Subject Area: Theology & Philosophy of Religion
Richardson, Herbert W.2019 1-4955-0736-X 100 pagesIn this book, the author collects twelve letters he wrote to his children about the nature of God, spirituality and religion in general. The goal is to develop a program to enhance the spirituality of children. It prayers, scripture readings, and music.
Lockey, Paul E.2023 1-4955-1180-4 326 pages"Guerric of Igny (c. 1080-1157) is the least-known of "the four Cistercian Fathers. ...Within the Cistercian order...Guerric's corpus of sermons are foundational to Cistercian thought. Born in Tournai (now in Belgium), he was trained in the cathedral school in philosophy and theology, under the influence of Odo of Cambrai. ...Guerric became Abbot of Igny, and he composed a series of carefully-worded sermons which were arranged to the order of the liturgical year. These sermons are not sermons in the usual sense, but are expositions on the monastic life throughout the liturgical year. ...This present volume...strives to expand and enlarge Guerric scholarship by categorizing the major aspects of theology addressed in Guerric's sermons. ... The advantage of systemizing Guerric's thoughts is to better comprehend his overall understanding of Christology, soteriology, morality, anthropology, et.
Colwell, John E.1992 0-7734-1639-0 332 pagesThis work posits that while Barth's theology cannot be reduced to a single theme, examining interrelated aspects of his thought will expose common and recurring themes such as his concept of eternity and his doctrine of Election, which lead to the very center of his understanding of the being, will and action of God.
Slater, Thomas Bowie2018 1-4955-0687-8 252 pagesThis collection of essays is an Afrocentric examination into Pauline-studies by persons of African descent. The study encourages us to reassess our commonly held beliefs about biblical interpretation by offering us a fresh point of view and different cultural perspective than those that have been developed by traditional Eurocentric research. This work challenges our presuppositions about the Bible and biblical interpretation
Woelfel, James1990 0-7734-9921-0 136 pagesThis collection of nine recent essays of thematically interconnected material examines varied aspects of metaphysical ignorance and uncertainty shared between liberal Christian thinkers and sympathetic critics. Essays include: The Agnostic Motif in Modern Thought and Sensibility; Victorian Agnosticism and Liberal Theology; Humane Vision -- Theological Norm and Dialogical Platform; The Future of American Religious Thought; American Feminist Theology and the American Pragmatist Tradition; William James on the Contextuality of Belief and Unbelief; Indwelling and Exile - Two Types of Religious and Secular World-Orientation; The Personal Dimension in Theological Inquiry; and On Not Worrying About "Faith" -- Christian Identification as an Empirical Reality.
Cain, Clifford Chalmers2009 0-7734-4787-3 284 pagesThis study examines the historical roots of “hierarchical dualism,”
the dominant attitude characterizing the Western approach toward nature which both separates humans from, and elevates them above, nature, allowing for exploitation of resources. This work advocates a new approach in which humans view the natural world as a community entrusted to humanity by God.
Koitzsch, Kerry2024 1-4955-1253-3 416 pages"Further investment in the study of Reuchlin's work will add the considerable value of a new and somewhat under-studied view of the formative years of European understanding of the Hebrew language, theosophy, and mysticism. The Christian mutation of Kabbalism as understood in the nineteenth century is a direct consequence of Reuchlin's thought and interpretive writings, and variants of Christianized Kabbalah have been promulgated into the twenty-first century." -Kerry Koitzsch ("Preface")
Rogers, Katherin A.1997 0-7734-8668-2 270 pagesContemporary philosophers of religion frequently cite the medievals with approval. The school of analytic philosophers who aim to unpack the notion of a perfect being even label their method 'Anselmian'. Often, though, contemporary philosophers misunderstand or even ignore key aspects of the medieval system of religious philosophy, the upshot being that contemporary criticisms and even defenses often miss the mark. In this series of essays, the author sets out the traditional views on certain questions in the philosophy of religion, and to defend these views in the contemporary idiom. Some essays deal with doctrines like divine simplicity and eternity which are frequently rejected today, but which were held almost universally by medieval philosophers in the latin west. Many concentrate on the work of St. Anselm (including a long and daring piece on his idealism).
