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Subject Area: Hermeneutics

Hermeneutical Studies- Dilthey, Sophocles, and Plato
 Wilson, Barrie A.
1990 0-88946-370-0 224 pages
Represents a series of hermeneutic studies unified by two main concerns: to sort out and reconcile the varying claims of the text and the interpreter's perspective, and to urge reorientation of hermeneutic inquiry.

How Roman Catholic Theology Can Transform Male Violence Against Women. Explaining the Role of Religion in Shaping Cultural Assumptions About Gender
 O’Sullivan, Michael
2010 0-7734-1448-7 432 pages
This book articulates a Roman Catholic theological understanding concerning salvation in Jesus Christ that can be transformative of physical and sexual male violence against women across the world. It identifies key elements for a working definition of such complex violence, and highlights the pervasiveness and seriousness of the violence with quantitative data. For the Catholic believer the violence is graver still because a Catholic component can often be identified in the violence. This component is illustrated in the book by qualitative data about Catholic women who suffered incest. Employing the foundational and methodological framework of the praxis of authenticity in consciousness that Bernard Lonergan has identified, and that everyone can verify in their own experience, as well as its specifically Christian conversion component, the book provides grounds for making the situation of violence a theological matter. The book’s argument progresses by following Lonergan’s definition that theology functions to mediate between a religion and a culture and that the function of ‘systematics’ in method in theology is to construct contextualised understandings for the sake of ‘doing the truth in love.’ Theological meanings transformative of the situation of violence are elaborated in the book in terms of how to conceive salvation in Jesus Christ. Such an understanding of salvation is constructed by drawing firstly on meanings for salvation in scripture that are dialectically opposed to destructive meanings that the Catholic women, who suffered incest, referred to above received and believed concerning salvation. Insight into these biblical meanings is deepened by drawing on the theologies of salvation of Karl Rahner, Gustavo Gutierrez, and feminist responses to Gutierrez’s theology. The transformative meaning for salvation is developed further by addressing the issues of the male Jesus as saviour and his violent death of redemption in ways that can serve the struggle to stop male violence against women. The book ends by drawing attention to recent documents on male violence against women by Church leaders that make specific reference to a transformative role for theologians and by calling for third level theology colleges to take account of the pertinent violence as a theological imperative and to collaborate with others in the field of concern as part of the function of theology.

How the Holy Spirit Guides Our Understanding
 Duncan, Daniel Lee
2023 1-4955-1096-4 662 pages
"This research is specifically in Systematic Theology and undertakes the subject of the Spirited Hermeneutic. The author examines the components of the Spirited Hermeneutic in relation to the specific hermeneutics of God the Father, God the Son in Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit." -from the Author's Introduction

Material Hermeneutics in Political Science, A New Methodology
 Medina, Leandro Rodriguez
2013 0-7734-4486-6 180 pages
An intriguing look at how the utilization of material hermeneutics can augment the social and political scientist’s capability to interpret social events beyond the traditional parameters that textual hermeneutic and linguistic models would generally present.

 Chishty-Mujahid, Nadya Q.
2025 1-4955-1321-1 164 pages
… it was worth examining all three sets of the tarocchi at the same time. Unlike the Mantegna E and S series which number 100 (50 times 2) images in total, the Sola Busca set contains 22 major trumps and 56 minor arcana, resulting in a total of 78 images. Traditionally, modern-day tarot decks also have 22 major arcana and 56 minor ones, but the 22 trumps of the Sola Busca do not resemble modern-day trumps in the least. I found that when the Sola Busca trumps were placed in a circle, they formed a sundial-structure where the 24 hours of the day were clearly implied as was a secondary ring representing the zodiac.

Staging and Transformation of Gender Archetypes in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, M. Butterfly, and Kiss of the Spider Woman
 Wiegmann, Mira
2003 0-7734-6891-9 312 pages
This study employs Jungian and post-Jungian hermeneutics to address psychological, social and political perspectives in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, M. Butterfly, and Kiss of the Spider Woman. These plays and their Broadway productions contain mythic narratives and dreams that Jung described as visionary drama. Peter Brooks’s production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream stages Jungian archetypes that bridge modern and postmodern production sensibilities and aesthetics. David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly deconstructs patriarchal personae and stages projection and introjection. Terrence McNally’s Kiss of the Spider Woman, an adaptation of Manuel Puig’s novel, demonstrates the fluidity of meaning in postmodern archetypes. This book will engage theatre scholars and practitioners as well as scholars of popular culture and interdisciplinary studies. It models archetypal hermeneutics as a useful analytical tool for postmodern performance criticism. Illustrated with production photographs.