effective techniques in the field to create a better literacy curriculum.
Linn, Mott R.2016 1-4955-0412-3 328 pagesDemonstrates that there has developed in America a number of systems that make it difficult for people from middle and low-income families to move ahead socioeconomically. It recommends that when considering students for admission, colleges that are selective should use the likelihood of graduation as their standard for admission.
Fatemi, Sayyed Mohsen2009 0-7734-4758-X 140 pagesThis book examines language not as an instrument or a device to conduct daily transactions but as a mode of living and being. Each chapter addresses some of the major educational and pedagogical issues and deconstructs their implicitly embedded assumptions.
Godazgar, Hossein2008 0-7734-5231-1 292 pagesThis book attempts to make sociological sense of the implications of the Islamic Revolution in 1979 for education in Iran in terms of ideological influences. Adapting Max Weber’s interpretive approach, it focuses on changing patterns of shared meanings and social relations in schools in one area of North West Iran.
Hope, Wendy P.2005 0-7734-6250-3 392 pagesThis book is significant to the work of educators who work with diverse student populations. For many educators including administrators, principals, and teachers the greatest challenge is that of meeting the educational goals of society while responding to the needs of the growing numbers of diverse students within the classroom. As a result, the current emphasis on meeting the needs of all students in the multicultural inclusive classroom require the extension of the conversation beyond multiculturalism, multiple intelligences and learning styles to include the social and political realities that influence students' learning and success. This book offers educators who are increasingly faced with diverse, multi-cultural inclusive classrooms an opportunity to find a place to start the process of revisionary pedagogical practices that validate and affirm the experiences of their students.
To this end, teacher education programs provide a relevant context for revision and rethinking of both the content and processes of teaching to benefit all students in a diverse, multicultural, inclusive classroom, as possibilities are inherent to prepare and equip prospective teachers with the knowledge that will shape and develop their philosophy of teaching and learning to include reflective practices in addressing the needs of diverse learners. As a result, this book calls attention to the central role of culture on the work of teachers; the development of methods by which culture and ethnicity are made vital components of the classroom experience; an examination of the best practices of teachers who work with students from diverse backgrounds; an understanding of the social, linguistic and cultural backgrounds of the communities they serve; and exploration of the ways in which collaboration with the communities they serve can be fostered The inclusion of these focused areas in teacher preparation programs as well as ongoing professional development will engage teachers in reflective teaching, through an examination of their assumptions, perceptions, beliefs and instructional practices that influence the pedagogical decisions and practices they employ when working with diverse students.
Duhon, Gwendolyn M.2000 0-7734-7695-4 200 pages Meyer, Matthew John2009 0-7734-4756-3 276 pagesThis study demonstrates how theatre as representation is a successful teaching and learning tool for field educators in the area of educational administration. This book contains five black and white photographs.
Amaral, Claudio Silveira2012 0-7734-1573-4 132 pagesThis text is the first to examine Ruskin’s architecture as but one product, along with his political and philosophical views, of his internal logic. The text further examines the influence of that logic on Brazil’s industrialization efforts in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Burford, Edith Sue Kohner2004 0-7734-6314-3 137 pagesThe book investigates the reason(s) why so many students at a university in south central U.S. have had to retake First-Year Composition. Using research of teaching and learning styles, this study sought to discover if there was a mismatch of teaching and learning styles because of a cultural difference of faculty and students. This work is of immense value to those in the field of education.
Cantu, D. Antonio2001 0-7734-7486-2 192 pagesProvides greater understanding of the role of teacher beliefs in guiding or influencing classroom practice. It also provides researchers and educators with a framework for identifying those components that comprise a teacher’s belief system. It provides administrators, teacher educators and others engaged in classroom observation with an instrument for evaluating teacher practice in a more holistic manner than traditional methods. In addition this study provides a model for naturalistic inquiry which may be utilized with further teacher beliefs investigations, as well as other classroom based, ethnographic studies.
Bruno-Jofre, Rosa del C.1993 0-7734-9330-1 676 pagesThese essays examine a variety of themes: the public construction of the Common School; the building of pedagogical spaces for the working classes and ethnic minorities such as Mennonites and Ukrainians; the establishment of teacher education and teacher's organizations; and case studies of native education.
Chapman, Anne P.2002 0-7734-6967-2 220 pagesWith a view to contributing to understanding the nature and role of language in mathematics education, this book examines spoken language practices. The book demonstrates that learning mathematics is very much a matter of learning to speak ‘properly.’ There is a pervasive and continual requirement, often hidden in everyday classroom practices, to shift towards increasingly mathematical language. The outcomes of the research reported here affirm the value of viewing language and mathematics learning from a social semiotic perspective and help further our understandings about the construction of a social semiotic theory of classroom education, both in school mathematics and across the curriculum.
Jacobsen, Michele2006 0-7734-5525-6 296 pagesThis book, being a case study of the Galileo Network, a Canadian organization that exists to promote innovative teaching and learning practices among K-12 students and educators, contributes to current scholarship in such areas as continuous professional development, children’s learning with technology and educational reform. First, the study documents an innovative approach to continuous professional development that puts teachers in control of their own learning and leads to transformed practice as teachers develop innovative pedagogical approaches. Second, the study provides evidence that students in schools can participate in meaningful inquiry with the aid of technology and that teachers who are engaged in further learning themselves are better able to engage the hearts, minds and spirits of their pupils. Third, the study documents the work of the organization, which focuses on improving and increasing opportunities for children to inquire with technology by considering two problems: first, how to leverage the successful examples of children’s and teachers’ inquiry with technology throughout educational systems and communities and, second, how to build upon knowledge of the essential conditions for children’s meaningful learning with technology to guide larger and more widespread educational reform efforts, the conditions of such reform being defined and considered.
Ingulsrud, John E.1999 0-7734-7961-9 192 pagesThis book presents policies in language and education, and implementation in specific settings. It describes the historical background that lead to the development of these policies, and presents the institutional context of the schools where reading is taught. Based on a study conducted over four years, involving daily observation in two different elementary schools and one kindergarten in Nanjing, China, this study describes the literacy acquisition process for Chinese children today. This study is recommended for Chinese language teachers, English as a second language instructors, linguists, students of comparative education, and sociologists.
Bangura, Abdul1992 0-7734-9830-3 144 pagesDrawing from recent surveys and studies, this study posits that survey research approaches are quite limited for investigating the problem of minority student retention in higher education. Because survey research emphasizes standardized procedures, experimental control, quantitative measures and statistical analysis, the role of language has been ignored. This calls for alternative approaches embodying the view that interview is a form of discourse. The contrast between this view and mainstream survey interviewing is used to develop a framework for systematic exposition of the alternatives. One such approach is the focus-group method, a variation of the depth interview.