Johnston, Paul I.1996 0-7734-8733-6 366 pagesHere for the first time in English translation are the book reviews, articles, and never-before-published manuscripts from the Reu Collection in Dubuque which demonstrate his dependence on such theologians as J. C. K. von Hofmann, F. H. R. von Frank, and J. A. Bengel, as well as his further development of their paradigms. Reu's understanding of Heilsgeschichte as organizing principle for theology is given expression in the documents in this first-ever collection of his representative theological thought. It is the only resource which presents a selection of Reu's book reviews and writings on exegetical theology in English for the convenience of modern students and researchers. It also contains Reu's personal correspondence with Charles M. Jacobs of the United Lutheran Church in American relative to the doctrine of the inspiration of the Scriptures which shaped the Pittsburgh Agreement of 1940. Also included is an important study paper outlining Reu's position on the lodge and the church.
Historians of Religion in American Life will find this collection a unique one-volume resource providing access to key elements in Reu's theological system. Acknowledged authorities in translation, headed by the late Dr. Fred Kramer of Springfield, IL, provide Reu's lucid prose in easy-to-follow translations which are faithful in every detail to the original text.
Students of theology and parish clergy will be helped by Reu's insightful elaboration of the Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions as they apply to life in a secularized society, and by his application of the Lutheran hermeneutic of Law and Gospel to theological issues confronting the church. Professors of theology from all traditions will be able to access the core understandings of one of America's most significant Lutheran theologians quickly and easily through the original source documents in this collection.
Phipps, William E.2010 0-7734-3600-6 376 pagesMillions of Catholics and Protestants accept without question the Apostles’ Creed, presuming that it contains the core Christian beliefs. Beginning with their catechumen training, they recite it weekly. It is among the most widely shared expressions by Christian worshipers throughout the world, although few unapologetic examinations of its contents have been published. Yet two-thirds of the creed’s clauses are in part, or altogether, at odds with the central message of the New Testament. This study will: first, describe the way in which the Creed, which originated centuries after the apostolic era, has been used in church history; second, evaluate the extent to which the components of the creed are faithful to apostolic Christianity; and third, suggest how faith of the earliest Christians might be expressed in a brief and meaningful statement for the present day. Attention will mainly be directed to the second purpose.
Berry, Paul2009 0-7734-4899-3 92 pagesThis work argues for the restoration of Aristotelianism to the college curriculum to countervail the prevailing focus on modernism and to counteract the twenty-first century proliferation of atheist tracts.
Jones, Marvin D.2007 0-7734-5644-9 240 pagesThis primary intent of this book is to examine the
Contra Arianos and determine that Athanasius does address the functional subordination of the Son to the Father as being an eternal relationship. The secondary intent is to re-examine and evaluate the Athanasian approach to the Arian controversy and review his hermeneutic of the biblical texts he presents as the orthodox teaching of the Scriptures as found in the Athanasian work,
Contra Arianos.
Ahlers, Rolf1986 0-88946-768-4 264 pagesExamines antecedent declarations, working backwards in time to show the path by which the ten separate proposals, working papers, and revisions that became the Barmen theses moved toward their final formulation in the document of May 1934.
Halse, Scott2010 0-7734-3675-8 376 pagesThis study suggests ways in which functional specialization can make a methodological contribution to the enquiry into religious diversity. This work will be of interest to Lonergan scholars, philosophers of religion, and those interested in method in religious studies.
Ayers, Robert H.2006 0-7734-5855-7 260 pagesAn honest appraisal of much biblical material must admit that in terms of its perspectives of nature and the universe, cultural mores, moral sensitivity, and understanding of God, there are factual errors and considerable irrelevance for the contemporary world. Thus the claim of infallibility is simply false. Does this mean that the Bible must be abandoned as useless? Can it be shown that in its major and essential themes, there is no necessary contradiction with the proven facts of our world and that such themes are relevant in any age?
The views of several modern theologians who seek relevance for the biblical material are described and evaluated. It is concluded that the theologies of Reinhold Niebuhr and the Process Theologians serve best to preserve the major biblical themes as meaningful in the contemporary world. Interpreted in this way, the Bible can make a contribution to the faith and life of contemporaries.
Christo, Gus George2008 0-7734-4977-9 176 pagesAn analysis of St. John Chrysostom’s writings, this work provides unique
insight into early Church authority and leadership by charting the evolution of the role of the bishop.
