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Subject Area: Religion-Catholicism

Church and Slave in Perry County, Missouri, 1818-1865
 Poole, Stafford
1986 0-88946-666-1 251 pages
An extensive look at how the Catholic Church influenced slavery in Perry County. It discusses patterns of slaveholding, Catholic Masters and their church, religious life of Catholic slaves, living conditions, resistance, freedom, and the slaves of Saint Mary's.

Confraternity and Carnevale at San Giovanni Evangelista, Florence, 1820-1924
 Garlington, Aubrey S.
2023 1-4955-1142-1 100 pages
"The Church of San Giovanni Evangelista (SGE)...stands in the heart of the city being one block up from the Via Martelli.... SGE came under the jurisdiction of the "Padri delle Scuole Pie" more formally known as the "Clerici di Madre di Dio," informally as "Scolopi" 1775 following the Jesuits' expulsion. The Jesuits had been in charge of the church since its erection in the late sixteenth century following a design by Ammannati. From the beginning SGE was intended for their use...." -Aubrey Garlington (Introduction)

How Roman Catholic Theology Can Transform Male Violence Against Women. Explaining the Role of Religion in Shaping Cultural Assumptions About Gender
 O’Sullivan, Michael
2010 0-7734-1448-7 432 pages
This book articulates a Roman Catholic theological understanding concerning salvation in Jesus Christ that can be transformative of physical and sexual male violence against women across the world. It identifies key elements for a working definition of such complex violence, and highlights the pervasiveness and seriousness of the violence with quantitative data. For the Catholic believer the violence is graver still because a Catholic component can often be identified in the violence. This component is illustrated in the book by qualitative data about Catholic women who suffered incest. Employing the foundational and methodological framework of the praxis of authenticity in consciousness that Bernard Lonergan has identified, and that everyone can verify in their own experience, as well as its specifically Christian conversion component, the book provides grounds for making the situation of violence a theological matter. The book’s argument progresses by following Lonergan’s definition that theology functions to mediate between a religion and a culture and that the function of ‘systematics’ in method in theology is to construct contextualised understandings for the sake of ‘doing the truth in love.’ Theological meanings transformative of the situation of violence are elaborated in the book in terms of how to conceive salvation in Jesus Christ. Such an understanding of salvation is constructed by drawing firstly on meanings for salvation in scripture that are dialectically opposed to destructive meanings that the Catholic women, who suffered incest, referred to above received and believed concerning salvation. Insight into these biblical meanings is deepened by drawing on the theologies of salvation of Karl Rahner, Gustavo Gutierrez, and feminist responses to Gutierrez’s theology. The transformative meaning for salvation is developed further by addressing the issues of the male Jesus as saviour and his violent death of redemption in ways that can serve the struggle to stop male violence against women. The book ends by drawing attention to recent documents on male violence against women by Church leaders that make specific reference to a transformative role for theologians and by calling for third level theology colleges to take account of the pertinent violence as a theological imperative and to collaborate with others in the field of concern as part of the function of theology.

Pope Francis Is the First Jesuit Pope: Explaining How Francis' Religious Formation Guides His Leadership of the Catholic Church
 Krettek, Tom
2023 1-4955-1109-X 278 pages
"Pope Francis Encounters an opposition entirely different from his predecessors. This resistance is particularly striking in the United States. ...A simple somewhat unacknowledged factor that triggers conflicts with Pope Francis is that he is a Pope who thinks like a Jesuit." Fr. Tom Krettek ("Introduction")

Spiritual Accompaniment and Marginalization in the Vincentian Tradition (Softcover)
 NicUaithuas, Máire Éibhlís
2021 1-4955-0911-7 475 pages
This monograph explores the evolving history of spiritual direction giving particular attention to its availability to and practice with people who are marginalised; exploring metaphors and models for spiritual direction from the early Church to more contemporary offerings; and proposing an over-riding paradigm of story-telling. Key formative influences on the spirituality of Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac are explored and more contemporary studies in relation to spiritual accompaniment of people who are marginalised examined.

The Americanzation of Lay Catholics on Organized Labor: The American Catholic Labor Schools
 Lubienecki, Paul
2023 1-4955-1111-1 576 pages
"In response to Americanism, lay Catholics utilized a "via media" strategy through labor education. The pragmatic American culture conflicted with the Church's orientation of social goals above individual practice. However, the labor schools blended both Catholic dogmas with American values into a collaborative assimilation.... The principles of individualism, democratization and egalitarianism embedded into the American consciousness were systematically conducted by the laity into the character of the American Catholic Church through the paradigm of labor education. These values were not disparaged but enhanced when aligned with the principles contained within the social encyclicals." -Paul Lubienecki

The Urban Asceticism of St. Francis of Assisi: Living a Life of Spiritual Self-Denial Within the Walls of a Medieval City
 Llizo, Robert
2019 0-7734-4495-5 208 pages
The central thesis of this monograph is that Francis of Assisi and his hagiographers Thomas of Celano and Bonaventure, construct an image of sanctity that draws from urban ascetic traditions and practices that go back to the earliest centuries of desert monasticism.

Why Do the Catholic Justices Vote 6-3? Because Originalism is a Lying Pseudo-Theory
 Ulloth, Dana
2022 1-4955-1044-1 140 pages
[Softcover Edition] "One of the reasons the founders created a multi-seat court was to ensure that a diversity of knowledge and opinion would help to bring balance to its opinions. With the emergence of the new originalist block, decisions have become increasingly uniform in content. ...As I read the opinions, a question arose that seemed to demand attention: To what were the originalists being faithful? Was it to the principles of the republican government defined in the Constitution, or was it to the religious content of the justice's ideology? To answer the question, it was necessary to identify two doctrines: one secular, one religious...." -from the Author's "Introduction"