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Subject Area: Latin America and South America

 Sheppard, Sumor
2016 1-4955-0448-4 76 pages
Creole culture is a universal phenomenon which is multicultural by nature. This study provides a comprehensive, international bibliography of Creole cultures and languages with which researchers can further investigate culture formation and national identity cohesion. Starting from Creole cultures of the United States and moving outward to the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa, the extent of Creole as a national identity becomes apparent. The definition of what constitutes a Creole varies around the world.

A Bilingual Anthology of Poems by Rubén Darío (1867-1916): Annotations and Facing Page Translations From Spanish Into English
 O'Connor-Bater, Kathleen Therese
2016 1-4955-0404-2 156 pages
This bilingual anthology of one of Latin Americas most distinguished poets, Rubén Darío (1867-1916), the Nicaraguan poet and founder of Hispanic modernism beautifully captures his expressive essence and his nuanced vocabulary. The facing page translations of his poetry are arranged in chronological order corresponding to the author’s age at the time of publication and will facilitate an understanding of Darío’s work to an English speaking audience.

A Case Study of the Factors in the Development of Spanish Linguistic Accuracy and Oral Communication: Skills. Motivation and Extended Interaction in the Study Abroad Context
 Isabelli-García, Christina L.
2004 0-7734-6348-8 173 pages
This study examines the impact of a one-semester study abroad experience in Argentina on the second language acquisition of five North American university Spanish learners. The goal is three-fold: (1) to measure development of linguistic accuracy of (a) tense selection, (b) aspect selection, (c) subject-verb agreement and (d) adjectival agreement; (2) to measure development of oral skills in performing the functions of narration, description and opinion; and (3) to relate patterns of social contact via analysis of social network logs to development in oral ability as measure by gains in linguistic accuracy and oral communication skills over time. The author submits that the two vital factors that lead to acquisition gains in the study abroad context are motivation and extended significant target language interaction with native speakers in social networks. The study shows through qualitative and quantitative data that those who had high motivation were those that had more extended networks, which correlated with gains in linguistic accuracy and development in performing discourse functions.

A Political Glossary of Guyana: Institutions, Laws, Parties, Politics, et. al
 Westmaas, Nigel
2021 1-4955-0862-5 538 pages
Dr. Nigel Westmaas compiled this collection of the important terms, laws, and information on the political life of Guyana. It is the first time this information has been compiled for future research.

Afro-Argentine in Argentine Culture. El Negro Del Acordeón
 Castro, Donald S.
2001 0-7734-7389-0 204 pages
This study focuses on a discussion of the evolution of Argentine demographic policy as expressed in the dictum ‘to govern is to populate’ and its impact on the role of the Afro-Argentine in an historical context. The Afro-Argentine role in Argentine culture is presented as part of the elite-defined culture, the liberal elites’ views of the Afro-Argentine and the aftermath of Juan Manuel de Rosas with its changes to the cultural images of the Afro-Argentine. In contrast, the Afro-Argentine is also presented as part of the Argentine popular creole culture within a construct that discusses the issue of how site-specific Argentine culture is, and the impact of site definitions on the cultural contributions of the Afro-Argentine. Creole popular cultural expressions of the Puppet Theater, the theater, and the circus highlight the conflicts between immigrant and creole where the Afro-Argentine is clearly defined as a creole and not as a separate cultural entity.

Afro-Mexican Ancestors and the Nation They Constructed
 Hernández Cuevas, Marco Polo
2015 1-4955-0325-9 160 pages
This multidisciplinary study reconstructs nineteenth-century Mexican history from a close examination of its colonial genocidal actions against tens-of-thousands of Africans and African offspring in New Spain. This work establishes and reinserts the importance of the African element to the advancements of postcolonial Mexican history.

Agrarian Modernisation in Honduras
 Thorpe, Andy
2002 0-7734-7283-5 486 pages

Aid, Nationalism and Inter-American Relations. Guatemala, Bolivia and the United States 1945-1961
 Siekmeier, James F.
1999 0-7734-7954-6 472 pages
This study sets up a whole new framework for examining United States-Latin American relations. It argues that US policy toward Latin America was driven by a fear of economic nationalism. Economic nationalists in Latin America in the 1950s wanted to control foreign trade and investment in their nations, to diversify their economies and, in some cases, promote industrialization. The study examines how US officials used economic aid policy in Guatemala and Bolivia to eliminate economic nationalism in those nations.

Alegoría y Ironía Bajo Censura en la Argentina del Proceso (1976-1983)
 Favoretto, Mara
2010 0-7734-1292-1 404 pages
This text offers an analysis of how rhetorical strategies such as allegory, irony and symbolism, were employed by dissenting Argentine writers and singer-songwriters during the military dictatorship that seized power on March 24th 1976.

Author’s Abstract:
During the military coup in Argentina (1976 – 1983) a machinery of censorship was imposed. The state had a systematic plan of cultural repression and manipulation of public opinion. However, the dissident writers and lyricists examined in this study developed strategies of resistance that depended largely on allegory and irony. Some of the regime’s plans created the opposite result to that which was desired originally. In the musical sphere, what the authorities wanted to quash was fostered: through avoiding the diffusion of a certain type of music, what was opened up was a space that was quickly occupied by dissident music. By means of a detailed rhetorical analysis, this study is focused on the functioning of allegory, irony and symbolism under constrains of censorship.

Algunas HazaÑas De Las Muchas De Don Garcia Hurtado De Mendoza, MarquÉs De CaÑete
 Lerzundi, Patricio C.
2008 0-7734-5048-3 164 pages
This work makes available for the first time an annotated critical edition of an early seventeenth-century Golden Age play nearly forgotten in the pantheon of Chilean literary history. In Spanish.

An Ethnographic Study of Papadjab, An Afro-Caribbean Devil Dancer
 Wintersteen, Benjamin
2010 0-7734-3688-X 180 pages
This book examines the religious, mythological and performance elements of the traditional Afro-Caribbean street festival. Using the theories of performance, political economy and symbolic analysis, this work elucidates how elements of African, European and South American cultures interact to produce a unique understanding of the colonial and post-colonial experience.

An Introduction to Selected Afro-Latino Writers
 Morris, Margaret Lindsay
2002 0-7734-6972-9 132 pages

Argentinean Cultural Production During the Neoliberal Years (1989-2001)
 Hortiguera, Hugo
2007 0-7734-5348-2 248 pages
This groundbreaking collection of essays examines Argentine cultural production during the 1989-2001 period, which coincided with the implementation of neoliberalism under President Carlos Saúl Menem (1989-1999) and his successor, Fernando de la Rúa (1999-2001), thereby providing an overview of the way Argentine writers, filmmakers, musicians and media reacted to this centrality of the market forces. This collection will be of interest to scholars of Latin American Cultural Studies, Hispanic Studies, Film Studies as well as those of Comparative Literature.

Band Mobility and Leadership Among the Western Toba Hunter-Gatherers of Gran Chaco in Argentina
 Mendoza, Marcela
2002 0-7734-7080-8 248 pages
Mendoza presents an ethnographic description of the Western Toba, an indigenous population of around 1,200 living in Formosa Province, Argentina. Drawing upon extensive fieldwork, she analyzes the past and present organization of their society, focusing on how it has been affected by changes in the seasonal movements of bands. She argues that despite widespread cultural change among these people, their egalitarian concept of leadership still persists.