Roberts, James Deotis1984 0-88946-755-2 217 pages Holtrop, Philip C.1993 0-7734-9248-8 410 pagesThis study examines the tensions in Reformed communities in the most crucial years in the development of the Reformed doctrine of predestination.
Book 1: Introduction and Parts One and Two: Theological Currents, the Setting and Mood, and the Trial Itself
Book 2: Parts Three through Six; Bibliography and Indexes
Norman, David2008 0-7734-5519-1 352 pagesThis work seeks to present a Post-Cartesian metaphysical anthropology that is consistent with both contemporary philosophy and Reformed Evangelical Christian Theology. It does so by examining the intellectual legacy of Donald M. MacKay, arguing that his concept of complementary descriptions leads us to a deeper understanding of both modern neurophysiology and the Christian hope for personal life beyond the grave. Covering a wide range of topics from the history of philosophy and theology to logic, the philosophy of language, information theory, freedom and determinism, and the philosophy of mind, this work attempts to present an updated form of the school of thought Donald MacKay founded and ambitiously named ‘Comprehensive Realism’. This book contains 5 black and white photographs.
van Ruler, Arnold1989 0-88946-750-1 280 pagesRepresents the first comprehensive introduction to an English-speaking audience of Arnold van Ruler's trinitarian theology and theocentric socio-political vision, Gestaltwerdung Christi der Welt, Theologie van het Apostulat. The introductory essay by the translator locates van Ruler's thought in the context of Calvinism in general and Dutch Calvinism in particular. Considers the relevance of van Ruler's theology for North American social ethics, including the current discussion about the need for public theology.
Hillar, Marian1997 0-7734-8572-4 444 pagesStudies in the western history of church and religion often ignore the role played by the church in the destruction of the humanistic principle of morality and freedom of conscience and intellectual inquiry. This book is intended to fill this gap and trace the development of modern thought in history back to its turning point. It traces first the establishment of the morally bankrupt ideology by the post-Nicaean Christianity and its implementation in societies. On this historical background then is shown the figure of Michael Servetus, his program, his struggle to express his ideas, their repression, and their impact on the intellectual spheres of the epoch. Servetus' sacrifice induced another humanist, Sebastian Castellio, to rethink the issue of heresy and its repression and was a crucial step in forcing people evaluate the morality of prevailing church ideology. Servetus' theological inquiry initiated the study of the Bible and an attempt to uncover the real religious doctrines contained in it. Both these aspects led to a chain reaction - development of the Antitrinitarian movement - the Socinianism - the Enlightenment - American Democracy - French Revolution.
Peden, W. Creighton1996 0-7734-8750-6 500 pagesIn these two volumes, lengthy selections are presented by each contributor in the Chicago School. The material is presented so that an individual or class may explore the development of this School, as well as the changing issues facing philosophy and religious thought in this century.
Hanks, Donald1997 0-7734-8513-9 240 pagesThis volume begins with an examination of the manner in which the antinomian lifestyle of the historical Jesus, culminating in his trial and conviction, is described in the synoptic gospels. It then considers the Judaic theocratic tradition which he inherited, and his opposition to religious legalism. Further chapters examine the covenants; origins of the early church; Protestant theology in the 19th century (particularly Kant and Schleiermacher); the Jesus of History; the new dialogue of the antinomian Jesus with Buddhism and radical theology; and the Kingdom as Enlightenment.
Mojzes, Paul1991 0-88946-520-7 288 pagesProvides a balanced discussion representing different denominations, nationalities, church positions, and viewpoints on how to deal with the truth claims of other religions. Essays written in response to Jozef Cardinal Tomko's address, "Missionary Challenges to the Theology of Salvation."
Cornelison, Robert Thomas1993 0-7734-9805-2 240 pagesAfter an examination of the contexts within which each theologian develops his thought, individual chapters are devoted to a comparison and evaluation of their views of the relationship of God and world, perspectives on history and their anthropological understandings. Examines their ethical thought in regard to their positions on utopia and realism, and to the problem of order in society. The conclusion points to the necessity of developing some rapprochement of their perspectives in an attempt to ameliorate many of the weaknesses of each position taken individually.