Odisho, Edward Y.2003 0-7734-6663-0 268 pagesThe book approaches the nature of the alphabet and its teaching as a universal concept as well as a language-specific one. With focus on the teaching of the English alphabet, the book calls for a departure from the traditional phonics approach simply because of its failure to objectively and accurately handle the alphabet as a linguistic system and an important tool of oracy and literacy. The alternative approach recommended here scrutinizes the nature of the alphabet and comes up with four different linguistic identities: phoneme, grapheme, nomeneme, and sequeme. Each is objectively reexamined and redefined so as to identify where and how each identity should be recognized and applied. This radical distinction implies the institution of different methodologies and strategies to teach them.
Case, Emerson D.2004 0-7734-6353-4 235 pagesWith the globalization of English and the exponential growth in the number of foreign students enrolled in American universities and intensive English programs, understanding the processes that foreign students go through as they make the transition from intensive English program to mainstream university classes becomes extremely important.
This study is the first one to use a holistic, ethnographic approach to see the transition process from the perspective of the students themselves, over an extended period of time, as the transition is in the process of occurring. It examines the experiences of six foreign students studying in an American university as they made the transition from an Intensive English Program (IEP) into mainstream classes at a medium-sized Midwestern university. Using ethnographic methodological means, the study provides a holistic examination of the transition process as that transition occurred over an extended period of time.
Schutte, Nicola S.1999 0-7734-7876-0 224 pagesPresents and reviews measures related to emotional intelligence. It includes scales developed by various psychologists, which assess emotional intelligence and important components such as self-monitoring, empathy, and openness to experience. The book provides instructions on administration and scoring of each scale, brief norms, reliability and validity information.
“At a time when the topic of emotional intelligence (EI) is gaining greater and greater relevance in the study of psychological well-being, this book presents a welcome addition to the literature in the field. . . . Due to the sheer comprehensiveness of the aspects of EI for which it reports on assessment methodology, this is an invaluable book for social scientists and students seeking information about assessment methodology for use for a n EI research project, or simply wanting learn what has been published to date in the field of EI. . . . It admirably fulfills a great need for an assessment resource in this rapidly growing field.” – Dr. Manuel Martinez-Pons
Kamppinen, Matti2012 0-7734-2606-X 132 pagesThis book elucidates the conceptual or theoretical issues in religious studies by means of utilizing the tools of philosophical analysis. The academic discipline of religious studies is rich in conceptual systems that derive from ethnography, history, psychology, sociology and media studies. In line with other fields of research in cultural studies, religious studies adopt various theoretical resources in eclectic ways, and by the same token, imports various numerous conceptual issues from these adjacent fields. In addition to the rich conceptual systems within religious studies, the discipline investigates conceptual systems, cultural meaning systems that postulate supernatural entities. Whether the study object is religious behaviour or religious belief, sacred texts or buildings, the ultimate research object is the conceptual system that is conveyed or expressed by the material data. Thus there are concepts and conceptual systems at both sides: at the side of religious studies, and at the side of religious culture (cultural knowledge, behaviour and artefacts). The investigation of conceptual issues in religious studies has therefore either theoretical (or philosophical) and empirical relevance.
This book provides a philosophy of religious studies that is anchored in the intentional systems theory, on one hand, and in scientific realism, on the other hand. It will be of interest to those working in religious or cultural studies and have an interest in the philosophy of science. The book will also provide interesting case studies for philosophers of science, especially those interested in humanities and social research.
MacNevin, Joanne2014 0-7734-4477-7 288 pagesThe challenges for educators in their work with refugee learners are numerous, yet the realistic and specific support needed to help them is often haphazard, if any exists at all. This book provides educators with an invaluable tool to help them improve the education and integration of refugee students into society.
Kirwen, Michael C.1986 0-88946-047-7 224 pagesA complete syllabus devised for TEFO (Theological Education and Formation Overseas), as taught in Tanzania from August 1981 through June 1983.
Edgell, Derek1998 0-7734-8262-8 532 pagesDescribes how the failure of racial integration led to new alternative demands for increased parental powers over schooling and ultimately for ‘community control’. The story of the school reform movement citywide and especially that which grew up on three officially-sanctioned demonstration districts in East Harlem, Ocean Hill-Brownsville, and the Lower East Side is told in detail. The clash between parent and community activists on the one hand and majority factions within the teaching and supervisory organizations on the other constitutes the bulk of this work. Matters relating to racial, class and gender configurations are assessed. Broad issues of white racism and black racism come under scrutiny, not least in the context of charges and counter-charges which surfaced at the height of the conflict about black anti-Semitism and Jewish anti-black behavior.
Ma, Xin1997 0-7734-2222-6 204 pagesResearchers have not been able to provide policy makers with reliable answers to their basic concerns: how serious is mathematics dropout in US high schools, and what can be done to stop or reduce it, in concern for the future of a society and work force whose main functions are based more and more on elaborate sophisticated mathematical models, elaborate accounting systems, and computerized data analysis. This study tackles those problems empirically and methodologically. It estimates the probability of students' dropping out, conditional on psychological and sociological variables over a six-year period (grades 7-12); identifies conditions that substantially affect the probability of dropout; traces the development of students' decisions to avoid mathematics courses. It is the first book to employ survival analysis in educational research, and to use national data to address mathematics participation of US students.
Davison, Kevin G.2007 0-7734-5354-7 248 pagesThis book explores gender and the body in relation to the postmodern condition, challenging the stability of modernist understandings of gender and making a case for viewing gender as a pedagogical tool rather than as a threat. The research was conducted online among female-to-male transgender and gay men participants, presenting a complex methodological analysis to further question the stability of subjective gender identities. Historical moments when technology and gender have collided are considered as illustrations of the possibilities inherent in technology for renegotiating gendered identities. Further, contemporary debates about boys and academic underachievement are critically examined to illustrate how the resistance to a gender analysis may perpetuate educational inequities. This text offers the potential for building new theories to address gender gravity as a force that can be actively resisted and renegotiated as a part of everyday educational practices.
Fomenko, A.T.1999 0-7734-3134-9 588 pagesThe author, one of the most outstanding contemporary mathematicians, concentrates on the development of a new mathematical chronology of ancient history. Noting the contradictions and gaps of the accepted traditional chronology of ancient and medieval worlds, applying the modern mathematical methods to the analysis of historical data, the author formulates a new version of ancient chronology which is most dramatically different from the traditional one.
Bouwsma, O.K.2001 0-7734-7502-8 272 pagesThis edition of collected remarks (from the many thousands of pages of notebooks from 1950 to 1978) reflect Bouwsma’s concern with the role of philosophy in education, particularly liberal arts education and the role of reading literature in it. Entries on these and related subjects reflect Bouwsma’s engagement with Wittgenstein – his conversations with him and his reading of Wittegenstein’s philosophy. Over his fifty year teaching career, Bouwsma frequently discussed the value of teaching and studying literature, and kept track of such discussions in his notebooks. His views on this subject were always controversial and guaranteed a lively discussion. The editors have also included some additional general discussions of what a university education is, and some of his commentaries on contemporary society.