Blacks in Central America by Santiago Valencia Chalá
 Fabre, Niza
2006 0-7734-5762-3 112 pages
The book Blacks in Central America, written in Spanish by Santiago Valencia Chalá and edited and translated into English by Dr. Niza Fabre, further validates and authenticates the history of the African presence in the Caribbean and Central America. This eight-chapter book is a sketch of the history of Africans in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and their national identities referred to as Garifuna culture.

The centrality of a spiritual life in the cosmology of the Garifuna is well-documented in the second chapter. Bypassing the traditional belief system of a monotheistic God as defined by the Roman Catholic religion, the Garifunas embraced the dualistic concepts of African and Indian rites of ascension into the state of deification. The division of the human soul into three parts, Anigi (animal spirit), Luani (soul) and Afurugu (supernatural) allow the individual’s final journey to its resting place.

The other chapters include a thumbnail historical and contemporary portrayal of blacks in Central America and other Caribbean countries.

The introduction of the book is an overview of the cosmology and the history of Africans in Esmeraldas, Ecuador, from early 16th century until the first decade of the 21st century. The cosmology of the Afro-Ecuadorians presented in the introduction underlines the spirits and apparitions as leading forces in the rural life of Ecuador in general.

This book adds to the voluminous interdisciplinary work of the centrality of Africa within Latin America.

Brazilian Short Story in the Late Twentieth Century. A Selection From Nineteen Authors
 Lopes, M. Angélica
2009 0-7734-4904-3 184 pages
The present volume contributes to the small corpus of Brazilian short fiction currently available in English.

Calvete De Estrella's De Rebus Indicis, a Latin History of the Spanish Conquest of Peru: A Study of Classical Influences and Spanish Sources
 Weeks, Zebulun Q.
2012 0-7734-2641-8 328 pages
Juan Cristobal Calvete de Estrella (c. 1510/20-1593) was a Spanish humanist with close connections to the courts of Charles V and Philip II, to the latter of whom he was a tutor. Among his many works in Latin and Spanish was De Rebus Indicis, a Latin history of the accounts of chroniclers, used documents probably supplied by the family of Cristobal Vaca de Castro, Francisco Pizarro’s successor as governor. The book is commonly thought to be the longest continuous history of its subject in Latin. It tracks down and compares the primary sources drawn upon for De Rebus Indicis, in so far as these are accessible, and then determines the nature of Calvete’s use of these sources, both in Spanish and Latin, as he sought to transform them into a work of art suitable for a European audience.
This book endeavors to do two things. First, it tracks down and compares the sources of content for De Rebus Indicis, and discovers that Calvete was more concerned with causation than other historians. He also interprets facts, rather than merely reporting on them, and provided more information about the capture of Atahualpa than any other historian past or present.

Career of Dona Ines De Suarez, the First European Woman in Chile Conquistadora
 Nauman, Ann K.
2000 0-7734-7739-X 220 pages

Catholic Feminism and the Social Question in Chile, 1910-1917
 Verba, Ericka Kim
2003 0-7734-6623-1 352 pages

Catholicism and Spanish Society Under the Reign of Philip II, 1555-1598, and Philip III, 1598-1621
 Wright, A.D.
1991 0-7734-9723-4 278 pages
This study examines not the foreign policy of Habsburg Spain, in its naval and military campaigns against militant Islam and Protestant heresy, but the reality of Catholic practice in the Iberian peninsula itself. Certain features of Spanish religion, such as the insistence on orthodoxy combined with a persistent anti-clericalism, are traced to this crucial period in the development of Catholicism in Spain. Non-Inquisitorial as well as Inquisitorial evidence is drawn on and Roman archival sources are used in addition to documents from Spain itself. This work thus seeks to analyze Spanish Catholicism during the period of the Counter-Reformation not in a traditional way, as part of Spanish history in isolation; but as a distinct part of the Catholic Church as a whole, in the era of post-Tridentine reform, taking as reference-points recent work on that larger subject by scholars not only in Spain but in other countries also, such as France and Italy.

Changing Architecture of Iberian Politics (1974-1992) an Investigation on the Structuring of Democratic Political Systemic Culture in Semiperipheral Southern European Societies
 Magone, José M.
1996 0-7734-2256-0 680 pages
This contribution to the study of institutional change from the authoritarian to the democratic regime in Portugal and Spain focuses particularly on the relationship between political structure and culture. The new concept of "political systemic culture" is introduced to show the structuring process of socialization, participation, and state agencies in building up a new democratic regime.

Chicanas and Latin American Women Writers Exploring the Realm of the Kitchen as a Self-Empowering Site
 André, María Claudia
2001 0-7734-7344-0 180 pages
This volume of essays critically studies the innovative discourse introduced by Latin American and Chicana writers who claim the kitchen space as a ‘room of their own,’ not only as an essential space for women’s intellectual and spiritual advancement, but as a self-empowering site where gender and sexual identities may be explored and transformed. “. . . this is both a popular and a learned text. On the scholarly side, it is very sound, drawing from psychoanalysis and from cultural studies and generating superb intersections. A text such as this could be of great use to introductory undergraduate courses as well as more advanced graduate seminars. One of its effects is that it engages cooking as a wedge through which to access and transform other disciplines. . . . it is well written, and successful in making a double move: joining critical practices just opening up on the American landscape and important Latin American texts that might not be readily accessible to a North American audience. . . . the introduction makes a deft incision into the topic, binding the essays and giving them a precise and substantive direction.” – Helen Regueiro Elam “. . . a salient and original contribution to the study of Spanish American women writers. It advances critical frameworks that are necessary for the development of further studies in the field of culinary writing. . . it will be well received by critical audiences.” – Patricia Rubio

Class, Politics, and Sugar in Colonial Cuba
 Allahar, Anton L.
1990 0-88946-217-8 232 pages
A treatise in historical sociology which traces the socioeconomic and political processes that accompanied the development of capitalism in Cuba, providing a backdrop against which Cuba's republican era (1898-1959) can be understood. The first single study to discuss the various factions of the planter class, their competing ideological orientations, and the destructive consequences of their intra-class conflicts. Identifies the principle social actors of the colonial period - the Spanish state officials, the peninsula merchants, the creole sugar planters, the slaves, and the indentured workers - to show how the specific economic and political interest of these groups defined them as distinct and antagonistic social classes.

Colonia Boer, an Afrikaner Settlement in Chubut, Argentina
 du Toit, Brian M.
1995 0-7734-8975-4 488 pages
This study is an historical community study, the first research on this group of Boers/Afrikaners who, following the Anglo-Boer War, refused to take the oath of loyalty to the British Crown, and instead emigrated, creating a settlement in Chubut, Argentina. It blends migration theory and ethnicity, documents the conditions which gave rise to the emigration, the names of individuals who migrated, the farms established in Argentina, the bleak living conditions and hardships. It is also the first report of the fact that a number of Blacks emigrated with the settlers. It contains an exhaustive survey of all documents and literature in Afrikaans, Dutch, English, and Spanish.