Ayers, Robert H.1997 0-7734-8739-5 240 pagesThis study by a distinguished theologian is an effort to rethink the basic tenets of faith, to organize this thinking in a systematic fashion, and form a rational apology for these tenets. The author rebels against the irrational noncognitivism found in some contemporary theologies, is skeptical about the worth of current theological fads. This study explicates and defends a viable theology which can legitimately be called Christian and at the same time make sense in the contemporary world.
Merkley, Paul C.2001 0-7734-7512-5 236 pagesThe study addresses the post-Christian philosophy of history which is rooted in the 18th century, and whose anthropological assumptions now inform the college textbooks in world history. It develops some insights drawn from biblical theology which contribute to a Christian understanding of history. The argument of the book will engage scholars in philosophy of history, biblical theology, and historical theology. It will find a place in contemporary academic discussion about meaning in history in the post-Modernist age.
Sherry, Terrence Owen2003 0-7734-6672-X 276 pagesThe Christology of H. Richard Niebuhr is an outgrowth – and a creative synthesis – of the two dominant streams of theological reflection manifest in the works of Ernst Troeltsch and Karl Barth. As such, it is best understood as a theo-centric Christo-morphism. Just as for Calvin the Scriptures are the spectacles without which God cannot be seen, for Niebuhr Jesus Christ is that lens by which and through which and in which we are able to see God as God. In order to demonstrate the soundness of this interpretation of Niebuhr, the study first locates the dynamic tension – material and formal – in which Niebuhr’s thought moves. Next, it shows how Niebuhr came to formulate his great theological principle of radical monotheism, and how this largely inchoate principle is uniquely and decisively shaped by the storied presence of Jesus Christ. An application of this Christo-morphic hermeneutic is then applied, not just to God, but to the great stage of the natural and historical world. The study then addresses inconsistencies in Niebuhr’s program, with some final thoughts on how a Christo-morphic construal can lead to a profound understanding of the Trinitarian reality of God.
Rise, Svein1997 0-7734-2286-2 302 pagesThis study contributes to the debate on Wolfhart Pannenberg's Christology and Doctrine of the Trinity by interpreting Pannenberg through the basic patristic categories of Life and Death. Rise is the first to apply the patristic Life-Death paradigm as a key to Pannenberg's Christology. The study examines Christology in the early Church, the identity of God, the identity of Jesus, the human identity.
Santrac, Aleksandar S.2011 0-7734-3926-9 120 pagesA comparison study which considers the different ways John Calvin and Alvin Plantinga viewed the concept of Sensus Divinitatis.
Kreitzer, Mark2008 0-7734-4898-5 516 pagesExamines biblically and convenantally the origin, goal, dynamics, and role that ethnicity has played in multi-ethnic contexts in mission, civil, and ecclesial spheres.
Kelly, J. Landrum Jr.1994 0-7734-1935-7 460 pagesThe author argues that Jesus' views were based on belief in a non-retributive, omnibenevolent God, challenging not only the Mosaic Law but assumptions about eternal punishment and the divine sanction of the state and its retributive institutions of war and punishment. It also interprets Paul as being the first Christian revisionist. As a result, orthodox Christianity, through the influence of Paul (and thus Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, and Calvin), has mistakenly promoted the 'just war' and 'divinely-ordained state' doctrines in the name of a thinker whose conclusions were in the opposite direction.
Siemsen, Elaine G.2003 0-7734-6724-6 182 pagesThe work of Joseph Sittler brings to light a paradigm for constructing a North American theology that is built upon an understanding of the grace of God as embodied in creation, and leads to a cosmic Christology that provides a critical foundation for a proclamation of hope and justice.
Richards, Jeffrey J.1994 0-7734-9391-3 256 pagesIdentifies Lewis Sperry Chafer, evangelist, teacher, author, and founder of one of the world's largest seminaries, as one who has greatly influenced recent controversies and scholarship concerning the Second Coming of Christ. Chafer gathered massive themes, materials and the collective dispensational, premillennial thought of the latter nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century and interpreted evangelical theology in a manner which captivated and inspired others.
Williams, Cyril G.2003 0-7734-6839-0 204 pages Zylstra, Bernard2002 0-7734-6950-8 309 pages Thompson, Henry O.1991 0-88946-788-9 264 pagesCollection of essays from the annual meetings given in honor of Carl Michalson, theologian. Discusses Michalson's thought and contains scholarly insights in to the Old and New Testament.
