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Subject Area: Philosophy-Philosophy of Science

Concept of an Atom: From Democritus to John Dalton
 McDonnell, John J.
1992 0-7734-9649-1 144 pages
This is an investigation into the ages long discussion about whether primary indivisible bodies exist, from Democritus in the fifth century BC, to John Dalton in 1802. Investigates Aristotle's opposition to the first and whether the Democritean atom is the same as the Daltonian atom.

Development Planning in the Sultanate of Oman
 Choudhury, Masudul Alam
2006 0-7734-5900-6 304 pages
This book represents an innovative socio-scientific methodology of the study and application of relational epistemology as the field of unity of knowledge to an applied domain of academia and practice – socioeconomic development planning. The Sultanate of Oman, an oil-rich country by the Arabian Gulf, is taken as a case-study using the lens of relational epistemology to analyze the country’s development plans and to quantitatively examine and develop policy recommendations while studying the prevailing ones. The approach of the book overarches interdisciplinary domains of philosophy of science, systems dynamics, mathematical modeling and quantitative analysis. This book should interest a cross-section of informed readers. Most important among these will be scholars of many vintages of interests and practitioners in development planning.

Michael Polanyi’s Philosophy of Science
 Mwamba, Tchafu
2001 0-7734-7465-X 280 pages
This is a study of Polanyi’s theory of tacit knowledge, specifically his description of its nature, structure and function, and the all-important post critical framework which gives rise to it. it is an excellent orientation for those unfamiliar with Polanyi’s work, and of essential value for students of Polanyi’s thought.

Scientific Knowledge as a Cultural and Historical Process. The Cultural Prospects of Science
 Zviglyanich, Vladimir A.
1993 0-7734-9865-6 284 pages
Using the analytic tools of philosophy, methodology, culturology of science and applied philosophy, the author originates an approach enabling one to treat the process of the social and cultural determination of cognition in the unity of its synchronic and diachronic aspects; to justify the culturally produced types of scientific and theoretic activity in the process of its genesis; and to elucidate ways of knowledge-realization in meaningful forms of human vital activity as an intrinsic component of its development. This is the first philosophical book to present the ties of cognition and culture from the viewpoint of "man-world" relations and the first to outline the role of the personality in the process of knowledge application in society and culture.