Ward, Catherine2000 0-7734-7759-4 252 pages Talis, Sara Joan1987 0-88946-179-1 264 pagesRecords the life histories of three of the author's African students during her tenure as director of an education program in Africa. The collection, translated from the Swahili by the author, allows Tanzanian youth to speak for themselves and provides fascinating, vivid glimpses into their home and school life.
French, Sara L.2007 0-7734-5369-5 248 pagesThe papers in this volume contribute to the interdisciplinary study dramatic transformations in a wide array of human endeavors (political, artistic, literary, scientific and technological) in Early Modern Europe. All but one of the essays presented here are revised and extended versions of papers delivered at a conference sponsored by Binghamton University’s Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies in 2004 centered on the theme of “Science, Literature, and the Arts in the Medieval and Early Modern World”. This book contains five Black and White photographs and seven color photographs.
Marah, John K.1989 0-88946-186-4 348 pagesContends that African educational institutions, especially those designed for the achievement and maintenance of African unity, will not fail. Describes and explains the perpetuation of the concept of African unity through education.
Popp, Jerome A.2016 1-4955-0313-5 34 pagesAll members of the teaching profession should be cognizant of the phenomenon of teachers with antisocial personality disorders who attempt to remove good teachers from the school or unit they wish to dominate. The author examines their activities and notes that they are for the most part invisible to teachers and administrators. Targeted teachers are reluctant to talk about their stress. It will be helpful if those teachers who have experienced sociopathic abuse, or teachers who have observed other teachers being attacked, would report their experiences or observations.
Sotiriou, Peter Elias2012 0-7734-2577-2 300 pagesThis work extends the studies of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s Hermeneutics, focusing exhaustively on
Truth and Method as the source for articulating a hermeneutic pedagogy. As a study aligning phenomenology to the teaching literature and composition, this book introduces a thorough-going philosophical dimension to these studies and provides a necessary ground for them as disciplines.
Kirkpatrick, Linda2006 0-7734-5785-2 212 pagesThis book presents the teaching philosophies, pedagogical approaches, techniques, and methods of flutist William Montgomery. His concept of flute tone production, his philosophy of other aspects of flute playing, and his innovative approach to technical exercise have been documented for use by future generations of flutists. Many of the techniques and ideas he has developed reflect the pedagogical influence of his teachers, Marcel Moyse and William Kincaid. Montgomery, however, has developed his own approach to technical exercises, and frequently employs special or alternate and sensitive fingerings in his pedagogy.
Presenting the philosophies and methods of Marcel Moyse and William Kincaid demonstrates the continuities and establishes the innovations of William Montgomery’s pedagogy. Examining the methods for teaching tone production and vibrato, articulation, finger technique, musical expression and interpretation of both Moyse and Kincaid establishes a foundation from which to compare Montgomery’s methods and philosophies.
Buchanan, Robert D.2001 0-7734-7392-0 264 pages Based on the common standards established by the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC) this monograph will provide both beginning and practicing administrators with models of performance-based evaluations.
Abdalla, Ismail H.1993 0-7734-9333-6 308 pagesThe collection of papers in this volume identifies the areas of strength in Sudanese studies both in the Sudan and in Germany, and points to the direction future research should take in order to fill gaps in our knowledge, especially with regard to the origin of Nubian languages. More importantly, the book tackles some of the problems facing Sudan: its financial relations with the World Bank; the difficulties with its regional development projects; the questions of drought, famine and refugees; and the problem of Sudanese identity, more specifically how the search for a Sudanese identity impinges on the north-south conflict, and the extent to which the historical experiences of the Sudanese people have complicated this conflict.
Kennedy, David2010 0-7734-1430-4 256 pages“Philosophical Dialogue with Children” is a collection of essays that explores our common presuppositions about childhood and children’s thinking, and challenges adults to re-examine their notions about children’s capacity to engage in philosophical dialogue in group settings like the classroom.
Anglin, W. S.1997 0-7734-8706-9 260 pagesThis book is organized around the distinction between finite and infinite. It includes a brief overview of what different philosophers have said about infinity, and looks at some of the arguments to the effect that one should adopt a pro-infinity attitude. Other chapters contain an exposition of the ontological 'schools'; interactions among these schools and various theories of truth; the relationship between mathematics and values; a history of mathematics; an analysis of mathematical knowledge in terms of some traditional epistemological distinctions; the role of mathematics in education; the implications of religion for the philosophy of mathematics; and finally, reference to mathematical objects. This is a non-technical overview of the central issues in the Philosophy of Mathematics, an insightful but broad picture.
Lugalla, Joe L. P.2002 0-7734-7106-5 360 pages Duhon, Gwendolyn M.2000 0-7734-7847-7 308 pages Butler, John2008 0-7734-4868-3 108 pagesInclusion, equity and diversity are issues on which descriptions, and actions, vary a great deal. The varying descriptions commonly over simplify the scope and importance of these issues. This is especially true on our college and university campuses. These descriptions inform the work to be done and help to determine expectations for those responsible.
Boone, Tommy2015 1-4955-0295-3 160 pagesA new visionary study to help academics recognize exercise physiology as a legitimate healthcare profession. This work explores the concept that the quality of the scientific training necessary to achieve the prescribed exercise medicine, that promotes healthier lifestyles, is as relevant to society as is nursing or physical therapy. It offers a break from past ways of thinking about exercise physiology and introduces ways to implement the steps
necessary to standardize it’s professionalization in order to help it become a nationally recognized healthcare profession.
Nkabinde, Zandile P.2022 1-4955-0962-1 192 pagesFrom the Foreword, by Dr. Florence Kiragu Nyamu:
Promoting Science Literacy for Students with Disabilities, Dr. Zandile Nkabinde explores the benefits and opportunities of science literacy for learners with exceptionalities. It is based on the recognition that students who are mild and high functioning are capable of learning science when accomodations and adaptations are made to ensure their success.
Plantinga, Theodore1988 0-88946-477-4 136 pagesDiscusses the results of "importing" and then attempting to "christianize" the content of secular education in its available form of discourse ("public knowledge"), especially with regard to the sciences. Addresses the need for Christian educators to be conscious of the sources of the content of their curricula.
Robinson, Wendy2002 0-7734-6910-9 324 pagesBased on new detailed archive and documentary analysis and upon the results of an extensive national survey, this study recovers the phenomenon of the late 19th- and early 20th-century pupil-teacher centre from neglect or misrepresentation. Traditionally, the decline of pupil-teaching and the corresponding rise of an exclusively college-based system has been celebrated as a progressive move. This study contends that this straightforward dichotomous picture is misleading. A fundamental re-evaluation of the later phase of the pupil-teacher era, when preparation was largely given in specialized pupil-teacher centres, helps rectify this distortion.