Henry, Carl F.H.1986 0-88946-709-9 200 pages Wingren, Gustaf1989 0-88946-994-6 189 pagesAddresses creation under natural law, Gospel and Church, Law and Gospel, in an attempt to rediscover a positive meaning for creation without obscuring the uniqueness of the Christ event and revelation.
Seo, Bo-Myung2005 0-7734-6132-9 188 pagesThis study is an attempt to articulate some of the inadequacies of the 20th century Western theological anthropologies and pursue the possibility of one that is more attentive to the conditions of life that still dictate the non-Western world. After discussing the ideas of freedom and history, which are deeply embedded in what it means to be human in Western modernity, and their implications, the author argues for the anthropology of the othered-selves as one that better describes the condition of being human in the post colonial contexts. Understanding such a view of being human not in terms of lack of subjectivity but as a different form of subjectivity, the author undertakes to present different models of the Other: hermeneutical, dialogical, and biblical models. The author presents the biblical model to be the most challenging one, which Emmanuel Levinas incorporates into his philosophical discourse on otherness. After briefly discussing how some theologians made use of Levinas' work, the author argues for the positive contribution his work makes for theological anthropology, in lending support to the conception of the anthropology of the Other and how this anthropology is positive conception of what it is to be human in the world.
Aguilar, Mario I.2002 0-7734-7311-4 296 pagesThis volume explores the difficult relation between theologians and scholars of religion by exploring methodological parameters regarding objectivity. While most religious studies scholars propose a naturalistic view of religion and its study, this work proposes an interface between contextual theology and religious studies. Following a methodological introduction and the case study of the American Academy of Religion, chapters constitute historical explorations about religious practitioners and their theologies within society in Chile, El Salvador, Kenya and Rwanda.
McIntyre, John1991 0-7734-9960-1 230 pagesDiscusses custom as a source of law. After tracing its basis in Roman law, shows its development in both the Eastern and Western Church. Emphasizes its stabilizing influence, evident in the work of Isidore of Seville, Yves of Chartres, and Gratian. The Decretists subordinated custom to law, a position maintained by Gregory IX in his Decretals (1234). The later history illustrates the shift from the "reasonable custom" to the "will of the competent superior." Shows the need of the Church to recover Custom in order to promote missionary activity, ecumenical discourse within the contest of pluralism.
Anderson, Neil2004 0-7734-6559-6 332 pagesThis study advances the field of Wesley studies, particularly in regard to the ongoing discussion of Wesley’s theological sources. It undertakes a detailed investigation of single ante-Nicene writer’s possible influence, Clement of Alexandria, as giving inspired him to write a tract that in many ways defined the Methodist movement, Character of a Methodist (1742). It also provides additional evidence, both textual and conceptual, of an appropriation of Clement’s thought by Wesley. It contributes to the broader field of systematic theology by showing how an essential Christian doctrine – in this case Christian perfection of sanctification – may develop over time without diminution or fundamental change.
Camp, Phillip G.2013 0-7734-4475-0 368 pagesThis exegetical and theological study argues that within the Deuteronomistic History the number of imprecisely fulfilled prophetic predictions increase dramatically as the historian’s account moves into the divided monarchy.
Day, Thomas1983 0-88946-752-8 231 pagesInvestigates the meaning of Christian community in Bonhoeffer's theological ethics and develops this theme as it was implemented in Bonhoeffer's life.
Copp, John Dixon2007 0-7734-6278-3 324 pagesThis is an appreciative analysis of the works of Dionysius the Pseudo-Areopagite and the influence he has had on the philosophical, theological, and mystical thought of Europe for fifteen hundred years. The author is
also interested in demonstrating Dionysius' influence on a wide range of twentieth-century thinkers. Those who are already familiar with the research on and actual writings of Pseudo-Dionysius will find new insights into the ordering and emphases of the mystic’s works. Those who will encounter the thoughts of this influential and unknown individual for the first time will discover, it is hoped, one reason why the philosophical and theological and mystical thought of Europe took the shape it did during and after the Middle Ages. In modern times, the influence of this unknown mystical theologian has not ceased.