Community Radio in Bolivia - The Miners’ Radio Stations
 O'Connor, Alan
2004 0-7734-6392-5 160 pages
This book is the first one in English about the famous community radio stations operated in Bolivia by the miners’ trade unions. Since about 1950, there has been a network of more than twenty radios all locally funded and operated. This book focuses on the most heroic period of their existence during the twenty-five years from about 1960 to 1985.

This unique experience of local media is described through the voices of Latin American communication researchers and political activists. The chapters are selected and translated by Alan O’Connor who published the first scholarly article in English on the Bolivian miners’ radios. This book also gives readers an introduction to the methods and concerns of Latin American communication researchers.

This work includes overview written by Bolivian communication researchers who first brought the miners’ radios to the attention of researchers on participatory media. These pioneering articles struggle to fit the unruly miners’ radios into the concepts of debates about global communications. They stress what is unique about the Bolivian experience and the successes, problems and lack of resources of the radio stations.

The book also includes moving testimonies by participants in the radio stations. An historic transcript from a live broadcast shows how the radios connect up during times of political crisis in an attempt to organize resistance to a military coup. With the decline of the Bolivian mining industry since 1985 many of the radio stations no longer exist. The book documents attempts to rescue at least some of the stations and continue their work into the present.

Constitutional Issues in the Case of Reverend Moon. Amicus Briefs Presented to the United States Supreme Court
 Richardson, Herbert W.
1989 0-88946-873-7 450 pages
A compendium of amicus briefs (the largest number ever presented to the Supreme Court) for the use of scholars in this field.

Credible Fiscal Policy Commitments and Market Access. Case Studies of Argentina, Chile and Mexico, 1980-1995
 Gomez Dierks, Rosa
2003 0-7734-6939-7 276 pages
This study presents a fresh look at a vexing question confronting policy makers in emerging democracies – how to finance growth. It captures the institutional and policy choices governments make to access private market financing, closing a gap in understanding the relationship between credible fiscal policy commitments and public finance capacity. It analyzes data in three cases: Argentina, Chile, and Mexico. It will be of interest to scholars in the fields of international political economy, comparative public policy, international finance, and Latin American studies.

Critical Edition of Haitian Writer Roger Dorsinville’s Memoirs of Haiti
 Dorsinville, Max
2002 0-7734-6925-7 340 pages

Critical Edition of JosÉ Cadalso’s cartas Marruecas with Introduction, Annotations, and Glossary
 Alegre-González, Arantxa
2015 1-4955-0331-3 600 pages
A comprehensive and thorough description of the historical and cultural context including the emerging ideologies and how they influenced one of the most important Spanish Enlightenment writers of the Neoclassical period. This book will soon become the new standard by which all future essential resources will be compared by academics and scholars of this genre.

Current Issues on Theology and Religion in Latin America and Africa
 Aguilar, Mario I.
2002 0-7734-7311-4 296 pages
This volume explores the difficult relation between theologians and scholars of religion by exploring methodological parameters regarding objectivity. While most religious studies scholars propose a naturalistic view of religion and its study, this work proposes an interface between contextual theology and religious studies. Following a methodological introduction and the case study of the American Academy of Religion, chapters constitute historical explorations about religious practitioners and their theologies within society in Chile, El Salvador, Kenya and Rwanda.

Development and Politics of Argentine Immigration Policy, 1852-1914 to Govern is to Populate
 Castro, Donald S.
1991 0-7734-9980-6 328 pages
Focuses on the evolutions of Argentine immigration policies and the discussion of the social, political and economic issues involved in the related political debate. Class, regional and economic interests (particularly self-interest) of the Argentine ruling elites are of special interest.

Development of Railroads in Guatemala and El Salvador, 1849-1929
 Ross, Delmer G.
2001 0-7734-7501-X 264 pages
This study deals with the planning, construction, and early operation of the railroad network of these two Central American nations. The network was unique in Central America because the majority of it was eventually taken over, completed, and operated by International Railways of Central America, a subsidiary of an American concern, the United Fruit Company. This pioneer study explains in considerable detail how all of this occurred, from the first few miles of track laid to the completion of the final international network link. Based on a mix of primary and secondary sources, published and unpublished, the narrative notes how progressive thinkers saw railroads as a way to improve the economies of the nations involved. This volume brings together in a single coherent study much material that is often mentioned only in passing in other volumes, if it is mentioned at all. Illustrations.

Dramatic and Theatrical Censorship of Sixteenth-Century New Spain
 Breining, Daniel
2002 0-7734-7004-2 300 pages
This work investigates the censorship of género chico dramas, pieces which were commonly used as a conversional and didactic tool in New Spain during the first decades of colonial rule. These small theatrical representations and dramatic texts are particularly insightful to the censorial policies as developed and implemented by the ecclesiastical and viceregal authorities of New Spain. The official and personal anti-theatrical and anti-dramatic dictates, as enforced in part by Archbishop Juan de Zumàrraga and the New World Inquisition, relied heavily upon the ideals of mimesis, education, and concern for subversion of the state. Because the works generally included the use of Nahuatl, the language of the newly conquered natives of the Anahuac valley, and were performed by the Indians without Spanish supervision, they feared potential insertion of indigenous elements. Along with the hybridized qualities found in many of the pieces, this work also looks at the criticism of viceregal policies as one more reason for censoring these works and reprimanding their authors, with examples taken from the works of Hernán González de Eslava, Juan Pérez Ramírez, and Cristóbal de Llerena.

Dramaturgas PuertorriqueÑas De 1990 a 2010
 Rosell, Sara
2010 0-7734-1329-4 236 pages
This work presents the new generation of Puerto Rican women playwrights (both from the Island and the Diaspora), and critically examines their works in light of postcolonial theories. It focuses primarily on the notions of identity (sexual, racial, transnational/ transcultural), and gender construction. In Spanish

Duarte Ribeiro De Macedo, Um Diplomata Modern (1618-1680): A Biography of a Portuguese Diplomat
 de Faria, Ana Maria Homem Leal
2010 0-7734-3638-3 1048 pages
This study examines the process of creating modern diplomacy - starting from the concrete case of Portugal - and its contribution in defining the foreign policy of European states and developing international relations It includes the impact of the relations with states on home policy at a time when the concept of Europe gradually started to replace the mediaeval notion of Christendom.

Duration and Political Nature of the Inca Empire
 Barker, Robert
2014 0-7734-0086-9 308 pages
A fascinating resource on the evolution of the Inca Empire and, in particular, the creation of chronology and genealogy of the Inca dynasty. The work argues that the Incas, both as an ethnic group in the Cuzco region and as an empire, lasted a lot longer than presently thought.

Economic Performance Under Democratic Regimes in Latin America in the Twenty-First Century
 Gustafson, Lowell S.
2003 0-7734-6584-7 250 pages
These essays explain and evaluate the experience of democracy in recent years, considering the historical, economic, cultural, and social factors that aided its re-emergence, as well as the continued poverty and inequality in the region that challenge it.