Santa Maria, Phillip1990 0-88946-237-2 148 pagesIncludes an overview and perspective of the Third Duma, chapters on "The Committee on Public Education," "Legislative Work For Elementary Education," "The Church and Primary Education," and "The Nationalities and Education." Supplemented by numerous tables, including tables on "Literacy in the Russian Empire in 1897," "Growth of Education in Russia at the End of the Eighteenth Century," "Total Expenditures of the Russian Government and Expenditure of the Ministry of Public Instruction (1795-1917)," and others.
Roach, John1998 0-7734-8250-4 372 pagesThis study offers a regional study of education, comparing educational movements in Yorkshire with what happened in other parts of England. It promotes a comparative approach, examining main themes such as the effects of the Reformation, the growth of the grammar schools, the attempts of both church and State to regulate schools and schoolmasters, the dissemination of elementary schooling and the development of private schools for both boys and girls. The sense of collective action in the Yorkshire area is strong, continuous, and remarkable, throwing light on the history of the county in general. The development of the theme of community action is an important contribution to historical scholarship.
Nixon, Paul G.2000 0-7734-7707-1 292 pagesThis collection brings together contributions which deal with representations of different forms and levels of education. It emphasizes that while the locus or language of the narrative may differ, there is much common ground between divergent cultures. It also shows how representations of education can identify and signify on the diversity of cultures and traditions I the modern world, providing the reader with challenging images around which one can create new interpretations.
McGowan, Wayne S.2006 0-7734-5810-7 276 pagesThis book utilizes Foucault’s thinking about the practice of government to analyze how the parent is made responsible for educating the child in the name of freedom. It maps the rationality of freedom as a formula for power to govern the conduct of parents by fabricating the responsible parent that makes deviant ‘others’ as those who act outside the limits of certain prescribed actions.
Central to the work is an examination of the
School Education Act 1999 (Western Australia) and associated contemporary material, analyzed to map the limits of freedom which specify certain actions to be undertaken by the parent in educating the child. This is prefaced by a historical account of different discourses on childhood as the will to truth that justify these limits by constraining other dangerous discourses in the present.
The book reveals how legislating as a practice of liberal government simultaneously accommodates two different discursive formations of freedom (positive and negative), thus producing a governmentality of fears and dreams about freedom. Such governmentality divides the community through the on-going production of ‘irresponsible others’ for the political purpose of inciting autonomous parents to constitute themselves as responsible.
Horn, Aaron L.2010 0-7734-3771-1 152 pagesThis qualitative study analyzes African American males’ perceptions of the tutor-tutee caring relationship within in home, one-on-one tutoring. The participants were seven African American males who currently attend this type of tutoring.
Okwany, Auma2012 0-7734-1583-1 176 pagesThis book examines early childhood development (ECD) in Africa. The authors study the positive and negative cultural practices of ethnic groups in Kenya and Uganda and their influence on ECD. While emphasizing the positive, the authors argue that negative local practices such as female genital mutilation, child marriage, and child labor must be challenged because they may violate human rights and are detrimental to the well-being of children. Significantly, the authors conclude that while the forces of globalization have begun to transform education and have led to cultural dissociation in Africa, positive ECD strategies must strengthen rather than supplant the natural and local realities for children.
Sposet, Barbara A.2008 0-7734-5066-1 148 pagesIn addition to its primary focus, this work includes rationales for uses of technology in second language acquisition and provides an abundant list of resources.
Wickham, Kathleen Woodruff2007 0-7734-5872-7 420 pagesThis monograph examines the role of the Jackson, Mississippi
Clarion-Ledger in the adoption of the landmark 1982 Education Reform Act by the Mississippi State Legislature. The
Ledger was awarded the 1983 Pulitzer Prize Gold Medal for public service for its massive coverage of a special legislative session that enacted significant educational reforms in Mississippi.
Fife, Brian L.1997 0-7734-8725-5 146 pagesThis in-depth empirical examination of city versus metropolitan school desegregation is a significant addition to the literature on school desegregation policy. Chapter headings and topics include: The Supreme Court and School Desegregation Since 1896; Segregation and Poverty; Residential Segregation; Assessing the Status of School Desegregation (in-depth analysis of Indiana schools, political culture, electorate); City and Metropolitan School Desegregation (in four cities, two metropolitan areas, Jefferson County Public Schools); School Desegregation in the Hub; Racial Balance, Enrollment Patterns, Population Trends in the Boston Public Schools; A Metropolitan Remedy for Desegregating America's Public Schools; Notes and Bibliography.
Islam, Faisal2011 0-7734-1398-7 280 pages Partnerships for Hope: School-University Collaborations for Educational Change in Rural South Africa explores the importance of improving teacher preparation, especially for those who will be teaching in rural areas since this can also be an entry point for supporting teachers, learners, and the community as a whole. In Essence, teacher preparation for working in rural areas can be regarded as a development path in and of itself a hopeful one that invests in young people who choose teaching as a career.
The book draws together a series of chapters by new and leading scholars working in the area of rurality and teacher education.
Ziegler, Jan Fielder2005 0-7734-6149-3 340 pagesThe general story of education of Japanese Americans imprisoned in camps in this country during World War II has long been known. Little has been written, however, about the individual teachers who agreed to live and work with the students in the camps during the period of incarceration. The story of “Miss Jamison” and the education program in the prison camps at Rohwer and Jerome in Arkansas provides a fresh new view of a Caucasian teacher who came to work with a “strange” group of students, but who was herself educated in the process. Through evidence from Jamison’s papers, contemporary documents, historical accounts, interviews with survivors and even from the students’ art work Miss Jamison preserved, Ziegler creates a perceptive account of the wartime ordeal of the more than 110,000 Japanese Americans, two-thirds of them American citizens, from a unique point of view. This book is a moving and significant expansion of our knowledge of the human dimensions of a wartime tragedy.
Osei-Hwedie, Kwaku1995 0-7734-8887-1 288 pagesThese essays explore the issue of inappropriate indigenised social work education and practice models for Africa. It highlights this difficult and complex undertaking by discussing issues and processes related to social work theory, practice and education within the socio-cultural and economic contexts. They cover issues related to social work and social development, indigenisation of social work practice, education, poverty alleviation, social welfare policy, and mental health.
Brodie, David1993 0-7734-9247-X 248 pagesThis book is the first to contain 15 sermons chosen specifically for students. The list of contributers includes the former Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, the former Moderator of the Free Church, and the Bishops of Liverpool. It will appeal to young people, clergy, and to the general public.