Idziak, Janine Marie1978 0-88946-969-5 348 pagesAn anthology that provides new translations and makes available much of the relevant historical literature needed for an exploration of the view that morality is very literally created by God. Contains 41 selections representing discussions of divine command morality in Ancient philosophy, scholastic philosophical theology, the Reformation tradition, the British modern period, and contemporary analytic philosophy. Includes a bibliography of Latin, French, English, German, and Italian sources on divine command morality.
Porter, Daniel V.2011 0-7734-1389-8 204 pagesThis study focuses on the role of the Ten Commandments in Christian mission. The work tests an ancient instrument's potentiality to accurately differentiate world views in the twenty-first century.
Hoskins, Richard2000 0-7734-7822-1 380 pagesThis book illustrates that theologians Illingworth and Temple represent, paradigmatically, the main strands of trinitarian theology found in the eastern and the western churches. The extent to which Illingworth represents a so-called ‘social’ trinitarian approach, and Temple a so-called ‘psychological’ one is examined. The book is theological rather than biographical, and as such it studies their respective trinitarian theologies. This study reveals not only that English theology has something important to offer, but that a comparison of two of its representatives from different generations opens up aspects of the relationship. These findings are used in conversation with the contemporary trinitarian scene.
Ring, Nancy1991 0-7734-9948-2 304 pagesFocuses on the theological method as it affects the mediation of faith to culture. Provides an analysis of the theological methods of Lonergan and Tillich and compares the two dialectically. Concludes that one's understanding of the kerygma is dependent upon one's theological method. To arrive at these conclusions, the categories of subjectivity, objectivity, and theological anthropology are explored in detail.
Stallard, Michael D.2002 0-7734-6924-9 316 pagesThis study presents an analytical description of the theological methods of Arno C. Gaebelein, a leading dispensational and fundamentalist speaker and writer. Gaebelein’s entire theological system, ground in a thorough acceptance of evangelical belief and emphasizing bibliology, Christology, and eschatology, was organized around the central interpretive motif of prophetic hope focused on the personal Second Coming of Christ. While contributing to a deeper understanding of the history of fundamentalism and dispensationalism, Gaebelein’s example helps to establish a descriptive definition of dispensationalism based mostly upon hermeneutical concerns.
Dackson, Wendy2004 0-7734-6433-6 308 pagesThe thought of William Temple (1881-1944) (Archbishop of Canterbury 1942-1944) is highly esteemed and often referenced by the Anglican theologians who have come after him. However, because Temple’s work is often considered to be limited to his time and place, his writings have rarely been used as a foundation on which later theology can be constructed. The author disagrees with this judgment on the limits of Temple’s thought. This book explores a way in which Temple’s writings can be used to develop an understanding of the nature and tasks of the Church, primarily as that Church is situated in Western, industrialized, democratic nations.
The method of study is a “tradition-constituted” inquiry. This acknowledges the impact of specific written sources on Temple’s thought. However, it places greater emphasis on an attempt to understand the intellectual, spiritual, social and political influences to which he does not explicitly refer, but which have shaped his character and manner of thinking. Such influences would be both “high” and popular culture, participation in family and community life, and contact with a long spiritual tradition of preaching and worship.
There are few extended essays in which Temple’s ecclesiology is set forth, and this has led scholars such as Ronald Preston and Alan Suggate to conclude that Temple had no distinctive vision of the Church. However, a reading across the majority of Temple’s writings indicates that this view must be challenged. A careful reading of Temple’s works, treated synchronically, can produce a doctrine of the Church that is deeply engaged with the social and political life of a democratic nation. Such an ecclesiology points to the Church’s responsibility both to uphold and critique the nation, thereby enabling and encouraging it to grow in conformity with the biblical vision of the Kingdom of God.
Temple’s work provides a different ecclesiology from those offered by other modern Anglicans. This ecclesiology is at once more engaged than that proposed by John Milbank, and more humble and realistic than that envisioned by Oliver O’Donovan.
Deane-Drummond, Celia1997 0-7734-8529-5 360 pagesThis scholarly study is set in the context of theological debates about the place of humanity in the natural world, and examines the way Moltmann has responded to the particular demands of the ecological crisis and the increasing tension among science, technology and religion. It discusses the way he links his understanding of the social Trinity with ecological motifs as a basis for his pantheistic approach to the doctrine of creation and retained an eschatological dimension and Christological heart to his theology. It also explores his dialogue with feminist, Orthodox, Barthian, and Process approaches. Through the complex tapestry of his writings, it shows how his work is of contemporary significance, particularly valuable for students of Moltmann, creation theology, and those interested in the interaction between science and faith.