Effect of a North American Free Trade Agreement on the Commonwealth Caribbean
 Hosten-Craig, Jennifer
1992 0-7734-9554-1 160 pages
This timely study assesses the possible impact of a NAFTA on the Commonwealth or English-speaking countries of the Caribbean. The theory and practice of free trade are discussed, as well as the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and the question of regional integration among the Caribbean countries. Written by a former diplomat and political scientist with considerable knowledge of the region, this study includes important primary and secondary research. Most notable are the views of leading regional personalities from both the public and private sectors in the Caribbean and North America. This represents one of the first definitive pieces of research into an issue which is still taking shape and upon which policy analysts in the region should take a leading interest.

El Teatro Politico De Protesta Social En Venezuela, 1969 - 1979
 Bottaro, Jésus S.
2008 0-7734-5203-6 184 pages
This study examines the social and cultural causes of the decline in political theater in Venezuela during the second half of the twentieth century. The author focuses primarily on the following representative plays: La trampa de los demonios (1977) by César Rengifo, La guerrita de Rosendo (1976) by Gilberto Pinto, La farra (1974) and La empresa perdona un momento de locura (1978) both by Rodolfo Santana.

El Tema De La Simulacion En El Teatro De Cinco Paises Hispano Americanos Del Siglo 20th: The Theme of Imposters in Five Hispanic American/caribbean Plays of the Twentieth Century
 Nishida, Koji
2013 0-7734-4531-5 260 pages
This book investigates the theme of imposters in three Hispanic American plays and two Caribbean plays from the early twentieth century. The author has selected each play from a different country so that the scholarship presents a broader perspective of Hispanic American and Caribbean themes. In these five plays, the main characters fabricate their own identities for various reasons. My focus is on analyzing those imposters and on presenting how the dramatists present these types of imposters in their works. Identity is one of the most prominent themes in Hispanic American and Caribbean literature because the history of these regions involves a long period of European colonization. As a result of this colonization the cultures of these regions imitated European culture for centuries. For this reason the act of constructing a distinct American identity has been a struggle for these writers. The five plays analyze this struggle by depicting main characters that pretend to be someone else and abandon their own identity. I have analyzed the imposters and incorporated findings from various studies that make a connection between the play and Hispanic American and Caribbean history.

Eliseo Subiela, the Poet of Latin American Cinema: Essays, Interviews, and Photographs
 Membrez, Nancy J.
2015 0-7734-0085-0 504 pages
A provocative, insightful new collection of well-documented essays focusing on the poetic dimension of Eliseo Subiela’s films. This book provides a new model for film scholarship for Spanish and Latin American cinematography.

Exposition of Jose De Acosta’s Historia Natural y Moral De Las Indias 1590 the Emergence of an Anthropological Vision of Colonial Latin America
 Shepherd, Gregory J.
2002 0-7734-7125-1 164 pages

Fuentes De La ImaginaciÓn HistÓrica En La Narrativa De Marcio Veloz Maggiolo
 Rodríguez-Henríquez, Rafael
2010 0-7734-1330-8 208 pages
This study examines four novels by Marcio Veloz Maggiolo. It reveals the fundamental sources used in these novels in constructing the concept of the “historical imagination”. The analysis shows that the traditional concept of “official history” is rejected to give rise to an eclectic view of the past that embraces scientific and philosophical knowledge, the voices of the marginalized “other”, folkloric manifestations, and the imaginative reflections of the characters and narrators. This book contains one color photograph.

Henry Morgan’s Raid on Panama - Geopolitics and Colonial Ramifications, 1669-1674
 Petrovich, Sandra
2001 0-7734-7422-6 142 pages
Henry Morgan and his band of English commission buccaneers went on a raid of reprisal against the Spanish, looting and ultimately destroying one of the richest towns of the new world, Panama City. Morgan and his buccaneers also managed almost to ruin carefully-laid diplomatic plans between England and Spain. Because of their actions, King Charles II created a decisive colonial policy for the Caribbean, something the British had lacked for half a century. “ . . . a solidly researched monograph on a fascinating topic which sheds important light on the colonial experience of the Americas.. . . . Petrovich’s account of the raid is strongly based on the best available evidence and placed in a solid conceptual framework. This book makes a worthwhile addition to the literature on the subject.” – Jonathan Zophy

History and Legend of the Colonial Maya of Guatemala
 Yamase, Shinji
2003 0-7734-6859-5 324 pages

History of East Indian Resistance on the Guyana Sugar Estates, 1869-1948
 Mangru, Basdeo
1996 0-7734-8790-5 384 pages
This volume seeks to demolish the notion of East Indian docility and passivity in the Caribbean by demonstrating that they respond resolutely to pressures. Based primarily on documentary evidence at the Public Records Office and the India Office Library and Records in England, the book argues that it was resistance, both overt and covert, rather than accommodation which asserted itself on the plantations in the indenture and post-indenture periods. Stymied by a lack of indigenous leadership and organization, and confronted by a powerful, influential plantocracy and repressive state apparatus, Indian workers had demonstrated consistently that they were not afraid to protest when aggrieved. The nearly 1000 strikes and 54 deaths attested to their militancy. By its concentration on a relatively unexplored topic, this study makes a powerful contribution to Guyanese, Caribbean, and imperial history.

Inequality and Difference in Hispanic and Latin American Cultures: Critical Theoretical Approaches
 McGuirk, Bernard
1995 0-7734-9476-6 184 pages
These essays present a balance of theory and practice, of literary and cultural criticism, of gender, race, aesthetic, colonial and political issues. Distinguished critics from the realms of sociology, politics, cultural studies, women's writing, literature, translation and critical theory focus attention on Judaeo-Hispanic, Portuguese, Afro-Caribbean, Andean, Brazilian, and other cultural texts, in an attempt to locate the inequalities and the differences involved in the making of cultural labels. The collection arises from the international Inequality/Theory conference held at the Graduate School of Critical Theory in the University of Nottingham in July 1992.

La Loca De Gandoca / The Madwoman of Gandoca
 Martin, Terry J.
2006 0-7734-5637-6 124 pages
La Loca de Gandoca caused a national outcry in Costa Rica when it was published in 1992. It blew the whistle on a secret plot by government officials and private investors to develop the Gandoca-Manzanilla Wildlife Refuge, which is one of the most biologically diverse sites in the world and supposed to be protected by the Costa Rican constitution. The novel is the largely autobiographical account of Anacristina Rossi’s attempt to save the refuge from destruction. It is an inspirational story that shows what one brave, determined, self-reliant individual can do even against powerful vested interests. It is, at the same time, a fascinating exposé of the corrupt, labyrinthine and stonewalling government bureaucracy of Costa Rica, the popular American tourist destination, supposed by many to be a model of enlightened conservation and ecotourism. In addition, the novel is a probing ecofeminist critique of the Western paradigm of development, one which sensitively and poetically explores the relationship between humanity and nature.