Georgianna, Sibylle2007 0-7734-5397-0 112 pagesThis study considers the goals which people from different cultures set for themselves and the strategies they employ in order to attain these objectives. Thirty-six American undergraduates and thirty-six undergraduates from the People’s Republic of China set for themselves individual professional goals. These students then elaborated what they associated with attaining their chosen objectives. The American group tended to imagine career advancement as the outcome of their self-set goal; in contrast, the Chinese group imagined acquisition of knowledge as their main objective. Concerning the attainment of their goals, the American students did not specify which strategies they would use to attain their goals, but thought that the existence of abilities and resources, such as money, determined whether or not they would be successful; in contrast, the Asian students imagined hard work, diligence and personal effort to be necessary. This book provides crucial insights into cross-cultural differences in people’s self-guided goal striving behavior, knowledge which is important to those who support individuals across the world in their goal setting and goal attainment behavior.
Smith-Ross, Camacia2019 1-4955-0747-5 180 pagesDr. Smith-Ross, the editor, and her colleagues use the nine essays in this book to suggest ways to renew Historically Black Colleges and Universities. The authors are scholars, teachers, and administrators bringing their knowledge and experience to renew these American historical educational institutions.
Froehlich, Hildegard C.2015 1-4955-0302-X 456 pagesThis book employs the lens of interactionism to explore and explain the field of music education as an empowering area of professional pursuit. Personal vignettes, stories by others, and relevant scholarly literature from several fields are used to demonstrate how awareness of the symbolizing power behind communicative acts of teaching, learning, performing, writing, conducting research (or doing all of the above) can turn interactions that may be perceived as communicative barriers into opportunities for pro-active discourse.
Knottnerus, J. David1999 0-7734-7912-0 168 pagesThis volume conducts an historical comparative investigation of the elite school system for boys (lycées - secondary educational system) and girls (religious boarding schools) in 19th century France. An elaborated model of the total institution is used to analyze the educational organizations in which children were educated. The study also uses literary texts such as novels and short stories, diaries, memoirs, and (fictionalized) autobiographies to describe and compare the personal lives, social worlds, and structures of boys and girls in these two types of institutions. A theory of structural ritualization is employed to explain how these groups were influenced by the institutional milieus they were nested within. Underlying this study is the fundamental assumption that literature and sociological concepts can be used together to better understand social historical processes and structures.
Loewen, Gregory V.2005 0-7734-6238-4 388 pagesThis book is a study in the sociology of knowledge. Specifically, a study of how anthropologists over the previous forty years have constructed anthropological knowledge. Interpretation of this material takes place within the discourses of the anthropology of knowledge and education.
Anthropologists say that ways of thinking about anthropological knowledge conflict at the theoretical level but do not conflict in practice. Practice is defined as fieldwork and teaching. here, theory is felt only indirectly. Various tensions follow from this understanding. They include those between subject and object, positivism and post-positivism, value and validity, field and archive, and cultural relativism versus scientific knowledge.
The concept which mediates these tensions is that of the field. Fieldwork is seen by anthropologists as an experience with both epistemological and ethical implications. Ethically, the field supports a certain manner of living and outlook on humanity. Yet, epistemologically, the field is divisive because it is cast as the promotional agent for various kinds of method, theory, and reflective analyses. These analyses include a belief in value relativism in concert with a scientific notion of validity. For example, if it were not for the fundamental tools of positivism in anthropology, anthropologists felt that anthropological knowledge might be seen as idiosyncratic. In their search for human knowledge, anthropologists are united by their methods and ethics. They are divided, however, by their theories. These divisions and unities are inherited in the culture of anthropology. Although anthropologists understand different cultures’ values to be equal, they suggest that ways of knowing another culture through anthropology are not equally valid.
Theoretical conflicts are also produced in institutions. These are seen as major influences on the ‘look’ of anthropology at various times and places. Departments, publishers, students and teachers are all influences on anthropological knowledge construction.
Anthropological knowledge is also seen as being constructed at a personal level. Anthropologists felt that the concept of vocation in the individual’s life-narrative as an anthropologist is important to this construction. Anthropology is seen as a calling or assignation. As well, the purpose of anthropological knowledge is seen as an ethical precept. The sanctity of field experiences for these anthropologists brings them together ethically but divides them epistemologically.
Tobin, Marilyn H.2009 0-7734-4740-7 252 pagesThe analysis of educational networks from a feminist perspective has not been substantially researched internationally. This study investigates the potential for networking as a leadership tool for change in not only classrooms, but also in school systems and the political arena.
Nemeth, Charles P.1989 0-88946-938-5 250 pagesA comprehensive outline of the current status of criminal justice education in America, this study highlights the interdisciplinary nature of the field with special emphasis on the areas of law, security, and forensic science, among others.
O'Brien, Dan2006 0-7734-5834-4 516 pagesThis book investigates the crucial role that education played in the construction and subsequent life of the Republic of Zambia, formerly Northern Rhodesia. The social structure is examined from the perspective of subaltern theory and the educational structure from the theoretical perspective of Foucault’s Discourse and Discipline. The importance of combining these two theoretical aspects arises from the particular situation of the territory between 1924, when the Colonial Office took over from the British South Africa Company and 1964 when Zambian Independence was declared. By 1924 there were already four clearly defined groups within the territory, the Colonial Officials, the Miners, traders and farmers, the Missionaries and the Africans. Each of these categories of people had their own view of how the territory should be developed. Each believed that education was the instrument they could use to achieve their aims and the book shows in details the efforts they made to do so. A detailed study of the education provided at both Discourse (Policy) and Discipline (schools and curriculum) levels shows however that none of the participants took into account the inherent logic of an educational system. The efforts made to manipulate the system has led to results that none of the parties envisaged and has left the Zambian people with major problems at social, political and educational levels.
Douglas, Darrell R.1993 0-7734-9308-5 208 pagesThis book concentrates on the instruction of four-part harmony. Partwriting is presented from its most elementary construction to the complexity of the augmented sixth chords. The text also shows how to partwrite with over 300 examples and 330 exercises. The book cites nearly 1000 examples of partwriting and harmony found in three well-known collections of musical examples.
Delucchi, Michael2003 0-7734-6689-4 196 pagesThis study investigates student satisfaction with postsecondary education in the 1970s by using a wide range of individual and organizational characteristics obtained from the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972. The results favor a conceptualization of student satisfaction as a product of both collegiate institutional forces linked to wider societal definitions of the outcomes of higher education, and organizational processes that enhance access to social an structural support of the student role. The former is inspired by institutionalist theory, the latter by organizational inequality perspectives. These two approaches are integrated into a model to examine student satisfaction along the social dimensions of race, class, and gender. Student satisfaction is fundamental to a better understanding of educational process and quality as it relates to groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education. It may also be a critical mediating variable between students’ entering characteristics (i.e., race, class, and gender) and academic achievement and degree attainment. Also, accountability pressures from state legislatures on postsecondary education have placed increasing importance on the enrollment, retention, and satisfaction of minority students. Within this context, student ratings of their educational experience contribute to a better understanding and assessment of the outcomes of higher education. Finally, satisfaction is an important component of organizational analysis.