Reimer, A. James1989 0-88946-991-1 384 pagesCovers the Tillich-Hirsch debate, of great interest to scholars working in the history of Germany in the 1930s and the political theology of the Confessing Church.
Meynell, Hugo2012 0-7734-1566-1 260 pagesWith his extraordinary command over English and his ability to transmit ideas clearly, Meynell takes on the concept of atheism and what he labels as Schleiermacher’s cultured ‘despisers of religion’. He argues that the concept of God is a rational belief and that the awareness of divinity illuminates the path for science. Not only does Meynell defend the existence of God, but also Christianity itself. He describes it as a form of dispensation to meet our human condition which acts as a substitute to the atheistic materialist alternative. Meynell adds that there is much to be learned from other religions and that religion can co-exist with critical philosophy and science.
Jones, Peter Russell2001 0-7734-7402-1 152 pagesThis work provides in English translation what survives of commentary upon the Epistle of Jude from the first millennium of the Christian church. Five texts feature: the relevant portion of Clement of Alexandria’s Hypotyposes, and the commentaries of Didymus (the Blind) of Alexandria, Pseudo-Oecumenius, and the Venerable Bede. With these is included the scholia, extracts from other no longer extant works, published by Dean Cramer in his catena of the Greek Fathers on Jude. Each translated text is provided with notes, and the whole is prefaced by two chapters which place these commentators in their historical context and compare their handling of the material.
Srigley, Ronald D.1991 0-7734-9626-2 108 pagesA study of Voegelin's account of the experience and linguistic expression of divine reality. This book attempts to bring into relief the full import of his analysis by juxtaposing it with several competing theories of consciousness prevalent in modern philosophical discourse.
McKeating, Colm1993 0-7734-9231-3 416 pagesThis is a detailed study of the published and unpublished Anglican sermons, presenting the order and development of Newman's eschatology by combining the logical and chronological sequence of his sermons on the theme. The study centers around the dynamics of salvation in the Christ-Event, beginning with the Advent theme, moving through the Lenten and Easter seasons, to close with the Feast of All Saints. Finally, Newman's spirituality, based on the liturgy and personal prayer, shows how the Christian life can be seen as an experience of the eschatological present. It ends with a summary of Newman's theology of the last things, and a postscript rounds off the study with an outline of Newman's eschatology during his Roman Catholic period.
Muelder, Walter G.1983 0-88946-754-4 427 pagesNineteen essays and an autobiographical introduction dealing with "communitarian personalism," a Christian social ethic that is an outgrowth of "Boston personalism," which conceives of God as an all-inclusive personal being whose primary volition is love.
Bryant, M. Darrol1986 0-88946-772-2 280 pagesCollection of 17 essays on the important but little-known thinker Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, one of the first academics to resign his post in Germany when Hitler came to power.
Keyes, C. Don1991 0-88946-978-4 129 pagesCasserley subsumes history into biological evolution and defends humanism from the perspective of eschatology.
Whitney, Barry L.1985 0-88946-760-9 240 pagesExamines the contributions of process theology to the theodicy issue, concentrating primarily on the work of Charles Hartshorne.
Fanning, Bryan2007 0-7734-5414-4 256 pagesThis study examines key thinkers who have offered influential accounts of the implications of specific belief about the nature of reality, including Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Aquinas, Kant, Locke and Nietzsche. It also addresses interpretations of these accounts by influential figures with the social sciences such as Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, John Dewey, Frederick Hayek, John Rawls, H.L.A. Hart, Ronald Dworkin, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Hannah Arendt, Zigmunt Bauman and Richard Rorty. The aim throughout is to highlight the centrality of past and present ‘metaphysics’ to present day debates about moral community, jurisprudence, human rights and the relationship between the individual and collective good.
Musson, John1991 0-7734-9654-8 156 pagesConsiders what is meant by `evil' and examines various theodicies which theologians and philosophers have formulated in an effort to comprehend and deal with it.