La Narrativa De Salvador Garmendia Más Allá De La Rázon
 Rodríguez, Yesenia M.
1997 0-7734-2215-3 108 pages
Salvador Garmendia is undoubtedly one of the most important Venzuelan and Latin American contemporary writers. He has been associated with the Latin American "boom" of the 60s along with Gabriel García Márquez, Carlos Fuentes, and Mario Vargas Llosa. Garmendia is said to be the first Venzuelan writer to leave behind the old regional patterns to incorporate in his writing the alienation of urban man. Garmendia's characters are not fighting against a powerful and devouring nature but rather against a dehumanizing city. Garmendia's short stories and novels contain excellent descriptions of the neurosis caused by city life and are distinguished for descriptive and blunt language. Carlos Fuentes has said that Garmendia is one of those writers who writes as object and subject, and his descriptions are born of his microscopic eye for detail. In Spanish.

La ReevaluaciÓn De La Figura De SimÓn BolÍvar En Las PostrimerÍas Del Siglo XX
 Cheng, William Joaquín
2007 0-7734-5377-6 200 pages
This book examines the ways in which contemporary novelists from Venezuela and Colombia have treated one of the most prominent nineteenth-century historical figures of South America, Simón Bolívar, the “Liberator”—also known as the founding father of their nations. The novels examined at length are Sinfonía desde el Nuevo Mundo (1990) by Germán Espinosa, Manuel Piar, caudillo de dos colores (1987) by Francisco Herrera Luque, El general en su laberinto (1989) by Gabriel García Márquez, La ceniza del Libertador (1989) by Fernando Cruz Konfly, and El insondable (1997) by Álvaro Pineda Botero. This book focuses primarily on the different kinds of fictional representation of this Latin American icon and the roles these modes of portrayal play in the ideologies at the end of the twentieth century. In Spanish

Lope De Aguirre’s 1560 Expedition Through the Amazon Rain Forest in Quest of El Dorado: Together with a Revisionist Interpretation of the Murder of the Most Beautiful Mestiza of Peru
 Zogbaum, Heidi
2015 1-4955-0343-9 192 pages
This enjoyable novelistic styled historical book is a serious scholarly study and careful reconstruction of the events of the Amazon expedition of Lope de Aguirre in his failed quest to find the fabled city of El Dorado, including the murders of Ursúa and Inés de Atienza. This fascinating work captures the intrigue of Amazonian exploration as well as the political and cultural ambiance of this colonial period in South America.

Los Otros - Columbus and the Three Who Made His Enterprise of the Indies Succeed
 Frye, John
1992 0-7734-9196-1 128 pages
An account of three men, without whose influence and resources Columbus' enterprise of the Indies would not have occurred. Martín Alonso Pinzón was a shipowner/navigator. His young brother Vicente Yáñez was also a navigator. Juan de la Cosa was owner of the merchantman Marigalante, to be chartered and renamed by Columbus the Santa María. The three of them had adventures, together or separately, poaching in Portuguese preserves of Atlantic Africa as far south as Guinea. These are their stories.

Lost Notebooks of Robert Burkitt, Maya Linguist: A Record of Languages of Ancient Guatemala
 Weeks, John M.
2008 0-7734-5055-6 680 pages
This work makes accessible rare, collected linguistic data from the late-nineteenth- and early-twentieth centuries. The study presents the earliest reliable records of a number of Mayan languages, as opposed to previous materials written primarily by colonial sources.

Introduction and Annotations by John S. Leiby
 Mendinueta, Pedro
2003 0-7734-6566-9 268 pages
This is a major chronicle of the early nineteenth century and provides a firsthand account of the region prior to the Latin American Wars of Independence. This document, which has not appeared before in either English or Spanish, is divided into four major parts: ecclesiastical affairs, administration, Royal Exchequer and finances, and the military.

Military Disengagement and Democratic Consolidation in Post-Military Regimes
 Miller, Andrew P.
2006 0-7734-5588-4 124 pages
This book addresses the question of military disengagement from politics in states emerging from prolonged cycles of military intervention in politics. The case of El Salvador is particularly interesting given the decades of repeated intervention by the Salvadoran military. These cycles of military intervention indicate that intervention in politics is seen by the military as part of their job. Long-term military disengagement, therefore, comes from a change in the military’s self-identity and orientation toward intervention in politics because the military will always have the ability to intervene due to their preponderance of force. The case study approach is used in order to discern the historic difficulties facing permanent removal of the Salvadoran military from politics and the prospects for the future. As the preponderant holder of force is society, the military will disengage from politics when external pressures elicit a voluntary withdrawal based upon the military’s perception of those external pressures and the possibility of a face-saving return to the barracks with a maximum preservation of power and prestige.

Narrative Voices and the Liberation Movement in the Mexican State of Chiapas
 Caldwell, Wendy
2004 0-7734-6376-3 219 pages
This book focuses on a series of indigenista novels of Chiapas, Mexico published between 1957 and 1994 and examines these works of fiction as mirrors of important social, political, and economic realities plaguing contemporary Mexican society, in particular Chiapas. From this narrative sequence, a liberationist discourse emerges that reflects the ideas of Liberation Theology and its approach to the plight of the poor. The authors portray a set of obstacles that impede the liberation process and, in doing so, project movement toward the authentic liberation of the native inhabitants of their novels. Through the theoretical framework of liberation thought, this book shows how literature, specifically the novel, can transcend the boundaries of genre and transform itself into a participant in the debate on multiethnic identity in Mexico. With the 1994 uprising led by the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, Chiapas has become a global symbol for marginalized voices that struggle to gain a legitimate space in Mexican society. The novels treated in the book outline the context which led to the “¡YA BASTA!” of the EZLN. The content is presented within an interdisciplinary context and, therefore, is attractive to a variety of fields.

National and Human Security Issues in Latin America
 Pattnayak, Satya R.
2006 0-7734-5765-8 276 pages
In this book, an international group of distinguished scholars analyze how Latin Americans are struggling with the question of how they can provide for their security while they govern themselves. They explain Latin Americans’ complex definitions of security and current threats to it. Various external forces – from Al Qaeda and the International Monetary Fund to certain policies of the United States government – threaten Latin Americans’ autonomy.

Economic and political elites may restrict popular self-government, sometimes by promising to provide for security at the cost of liberty. The lives, property, and well-being of Latin American peoples often remain in the balance. The authors show how Latin American nations, individuals, and peoples are seeking to make themselves more secure through their democracies. They consider how Latin Americans are asserting their democratic rights and seeking to deepen the practices of freedom during the current domestic transitions and the war on terror. They judge the prospects for the success of Latin American democracies meeting the severe threats to the region’s security. Given Latin American political history and contemporary insecurities, the chapters demonstrate why the future of these democracies is at risk.

National Security of Guyana
 Ramcharan, Robin
2007 0-7734-5338-5 392 pages
This work analyzes the way in which the foreign policy in Guyana has fared in protecting its national security, while also analyzing the very concept of “national security” as it applies to a small-state like Guyana. Since its independence in 1966, Guyanese foreign policy has been synonymous with national security. The process of national security in Guyana, like that of other post-colonial small-states, cannot be viewed independently from that of nation-building. Guyana’s struggles with internal insecurity are examined, along with the responses to various external challenges which have resulted in human insecurity and significant external involvement in the micromanagement of Guyana’s domestic affairs.