Stegman, Sandra Frey1999 0-7734-7926-0 320 pagesA guide to educating those who teach choral music in the classroom, this text provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the relevant literature, drawing on qualitative methodologies to collect and interpret primary source data. Student-teacher portraits are provided as examples. The author presents a convincing argument for assigning a special role to the development of reflective capacities and to image construction in the process of becoming a teacher, and her recommendations for music teacher education and research are thorough and developed.
Oketch, Moses Otieno2009 0-7734-4757-1 432 pagesThis work examines and decodes African ways of thinking and learning, beliefs and value systems, while faulting the ambivalence that has attended the study of the subject in the past. It uses pedagogical, historical, sociological and critical thinking, and postmodern, postcolonial, and feminist theoretical approaches to interrogate ways in which lifelong learning has been experienced in Africa.
Salleh, Mohammed2001 0-7734-7484-6 144 pagesThis study demonstrates that over and above the increasingly complex and difficult tasks that supervisory management staff have to deal with, they also have to act as ‘mini personnel managers’ in their own right. The study focuses on the basic functions and related techniques as well as human relations for effective supervision. It also discusses the supervisor’s role as leader, communicator, motivator, trainer, and administrator. It delineates future perspectives of the changing environment facing supervisors, and strategies for supervisory success. The study includes practical examples, blending conceptual, functional, and human relations insights and skills.
Ainsa, Patricia2000 0-7734-7823-X 132 pagesThis study examines changes in pre-service teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and educational intent to implement HIV/AIDS classroom curriculum and universal precautions after participating in HIV/AIDS in-service training. Valuable pre-service teacher training information was obtained as questionnaire responses were recorded prior to and as a result of an in-service program for pre-service student teachers at a U. S. – Mexico border university.
Wood, James A.2005 0-7734-6001-2 304 pagesThis book is a compilation of topics dealing with a myriad of multicultural issues facing educators and other members of society. The book addresses the importance of relative knowledge in dealing with cultural diversity in an ever-changing global society. In this unique edition, the editors purport to enlighten educators and others regarding the complexity of multiculturalism, dealing with education issues with various groups, and examining pathways toward empowerment and acculturation. There is a plethora of information on the subject of multiculturalism. However, there is a void, or dearth, of empirical research in many aspects of this currently discussed topic. This work is composed of a number of scholarly research studies conducted by the authors/editors. The broad range of well-developed and thoroughly investigated treatises should provide a strong foundation for future researchers of this growing societal phenomenon.
Wang, Tao2010 0-7734-3628-6 148 pagesThis microethnographic study finds that student choral response (CR) is a recurrent and dominant student participation structure in the two six-grade mathematics classrooms in China. By applying a three-level cultural model (teacher’s cultural beliefs in mathematics teaching and learning, mathematics curriculum culture in China, and classroom culture) in analyzing data from interviews with the teachers, this work demonstrates how the various cultural factors work together to make Choral Response a culturally favored classroom discourse pattern.
Douglas, Darrell R.1993 0-7734-9312-3 120 pagesDesigned to introduce the student to most of the problems associated with writing music in four parts in the Common Practice period. Preliminary exercises prepare the student to part write, then a thorough presentation of partwriting takes the student through the writing of augmented sixth chords. Not all the exercises need be used; however, enough are presented so that any instructor using the book would have ample material.
Douglas, Darrell R.1993 0-7734-9310-7 196 pagesThis is a collection 1130 examples of harmonic progressions arranged from the shortest and simplest to a very complicated hearing and partwriting dictation. The dictation is played by the instructor. Each new chord or problem is shown alone in both the first and second text before being integrated with previously-learned material. Several partwriting and dictation exercises are given for each new problem, and a number of examples by famous composers are cited in the three optional texts of musical examples.
Sawicki, Timothy2025 1-4955-0857-9 130 pagesDr. Sawicki describes the movement approach to physical education for K-12 students. The movement approach uses a variety of movement experiences to enhance a student's physical abilities.
Fry, C. George2005 0-7734-6111-6 296 pagesThis book will be of vital interest to all those concerned with the Contemporary Middle East, Pahlavi Iran, cross-cultural education, the education of women (especially in a third world context), as well as teaching English language and literature to those for whom English is a second language. As a visiting professor at Damavand College, Tehran, Iran, the author taught a 75 semester hour course on the English Bible as a “global classic” in the World Literatures major at that college for women. In seven chapters, he describes the country, the college, and outlines the challenges and opportunities of communicating a “religious classic” cross-culturally to students, who were predominately Shiite Muslims, and doing so while respecting the “dignity of difference.” Naturally, this is of interest to those who teach the English Bible in both public and private institutions, but it also reflects deeply on the nature of “Literature” and how it may be interpreted.
Sibelman, Simon P.2004 0-7734-6403-4 227 pagesThis book is a collection of essays arising from the international conference The Legacy of the Holocaust: Teaching the Shoah that was held at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in 1999.
Hundreds of scholars and educators gathered for five days of seminars, workshops and academic sessions each of which addressed specific topics and pedagogies for teaching the Shoah. The essays selected for inclusion in this book represent the thoroughly developed views that a group of scholars/ educators advanced at the conference. Their contributions address major concerns of educators and scholars already established in the field, as well as those of individuals just venturing into the arena. Each essay explores a distinctive Shoah related topic, or proposes an innovative pedagogical approach for effectively presenting the Holocaust to students. This book would be of interest to any person engaged in the study of or research into the Holocaust, or for educators seeking innovative and proven classroom methods for teaching the subject.
There are two portions to this work: topics and topographies. The Topics section will afford close readings of a variety of Holocaust related subjects, many not commonly taught. The topics cross traditional disciplines and extend a complexity of issues arising from purely traditional considerations of the Shoah (i.e. historical, literary or cultural). Topographies introduce specific methodologies that educators have developed for teaching the Holocaust. Instead of dwelling on “tried and true” canonical practices, these contributors advance genuinely resourceful methods for presenting standard Holocaust texts. Contributions in both categories provide suggested reading and viewing lists, which for educators involved in the field, for students investigating the topic, or interested lay readers will prove invaluable.
Heslep, Robert D.2006 0-7734-5630-9 288 pagesThis book, presuming that the makers of policies and everyday decisions on education do not employ an adequate understanding of education, undertakes an extended inquiry into the concept of education embedded in ordinary English discourse. After determining the framework of the conceptual meaning of education, the investigation then examines the logical implications of that meaning for various pertinent issues. Specifically, there are discussions of educability, education and the political order, reasoning as an educational content, and educational teaching. Some of the text relies on references to academic sources, while other parts use examples from pop culture and computer technology. The book’s final chapter is devoted to an application of the findings to some problems likely to be confronted by educational leaders in public schools today.
