Subject Area: Philosophy-Specific Philosopher(s)
Dykeman, Therese Boos1993 0-7734-9266-6 404 pagesThis text introduces six American women (Anne Bradstreet, Mercy Otis Warren, Mary Whiton Calkins, Judith Sargent Murray, Frances Wright, and Ednah Dow Cheney), and discusses their works as philosophy. This anthology presents a number of works never reprinted and difficult to locate. The works are of interdisciplinary interest: philosophy, feminist philosophy, women's studies, political science, and history.
Linsenbard, Gail2000 0-7734-7793-4 176 pagesThis study explores Sartre’s reflections on morality in his posthumously published Cahiers Pour Une Morale. In particular it describes and elucidates the key concepts and ideas that might suggest Sartre’s conception of ‘une morale’ in 1947-48. In Notebooks, Sartre offers an analysis, missing in Being and Nothingness, of how one may reflectively overcome bad faith and live one’s life authentically. This book contributes to the general scholarship on Sartre.
Kort, E.D.2024 1-4955-1146-4 264 pagesThis book provides, in Part One, a critical examination of John Searle's Theory of the Background, which offers the groundwork for a revolutionary theory of mind. In Part Two, Kort offers a suggestion for developing and expanding it. More specifically, Kort takes it that Searle's insights about the Background are of great value, but his theory is underdeveloped because of restrictions imposed by Searle's methodology. Having identified the restrictions and their sources, Kort re-directs Searle's helpful insights about the Background and introduces possibilities for how it may be developed (the "Navigational" alternative).
Wardman, H. W.1992 0-7734-9526-6 432 pagesThis study maintains that Sartre's work and, to some extent, his life, was dominated by the dichotomy of necessity and either freedom or contingency. His changing responses to religion, art, human relationships, and politics are explored.
Robinson, Keith A.2001 0-7734-7573-7 348 pagesThis volume offers a map of the underlying movements of Foucault’s thought. Detailed and comprehensive, it demonstrates that Foucault is a philosopher of complex spaces, territories and architectures of thought across the range of his work, and includes analyses of lesser known texts (Magritte, Pierre Riviere, Brisset) that are hardly mentioned in the secondary literature. It also presents new and original readings of his major texts that will interest a wide audience. The primary sense, direction, and force of Foucault’s thought is shown to reside in the connections established between a new conception of space-time and freedom, an open system of relations that shows how he thinks the ‘present’ differently, designating this effort the ‘thought from Outside’. This is the freedom of thought in Foucault – a potentially dangerous or joyful yet necessarily endless effort to connect and reconnect with the Outside that is uniquely Foucauldian.
Lovitt, Harriet1995 0-88946-345-X 500 pagesA groundbreaking study, containing a landmark inquiry into structural coherences pervading Heidegger's thinking. This two volume work provides current Heidegger-scholarship with invaluable resources for considering the multi-faceted discourses and themes that are strewn along Heidegger's path to thinking.
Lovitt, William1995 0-88946-269-0 600 pagesA groundbreaking study, containing a landmark inquiry into structural coherences pervading Heidegger's thinking.
Sparks, Christopher1999 0-7734-7976-7 292 pagesThe text considers Montesquieu as a thinker within a broad historical, social and philosophical context. As such the text is both about Montesquieu and uses Montesquieu to consider a range of broader issues. In particular the text focuses on questions of philosophical certainty and uncertainty and relates Montesquieu's work to historical, literary and social changes. This approach not only provides a wide ranging and multifaceted analysis of Montesquieu but also provides his work with a significant contemporary relevance .
Thomas, John Heywood1995 0-7734-9591-6 204 pagesThis volume emphasizes the unity of philosophical outlook and coherence of thought in Kierkegaard's writings. Sketches the development of his thinking on the nature of faith, and identifies the decisive influences on him. Linguistic analysis clarifies his paradoxical theses concerning faith and uncertainty, and his importance, under six heads: (i) faith is not proof; (ii) rebuttal of rationalism; (iii) rebuttal of the empirical error; (iv) religious faith is the answer to a limiting question; (v) the insistence on the inclusion of the person; and (vi) the clue to the meaningfulness of religion.
Shaw, Daniel1998 0-7734-8282-2 184 pagesBased upon a study of arguments in the Treatise and the Enquiry, this work proposes a theory of motivation and of the making of moral judgments which is Humean in two important ways: it defends (1) Hume's anti-rationalist claim that reason alone cannot either motivate action or lead to the making of moral judgment, and (2) Hume's 'sentimentalist' claim that feeling is always essentially involved in both.
Yhap, Jennifer2009 0-7734-9796-X 108 pagesAttempts to read the Philosophic tradition into the Pensees of Pascal. Calls attention to the
relevance of this largely ignored thinker to the traditional problematic of the relationship between body and soul.
Silvester, Rosalind2003 0-7734-6684-3 204 pagesThis study looks at Jean Sartre’s trilogy through the interdisciplinary angle of philosophy and linguistics. Moving from the conventional study of prose narrative, this book provides a rewarding understanding and appreciation of Sartre’s use of language in Les Chemins de la liberté. With the application of various stylistic procedures, practical examples of textual analysis are given and act as a useful tool for students of stylistics.
Darnell, Michelle R.2005 0-7734-6012-8 168 pagesThis book argues that Kant and Sartre share a significant number of fundamental philosophical theses by exploring Sartre’s critiques against Kant. Beginning with
The Transcendence of the Ego, it is shown that Sartre’s misconception of transcendental philosophy resulted in him not giving sufficient consideration to the ontological claims made by Kant in
The Critique of Pure Reason, which led to Sartre’s confusion on the relation between Kant’s and his own account of self. After a consideration of their views on what the self is, Sartre’s writings on the reflective and the pre-reflective cogito in
Being and Nothingness are compared to Kant’s accounts of inner sense and apperception. Ultimately, it is shown that the task of knowing self exemplifies the more general problem of the metaphysical and epistemic relation of subject to objects, and, like Kant, Sartre draws a transcendental distinction between things as they appear and as they are in themselves.
Rademacher, Lee M.2002 0-7734-7159-6 192 pages Lightbody, Brian2010 0-7734-1324-3 172 pagesThis collection reminds the reader that Foucault was first and foremost a philosopher. The study focuses on the three principal aspects of Foucault’s work as Foucault himself acknowledged them to be namely, subjectivity, truth and power.
Tyler, Colin1998 0-7734-8498-1 316 pages Donaldson, Aidan1996 0-7734-8742-5 348 pagesThis work provides the first comprehensive and detailed exposition of the entire oeuvre of the important 20th-century philosopher and social researcher, Lucien Goldmann. His entire range of study, including his writings on literature, political theory and philosophy, as well as his methodology, are examined and assessed in full.