New Concept of Art and Popular Culture in Nicaragua Since the Revolution in 1979 an Analytical Essay and Compendium of 185 Illustrations
 Craven, David
1989 0-88946-489-8 407 pages
Provides the most definitive assessment so far of the arts in Nicaragua since 1979, with analyses of specific cultural policies and particular artworks associated with them. Demonstrates why the concept of art being advanced is innovative in relation to that of most earlier revolutions and how the ideological pluralism on which it is based is fundamentally at odds with the earlier doctrine of Socialist Realism.

Path to the 2002 Association Agreement Between the European Union and Chile: A Case Study in Successful Political Negotiation
 Garcia, Maria J.
2009 0-7734-4833-0 352 pages
This study, using a qualitative process-tracing approach, investigates the reasons that motivated the European Union to conclude an Association Agreement with Chile in 2002.

Poesia Y Guerra Interna En El Peru (1980-1992): A Study of Poets and Civil War in Peru (1980-1992)
 de Lima, Paolo
2014 0-7734-4346-0 520 pages
Paolo de Lima’s study offers an innovative and profound reading of six poets that earlier critics had not examined closely. He highlights the axiological and verbal differences between the generation of the 1980s and the previous one, notably through the impact that political violence had on the ways that the younger writers developed their subjectivity and its corresponding poetic expression.

A remarkable study that will serve a graduate seminar in Latin American poetry and/or Peruvian poetry. The mastery of the subject area and the impeccable balance between theoretical explanations and close readings of poems are features of this book that make it stand out.

Poetic Negotiation of Identity in the Works of Brathwaite, Harris, Senior and DabydeenTropical Paradise Lost and Regained
 Williams, Emily Allen
1999 0-7734-7931-7 172 pages
This volume illuminates the heightened critical assessment of Anglophone Caribbean poetry in the late 20th century. Williams makes a substantial contribution to a canon of literary criticism through her critical examination of selected poetry of Edward Kamau Brathwaite, Claire Harris, Olive Senior, and David Dabydeen. In her analysis she highlights the power of language as it classifies, divides, informs, and synthesizes the lives of Caribbean peoples throughout the Caribbean basin region. While placing emphasis on the poets’ concerns with exile, displacement, and colonial cultural and political domination, it places primary emphasis on their movement beyond poetic forms of mere protest. Using the protest form, each poet appropriates a larger vision which encompasses prophecy for present and future gains based upon a meaningful connection to their African and Indian (cultural) primacy.

The Role of the Left in Brazil and Chile
 Burton, Guy
2011 0-7734-1433-9 432 pages
What is social democracy in Latin America and what has been its impact on public policy? This work uses case studies to examine the approaches of three Latin American governments to educational policy.

Politica Y Literatura En La Obra De Antenor Orrego
 Pozada-Burga, Mario A.
2009 0-7734-4651-6 156 pages
This work examines the life and works of the Peruvian essayist Antenor Orrego (1892-1960). It analyzes aspects of his work, such as the beginning of the career of the great poet César Vallejo and his belief in Latin American unification. In Spanish.

Political Journalism by Mexican Women During the Age of Revolution, 1876-1940
 Pouwels, Joel Bollinger
2006 0-7734-5874-3 304 pages
This is the only comprehensive work on the subject of Mexican women’s involvement in journalism from its hidden beginnings in colonial times to the mid-twentieth century. By 1940, a few women had become star reporters in Mexico City, the geographical focus of this study. After an introductory chapter on the colonial roots of women’s journalism, the book focuses on the revolutionary period from 1876 to 1940. During these tumultuous years, a handful of extraordinary women broke into journalism in order to promote various social and political causes. In the process, they expanded women’s journalism beyond the society pages, and made political journalism a respectable career for women. In addition to synthesizing the historical and biographical data, this book compiles and evaluates the widely dispersed, and sometimes contradictory, secondary-source material. The index and exhaustive bibliography, which are usually lacking in Mexican sources, will facilitate future research in this area.

Primitivismo, Racismo y Misoginismo en el Cine Latinoamericano / Primitivism, Racism, and Misogyny in Latin American Cinema
 Barrueto, Jorge J.
2008 0-7734-5138-2 288 pages
This study explores the aesthetic, social and political aspects present in Latin American cinema as portrayed in major representative films from the region, and addresses the study of film in Latin America in the context of great historical moments. The issues of race, gender, primitivism, Otherness, slavery, immigration, social change, and their underpinning ideologies, inspire the presentations of these films. In Spanish. This book contains five black and white photographs and five color photographs.

Radical Journalists, Generalist, Intellectuals, and U.S. - Latin American Relations
 Williams, Virginia S.
2001 0-7734-7553-2 188 pages
This is a prosopography of five non-mainstream intellectuals who attempted to re-shape the way Latin America was perceived by the United States during the first six decades of the 20th century. The works of the alternative intellectuals are an important component of the literature, but much of their work has been relegated to obscurity because they were educated generalists who crossed disciplinary boundaries and disciplines. They anticipated the scholarship of the 1960s-70s in which questions arose about Latin American dependency and revolutionary nationalism, and wrote about the more subtle forms of imperialism – indirect control through economic means – long before most American scholars of Latin America followed suit. Individuals examined are Herschel Brickell, Samuel Guy Inman, Carleton Beals, Waldo Frank, and Frank Tannenbaum.

Recontextualization of William Faulkner in Latin American Fiction and Culture
 Oakley, Helen
2002 0-7734-7013-1 236 pages

Rereading the Writings of Roberto Arlt (1900-1942) Within the Framework of Argentine Theatre and Popular Literature: A New Way of Interpreting a Major Latin American Author
 Miranda, Carolina
2012 0-7734-4076-3 220 pages
Arlt is an influential Latin American novelist. His literary production was not confined to novels and he also wrote shorter narratives individually. It was not until long after his death that he began to receive national and international fame.

An aesthetic appraisal of an author whose work possessed a trenchant social realism fused with fantasy, which was an early precursor to Latin America’s greatest literary accomplishment, Magical Realism.

Research Bibliography and Anthropological Study of Afro- Choco Communities on the Colombian Pacific Coast
 Fernández, Óscar
2016 1-4955-0447-6 256 pages
This book describes the acute structural plight of the Colombian Department of Chocó on the Pacific Coast. This Afro-Colombian, indigenous and mixed ancestry region is located in one of the richest areas of biodiversity remaining in the world and consequently gives rise to antagonistic confrontations due to the asymmetrical confluence of cultures in Colombian society.

A Literary Analysis of 20th Century American Drama
 Davis, Maria
2014 0-7734-4333-9 568 pages
A unique and original viewpoint of how the dream of success is still a vital part of the American mentality and how this is clearly reflected in its drama. The American struggle against repression and exploitation, the rebellion and civil rights victories against all odds are hallmarks of American life and drama.