Smith-Ross, Camacia2016 1-4955-0442-5 92 pagesIn the wake of educational reform the traditional approach to teacher certification is being drastically impacted by the pressures of increased accountability from multiple stakeholders. To address expected teacher shortages, university preparation programs are looking at “non-traditional” approaches to certifying teachers at a quicker rate. This reform model of certifying is referred to as an Alternative Teacher Certification pathway. Dr. Smith Ross gives the debate on the subjecty substance and facts in this study.
Simpson, Renate2009 0-7734-4827-6 760 pagesExamines the first half-century of the British PhD. The work begins with a study of the development of the new degree from the point of view of the decision-making bodies of the Universities - Senates, Faculty Boards, the teaching staff and the administrators. The second part provides detailed statistics and analysis on Faculties, Departments, overseas students, year of admission, gender, age, completion rates and duration of studies, part-time study and staff candidates, with more than 200 Tables and Figures.
Lyons, Tony2003 0-7734-6841-2 268 pages Gao, Minghui2010 0-7734-3632-4 196 pagesThis study identify differences in youngsters’ concepts and practices of lying about good deeds are rooted in variations in the way they react to authority figures, socio-cultural rules, peers, and personal feelings.
Sheppard, Anthony R. R.2011 0-7734-1551-3 312 pagesThis work is an edition of the memoirs of the late Dr. Marjorie Reeves, a distinguished scholar of the twentieth century. Reeves combined outstanding achievements in medieval studies with major contributions to educational thinking and policy making in Britain.
Chiu, Belinda H.Y.2012 0-7734-3925-0 468 pagesA historical examination of the Phelps-Stokes Fund and its impact on education.
Ceia, Carlos2013 0-7734-4540-4 228 pagesAfter a first comprehensive revision of the meaning of professionalism in literary studies today, both at universities and in other places where literature is being taught, written and reviewed, I deal with particular problems that are affecting literary studies today. I look at how they are developed in academic curriculum, how they are being studied and taught in all levels of education, how they copy with the primacy of other core disciplines, and what are its possible futures in the humanities. Main topics include, trends of the literature teacher’s professionalism, the way he or she drills literary taste, the question of standards in literary studies and how they affects professionalism and teaching methods, the place for literary history and the inseparability of language and literature teaching. The true role of the teacher of literature today will be discussed in several ways. I will assume that he or she involves an anti-essentialist method of teaching, opens to a kind of canon formation that is flexible and adjustable to the public’s interest, understands the literary traditions relating to other forms of knowledge such as natural law, and uses the power of literary reading against external resistance to the benefits and usefulness of literature.
Kerwin-Boudreau, Susan2010 0-7734-3785-2 292 pagesThis study is unique, both in terms of its methodological contributions and its representation of the evolution in teacher perspectives. It underscores the fact that fundamental changes to the quality of teaching in higher education are unlikely to occur unless teachers’ perspectives are first uncovered and examined. This work will appeal to educators, faculty developers and administrators in higher education.
Seeberg, Vilma2000 0-7734-7638-5 592 pagesThis text compiles exhaustive, newly acquired evidence from multiple sources and evaluates its reliability in order to draw a picture of education as experienced by the people, benefiting from direct observations by contemporaries and participants, triangulating national with provincial data, and enriched by qualitative historical material. A strength of this work lies in its ability to move through a variety of conceptual frameworks including international development theory, rational choice theory, Chinese politics and history, educational reproduction and organizational theory. The text draws out the relationship between ideology, policy, implementation, socio-economic incentives, and the demand for education among the people. The differences experienced by rural versus urban populations and under the radical-egalitarian and moderate labor resources policies are highlighted. After decades of struggle around ideology, structures, intellectuals and the content of education, some years to the point of violence, overall literacy among the masses increased only a little. These findings point to the necessity to question official claims for mass basic education in Mao’s China, and to review the role of culture and socio-economic context in international development education.
Oberman, Ida2008 0-7734-4970-1 452 pagesThis study examines how and why the Stuttgart Model retained its identity without central bureaucracy or a structured administrative hierarchy. One of the oldest charter school movements, its strengths and weaknesses provide critical lessons for the evaluation of emerging schools of this type.
Varenne, Hervé2009 0-7734-4901-9 360 pagesThis work adds to the scholarship in the field by exploring educational processes in the broadest manner and from a variety of disciplinary orientations. At its core is the challenge it issues: what sort of research should one conduct if s/he believes the commonly held idea that education is a broader process that it is made to be when one takes schooling as a paradigmatic institution of education?
García Pérez, Grisel Maria2011 0-7734-2584-5 164 pagesA guide on how to employ successful methods of pronunciation for Spanish and Latino speakers who wish to speak English words.
Taylor, George R.2007 0-7734-5569-8 292 pagesA variety of developments in technology, assessment, psychology, curriculum innovation, teaching strategies, and state and federal laws have relevance for special education and have been projected to provide and predict the development of special education in the next decade.
The present status of special education is rapidly experiencing significant changes, chiefly due to state and federal laws, breakthroughs in learning styles, assessment, treatment, identification, computer technology, and learning theories are to but name a few areas that are projected to be changed by 2015.
This book provides information based upon present trends in special education and makes predictions for the future. It will be useful to special education personnel in the private and public sectors, teachers, administrators, counselors, and school psychologists working with exceptional children.
Stein-Smith, Kathleen2013 0-7734-4545-5 288 pagesHow has the American deficiency in foreign language study affected foreign policy, diplomacy, the economy, and most of all national security. This book showcases how the use of a second language can be helpful in political and economic circumstances. Various policy initiatives are analyzed to discuss their efficiency in bringing languages to American citizens. A recent study found that only 25% of Americans are fluent in a foreign language. Stein-Smith argues that once you remove the first generation immigrant population from those numbers you are left with an extremely negligible number of citizens who can functionally speak a foreign language. This is problematic for many social, political, and economic reasons. In a globalizing world America needs to be competitive by teaching foreign languages to its populace.
Laporte, Jean1991 0-7734-9668-8 368 pages Lee, Soo-Jin2024 1-4955-1190-1 130 pages(This is an 8 x 10, softcover book.)
Muscular Tension Dysphonia (MTD) is a type of voice disorder that commonly occurs in singers. "This study suggests seven breathing exercises, ten vocal warmup exercises, and twelve body relaxation exercises to help singers with MTD improve their vocal techniques. In addition, it examines factors in selecting repertoire for singers with MTD to help singers with MTD improve their vocal techniques. This work fills a gap in voice pedagogy and serves as a valuable resource for voice teachers who have students with MTD." -Dr. Soo-Jin Lee
Schneider, Cornelia2011 0-7734-1531-9 252 pagesExplores the social and educational experiences of children identified as having special educational needs. The study compares research carried out in Germany and France. In French.