Sin, Crime and Retribution in Early Latin America a Translation and Critique of Sources: Lope De Aguirre, Francisco De Carvajal, Juan Rodríguez Freyle
 Jay, Felix
1999 0-7734-8192-3 344 pages
Organized aggression and conquest have always provided violent men with an opportunity to commit atrocities, and this applies to the Spanish Conquest of the Americas. In Peru, two names overshadow all acts of violence by reason of exceptional, systematic, continuous and paranoic expressions of evil: Lope de Aguirre and Francisco de Carvajal. Aguirre's crimes appalled his tough contemporaries, and inspired writers and writers and filmmakers of later generations. (Werner Herzog's 1973 cinematographic classic Wrath of God is based on his life.) Francisco de Carvajal, in four short years, left a trail of atrocities, murders, corruption and robberies that earned him the name "Demon of the Andes." In Bogotá, Juan Rodríguez Freyle set down a chronicle of lawlessness, greed, murder, passions, intrigue, and corruption and the often criminal behavior of the guardians of the law and judicial inspectors. Throughout this volume, the translator has chosen to let the eyewitnesses and secondary sources tell the stories.

Social and Linguistic Heritage of Native Peoples in the Americas
 Van Broekhoven, Laura N.K.
2006 0-7734-5639-2 308 pages
This book brings together ten essays relating to the manner in which postcolonial research is conducted and information put forth on the representation of indigenous cultures in the Americas. Divided into three parts, Part One describes the current state of affairs of postcolonial studies in the North American region; Part Two explores Mesoamerican culture, and Ñuu Savi and Zapotec studies in particular; and Part Three looks at the Andean region.

Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Volume I: The First Period of the Pinochet Government
 Aguilar, Mario I.
2004 0-7734-6245-7 234 pages
This first volume of a social history of the Catholic Church in Chile describes and interprets the historiography of bishops, priests, religious, Christian communities and lay people during the years 1973-1980 by the use of ecclesiastical primary sources and oral testimonies. In 1973, Augusto Pinochet led a military coup that had enormous repercussions for the history of Chile and for the pastoral actions of the Catholic Church led by Cardinal Silva Henriquez. This book examines the historiography of the period in the context of the universal church, the Latin American churches and the development of a very strong network of parish communities that sheltered the persecuted and defended the right of the Church to speak against a totalitarian state. Its author has used a significantly large number of unpublished and unknown primary historical sources that make this volume the most significant historical work in English for the history of the Chilean Church from the military coup to the approval of the new Chilean Constitution in 1980. It includes an examination of legal documentation related to the first findings of human remains of political prisoners at Lonquen and it analyses the role of the Church within that social process.

Social History of the Catholic Church in Chile Volume III
 Aguilar, Mario I.
2006 0-7734-5653-8 284 pages
This book describes and interprets the historiography of bishops, priests, religious, Christian communities and lay people in Chile during the years 1980-1990 by the use of ecclesiastical primary sources, secondary sources and oral testimonies. In 1973, Augusto Pinochet led a military coup that had enormous repercussions for the history of Chile and for the pastoral actions of the Catholic Church led by Cardinal Silva Henríquez. This book examines the historiography of the period in which the Church and Chilean civic society pushed for a return to democracy; it explores the relations of the Pinochet government with Cardinals Silva Henríquez and Fresno, as well as the approval of the 1980 Chilean Constitution, the attempt on Pinochet’s life, John Paul II’s visit to Chile and the referendum of 1988 that finally led to free democratic elections in Chile during 1989. The author has used a significantly large number of unpublished and unknown primary historical sources that make this volume the most significant historical work in English for the history of the Chilean Church from the new Chilean Constitution in 1980 to the return to democracy in 1990.

The Argentine Tango as Social History, 1880-1955: The Soul of the People
 Castro, Donald S.
1991 0-7734-9923-7 274 pages
Discusses lunfardo (the language of the tango) and lunfardo poets, the tango in the era of the Guardia Vieja, Carlos Gardel, the Epoca de oro of the tango (1917-1943), and the tango under Perón, (1943-1955). With a selected bibliography on the Argentine tango.

A Translation of Avant Garde, Women’s, and Protest Poetry
 Herron, Sandra
2008 0-7734-5063-7 144 pages
This study is devoted to illustrating the translations of selected Chilean poets to provide resources for scholars interested in Chilean poetry, history, and culture. Incorporating various elements of translation theory the author takes into account the continuous interaction of linguistic, cultural, and historical elements.

The Debate on the Nature, Role and Influence of Woman in Eighteenth-Century Spain
 Kitts, Sally-Ann
1995 0-7734-9088-4 332 pages
Based on an exhaustive examination of archival sources which revealed much new material, this volume presents a thorough and incisive review of the range of opinions found in pamphlets and periodicals from the beginning of the debate to its decline in the first years of the nineteenth century. Highlighting evolutionary stages in the discussion, it reveals and clarifies the attitudes and assumptions which underpin the various essays and places the debate on woman within the context of the social, political and intellectual background of eighteenth-century Spain. Topics in the archival sources included education, marriage, work, population, charity, the arts, and prostitution.

The Dramatic Political Allegories of the Spanish Exile Félix Mexía Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1826
 Coscio, Elizabeth A.
2006 0-7734-5582-5 256 pages
The fiery Spanish liberal journalist Félix Mexía authored two dramas not previously analyzed: No hay union con los tiranos morirá quien lo pretenda o sea la muerte de Riego y España entre cadenas and La Fayette en Monte Vernon. Their analysis provides an understanding of Mexía’s political exile in the United States, employing the context of their historical setting. The application of new Romantic theory to his works published during his American exile due to censorship reveals his hidden political allegory.

Political allegory mediated the return, not only to a chaotic nineteenth-century political period in Spain, but also to an idealized Spanish medieval felicity and to the heroic Greek and Roman Age by way of the American Revolution. Readers here have traditionally ignored the allegory by remaining on the historical surface of both plays. Mexía dedicated the first dramatic work as a historical tragedy to Guadalupe Victoria, the first president of Mexico, to elevate the martyr’s death of his Spanish hero, the revolutionary Rafael de Reigo y Nuñez, by detailing the final moments of Riego’s imprisonment. Writing La Fayette en Monte Vernon in the republican tradition of a Greco-Roman epic, Mexía refigured the Spanish guerilla fighter Francisco Javier Espoz y Mina as the patriot farmer George Washington. These dedications resulted from his denunciation of specific Spanish laws that shut down patriotic societies, disbanded the revolutionary national militia, and imprisoned popular heroes like Riego.

While Benito Pérez Galdós used Mexía as a fictional fanatical caricature of a whole generation of liberals in El terror de 1824 of the Episodios nacionales, Mexía himself anticipated that usage of his persona fifty years earlier in the nineteenth century by entering his own performances as a fictional friend to his historical protagonist heroes, Riego in one drama and La Fayette in the other drama. Both dramas feature a romantic first: an allegorized female as a political constitution. These readings make public Mexía’s political issues mediated through allegorical syntagmatic historical correspondences, referencing back to his own particular exile identity in neoclassic political discourse, thus qualifying the two dramas as part of a transnational revolutionary utopist genre, but not Romantic theatre.

The Case of Illinois
 Sisneros, Anthony A.
2007 0-7734-5451-9 228 pages
This work analyzes the development of Latino empowerment in Illinois. Recent events give due cause to be impressed with Latino Americanos: first, the fact that in 2003, Latinos became the United States’ largest minority; second, three Latino U.S. Senators, first-time Latino Attorney General and Secretary of Commerce, and female Mexican-born defeats incumbent native-born Hispanic and MPA graduate for a House seat in the Illinois State General Assembly are all historic events for the Latino community in America. This book is timely, considering significant population shifts in the United States which are redefining the minority, plurality, and majority status of Latinos, by utilizing data collected from voter behavior research, narrative inquiry, participant-observation, interviews, content analysis, case study analysis, case law analysis, and examinations of national and state labor force statistical data.

The Hero and Leander Theme in Iberian Literature, 1500-1800: An Anthology of Translations
 Krummrich, Philip
2006 0-7734-5694-5 412 pages
The Hero and Leander theme enjoyed tremendous vogue during the Renaissance. This book offers English translations of works by twenty-three writers, including Garcilaso de la Vega, Luis de Camões, Francisco de Quevedo, and Luis de Góngora. The texts were all originally published between 1500 and 1800; most of them were written in Castilian Spanish, but there are also examples from Portuguese, Valencian, and Asturian. The literary forms represented include sonnets, ballads, odes, a prose narrative, a full-length play, and three long pieces of narrative verse. The book includes a critical and historical introduction, brief comments on each author and on the special challenges of each translation, an appendix on treatments of the Hero and Leander theme in other art forms, a substantial bibliography, and an index. It is intended as a resource for students of comparative literature and culture.

The Imagining of Community in the Arts of Guatemala: Weaving, Folk Tales, Marimba Performance, and Contemporary Painting
 Greene, David B.
2010 0-7734-1311-1 240 pages
Three types of Guatemalan art that represent imagines of community are presented here. The particular techniques and structure of each set of works project an imagining of community that is unique to those pieces. Studying the pieces together lays the groundwork for re-imagining the relation of arts and society.

A European War of Freedom and Independence
 Tengwall, David L.
2010 0-7734-3614-6 520 pages
This study examines the major events that led to the Spanish control of Portugal in 1580 and the major causes of the revolt in 1640. Included is a detailed study of the emergence of the Portuguese military, the social and economic conditions that played a decisive role during the Revolution, and the emergence of a national spirit that led to the defeat of one of the most politically and militarily powerful countries in seventeenth century Europe. This book contains fifteen black and white photographs.

An Historical Examination

Volume 1: The Early Years 1936-1973
 Tarver, H. Micheal
2001 0-7734-7377-7 164 pages
Biographical study of two-time President Carlos Andrés Pérez, one of the architects of contemporary Venezuelan history.

An Historical Examination

Volume 2: The Later Years 1973-2004
 Tarver, H. Micheal
2005 0-7734-6246-5 156 pages
This current volume details the later political career of Carlos Andres Perez, focusing on his two presidential administrations and his fall from political power. This work builds upon the early political foundations of Perez which have been detailed in Volume One. During his first administration (1974- 79), President Perez introduced Venezuela into the economic and political realities of a new and ever-changing world order, as a result of the revenue generated by the nation's petroleum exports. For his part, Perez sought to modernize Venezuela's democracy and to bring Venezuela to a level of development which would enable it to compete successfully within the New Economic World Order. Not long after beginning his second term as president (1989-1993), Carlos Andres Perez was faced with economic and social crises. Consequently, in the early days of his administration, events transpired which considerably weakened the political foundation of his government. By late 1992, two coup d'etat attempts had been made against the President, and by Spring 1993 the Supreme Court ruled that there were sufficient grounds for an indictment on charges of corruption. This ruling resulted in the decision by the National Congress to remove President Perez from office so that he could be brought to trial. Following his trial, the Supreme Court sentenced Carlos Andres Perez to 2 years and 4 months of house arrest for the crime of aggravated generic embezzlement.

Realism and Magic Realism in Haiti
 Dorsinville, Max
2000 0-7734-7830-2 328 pages
A critical edition of two translated novels (The Mad King and The Creator and the Mad King), from the French, by Haitian writer Roger Dorsinville (1911-1992) on the rule of Francois Duvalier. This volume argues critically that Roger Dorsinville’s novels fit in the tradition of Joseph Conrad’s narratives exploring the darker side of human and social behavior as well as the in the Latin American stream of magic realism. This is a contribution to scholarship of a Haitian writer’s highly moral account of irrationality in individual and social behavior; one which evolves as it reverses historical referentiality in representation and celebrates a norm for goodness located in artistic reflexivity. A number of critical texts are appended, along with selected bibliography.

The History of a Church That Lived Its Commitment to the Poor
 Whelan, Winifred
2011 0-7734-3952-8 368 pages
This text is an English translation of Sister Mary Garcia’s personal experience in Honduras. While describing the conflict between Church-backed agrarian reformers and land owners in Honduras during the late 1960s and 1970s, the book details how Sister Mary interacted with the campesinos, how she defended their interests, and how she transformed the Honduran Catholic Church’s image into a defender of the poor. The book further provides her account of the massacres at La Talanquera in 1972 and Los Horcones in 1975.

 García Pérez, Grisel Maria
2011 0-7734-2584-5 164 pages
A guide on how to employ successful methods of pronunciation for Spanish and Latino speakers who wish to speak English words.

Troubled and the Troubling Caribbean
 Glasgow, Roy Arthur
1989 0-88946-471-5 348 pages
A collection of essays addressing: the nature and extent of issues facing contemporary Caribbean societies, the character of strategies employed by current leaders dealing with those issues, and the consequences of those attempts.

Two Families in Colonial Chile
 Flusche, Della
1989 0-88946-491-X 264 pages
A longitudinal history using a biographical approach to analyze the upper and middle levels of society in colonial Santiago, providing a more concrete understanding of social evolution in the 16th and 17th centuries.

United States in Central America. An Analysis of the Kissinger Commission Report
 Hufford, Larry G.
1987 0-88946-006-X 280 pages
An analysis from a geostratic, economic, cultural and political perspective; it includes a section on "low-intensity warfare" and the Iran arms deal/Contra link. The latter is presented as a structural problem between the National Security Council and the Department of State

Translations of the Original Texts
 Jay, Felix
2002 0-7734-7168-5 320 pages

Verbal Autobiographies of Contemporary Peruvian Women
 Columbus, Claudette Kemper
2003 0-7734-6834-X 188 pages
These pieces include interviews across the Peruvian human scale and landscape: freed prisoners and police women, feminists and traditionalists, servants and human rights lawyers, doctors and market women, black, native American, mestizos, and whites. The collection offers English speaking readers a crosscut of a variety of personalities as well as the authentic flavor of various language uses. Most of the interviewed women differ in their own use of language from one another, according to walk of life, background, personality. The study seeks to convey their liveliness both in their language and in their resilience despite tremendously adverse conditions.

An Historical and Semiotic Analysis
 Breining, Daniel
2010 0-7734-1301-4 288 pages
This book explains the fundamentals of semiotic theory (the study of signs), and applies it to more than twenty works by a dozen Latin American and Mexican American authors. Using a post-modernist interpretation of signs, Breining makes the point that there exists a relationship of the privileged and disenfranchised within Latin America and Chicano literature. Covering a span of more than five hundred years, from pre-Hispanic times to the late twentieth century, Breining demonstrates how the signs found with the literature of each period of Latin American history, define social interactions, cultural anomalies, and political situations.