Wood, David John2015 1-4955-0423-9 228 pages“Wood offers an interesting, innovative, if not slightly unconventional, methodology for language teaching [he] presents and studies a new approach he calls
Photo Communication in which the second language classroom rejects traditional textbooks and instead relies upon the student’s own personal history as revealed by photos. The students’ photos then become both the material and the method for language study.”
-Dr. Carolyn Gascoigne,
University of Nebraska, Omaha Eades, Jennifer Margaret Fox2020 1-4955-0797-1 364 pagesWell-being is increasingly of interest of schools and educational policy makers in the UK and beyond. This monograph is a philosophical and empirical enquiry into the relationship between well-being and education and into the nature of a theory and practice of well-being in educational settings.
Black, Kimberly2009 0-7734-3792-4 228 pagesThis study examines the publication, review and collection of fiction and poetry titles written by African-American women, published between 1980-1990 by Association of Research Libraries member academic libraries located in the United States. It is an examination of institutionalized legitimizing social forces and their influence on the collection and sanctioning of knowledge as expressed through academic library collections.
Cowen, Virginia S.2010 0-7734-3744-9 140 pagesThis book explores how personal experiences in mandatory K-12 physical education classes affect adult health and exercise habits. It offers a platform of understanding into the diverse experiences of gym class and how these experiences can produce repercussions throughout life.
Jackson, Linda A.1997 0-7734-8610-0 152 pagesThis volume assembled thousands of anonymous comments offered by university students in course evaluations (1990-1995) into a lively text wrapped around and through 455 direct quotes. Some are wry, some pungent, some earnest. All are directly stated, and each conveys an important element of how today's university students view life in the classroom. Administrators and government officials can find here the piece missing from the current debates over university reform - what students want and need. Includes appropriate humorous cartoons.
Castell, Alburey2005 0-7734-6181-7 200 pagesAlburey Castell, a significant Twentieth Century American philosopher, turned his attention to issues in education at mid-point in his academic career. Engaged in an enduring polemic with scientism's effort to abolish personhood, most notably in B.F. Skinner's thought, Castell forged the concepts of "agency," "activity," and "process" to stake out the claims of personhood. Carrying such concepts as tools into the field of education, Castell drove a wedge between the humanities and the sciences. The person, or "self," reasons, while processes in the natural world are reasoned about. Logic is the description of the reasoned "activities" of the self, while laws of science are descriptions of the "processes" of nature. Applications to the everyday concerns of educators abound. Understanding the daily tasks in teaching presupposes knowledge of the logic of coming to know. Students are not stimulus-response mechanisms, but resourceful reasoners assembling connecting links to conclusions. The role of social science is exposed as a complex and open question. The issue of the aims of education is directed to the development of the individual person as a free and rational agent. This individual must come to understand himself and his place in the modern world. The modern world is aptly described as requiring a professional and managerial class with special educational needs. Castell then describes the function of the liberal arts college as providing the foundations for the special, further educational skills acquired at the graduate and professional school level.
Simard, Rodney1992 0-7734-9926-1 280 pagesThis textbook gives information to advanced students and practical applications to familiarize them with different writing contexts. It focuses on primary skills required to succeed at writing, and prepares students for writing opportunities encountered after they leave college.
Bryant, Dr. Geraldine J.2015 1-4955-0288-0 136 pagesThis research was an opportunity to explore the personal stories of a group of young African American males that may be seen as an indication of the conditions that have affected our larger society. It deconstructs the common myth that drop outs are the trouble makers or low achievers in school and it inspires us to reconsider and challenges our present teaching approach to this demographic group.
Tilleczek, Kate2008 0-7734-5161-7 232 pagesThis study will address the international, national and local issues and solutions pertaining to early school leaving and youth disengagement from school. The various contributors examine the impacts of social class, ethnicity, gender and sexuality on the issue of school leaving. The study also reviews past policy in addressing the problem of youth disengagement from school and offers recommendations for reform.
Metcalfe, Mike2007 0-7734-5441-1 288 pagesWriters like Rorty, Popper, Dewey and Feyerabend suggest that rather than searching for more and more exacting and rigorous rules for how to undertake well justified research, we need to be concerned with communities of doubters. These, if adequately applying dialectic argument, will act to challenge unjustified knowledge claims, and so save us all from being deceived. This book encourages doubt by providing over a dozen ways to critique research, especially where that research results in knowledge claims about human activities. Each chapter provides another pragmatic conception of knowledge, used to question the assumptions behind whatever research work you have just read. Therefore, the book offers a way of learning about your own discipline specific research literature, while also learning how to design a well-justified research report.
Flynn, Brian2010 0-7734-3775-4 240 pagesThis book describes research that sought to clarify if the professional practice of educational/school psychologists is evidence-based when recommending interventions for disruptive adolescents who are diagnosed as seriously emotionally disturbed. Two lines of investigation were employed. First, a literature search using three distinct methodologies - a systematic literature review, a meta-analysis of studies and a best evidence synthesis. Second, a survey of a large sample of school psychologists. All aspects of the literature search confirmed that the current research on effective treatments for seriously emotionally disturbed adolescents is extremely limited.
Schutte, Nicola S.2006 0-7734-5878-6 232 pagesThis book examines the reading experience from an interdisciplinary perspective, incorporating concepts and research from psychology, education, and literary theory. Readers’ narrative accounts of their experiences complement the presentation of theory and review of research. Chapters in the first part of the book examine how evolutionary forces shaped predispositions that promote reading engagement and how reading helps fulfil basic needs such as the desire to learn, achieving an optimum level of excitement, feeling connected to others, and meeting challenges. The second part of the book examines how personality and cultural background influence reading. Chapters in the third part of the book explore the transforming effects of reading, such as changed consciousness and emotions and improved cognitive and emotional abilities. One of the chapters focusing on transforming effects of reading explains how reading can bring about negative changes as well as positive ones. The last part of the book examines research on maximising the benefits of reading and suggests strategies for optimising the reading experience.
Loughlin, Kathleen A.1993 0-7734-2252-8 426 pagesA major study of how and why transformative learning, as personal development within a community of knowers, effects social commitment and results in decisive social action by women in communications, politics, religion and education. A must read for anyone interested in adult learning, the women's movement or emancipatory education.
Duffy, Jennifer O'Connor2008 0-7734-5098-X 232 pagesThis book explores the experiences of working-class students in higher education at Radcliffe College during the years 1940-1970. More specifically, this work examines how the mid-point of the twentieth century’s changing social, political, institutional, and economic forces influenced the undergraduate and alumnae satisfaction levels and post-graduate career paths of working-class students.