Jacobson, John R.1989 0-88946-339-5 330 pagesEssayists' intercultural, interdisciplinary responses to the issue "The Existence of God" proposed by the Basic Issues Forum of Washington and Jefferson College. Essays include such topics as "Is `Existence' a Desirable Attribute of a Real God?" by Robert F. Streetman, "Jungian Archetypes and the Transcendent Image" by Nancy Tenfelde Clasby, "The Universe as `Controlled Accident'" by Conrad Hyers, and "The Ethics of Unbelief: Philosophy, Responsibility, and the `Ratio Anselmi'" by G. Scott Davis.
Dornisch, Loretta1991 0-88946-737-4 408 pagesA comprehensive introduction to Ricoeur, including full background information on all areas of his work and a bibliography. Includes chapters on: The Human Questions; The Challenge of Faith; The Christian Tradition; The Crisis of Society; A Theory of Symbol; Biblical Research; Ricoeur, Language, and Interpretation Theory.
Bolt, John2012 0-7734-2574-8 212 pages Neimann, Theresa D.2015 0-7734-4267-7 348 pagesThis a feminist interdisciplinary examination of the divine imagery and its connection to sexual justice, investigating the use of the word
Zöe, Greek for “life”. A feminist hermeneutics using varying methodologies is utilized to empower women’s autonomy. The book examines the Greek Septuagint, the
Nag Hammadi Scriptures, the
Kabbalah, Hebrew and other scriptural sources to argue that
Zöe can serve to provide multiple feminine images of God: Lady Wisdom, Mother God, Fountain of Life, Tree of Life, and Restorer.
Gollnick, James1985 0-88946-810-9 228 pagesTaking as its organizational principle Herbert Richardson's threefold levels of meaning, this study examines the nine cases in which Anselm uses the word flesh, places the concept flesh in the context of Anselm's theological system, and displays flesh as a motif or transformation symbol governing Anselm's entire life and thought.
Laycock, Steven W.1988 0-88946-335-2 258 pagesAn original development of themes in Husserl and a magisterial contribution to the discussion of omniscience. Effectively commingles phenomenological and analytic themes.
Keyes, C. Don1989 0-88946-757-9 280 pagesExamines the connection between the worldview implied by value destruction and everyday destructive language: verbal sadism, deceptive manipulation, fallacy, and leveling. The good is apprehended through a negation of the symbolism at the base of those four types of degradation.
Gibbs, Lee W.2024 1-4955-1191- x 256 pages"It may be discerned through the proceeding parts of this book my own spiritual pilgrimage from hard line double predestination to potential universal salvation through the metamorphoses of Calfinist thinking as reflected in my life-long research into the writings of Calvin, and three other great theologians--William Ames, Richard Hooker, and Charles Chauncy--who were all heavily influence by Calvin. The discussion of each of these figures addresses each of the following questions: (1) How much of Calvin did they change? (2) How much of Calvin did they retain? (3) What difference did it make?" -from The Author's "Preface"
Campbell, Richard1990 0-88946-038-8 Siebert, Rudolf J.1979 0-88946-021-3 230 pages Bryant, M. Darrol1984 0-88946-763-3 203 pagesA collection of eleven essays offered in response to Stephen Sykes' The Integrity of Anglicanism, subjecting Sykes' ideas to searching criticism.
Azkoul, Michael2006 0-7734-5640-6 232 pagesThe purpose of this study is to offer the “philosophy” of the Greek and Latin Fathers without the parochial biases of Western scholarship. From the Latin Middle Ages, when the Masters or Scholastics ruled the intellectual world of the occident, until the present day, the work of the Fathers has been characterized as a synthesis of Christian and Hellenic thought, not unlike the philosophical theology of Thomas Aquinas, a synthesis anticipated by Augustine of Hippo, who, along with several other famous Christian writers (Tatian, Clement and Origen of Alexandria, Tertullian, etc.) cannot be numbered among the Fathers without negating the
consensus patrum. In other words, we must look upon the Greek and Latin Fathers as holy men, sharing a common faith, fellows of the same theological tradition, witnesses to, not creators of, “the Faith once delivered to the saints.” To demonstrate this thesis, this book examines not only the patristic conception of philosophy, but also its treatment of those three grand philosophical problems (if we may believe Immanuel Kant) in terms of their “philosophy”: God, immortality and freedom of the will. This work will appeal to scholars of church history and patrology.
Clarkson, George E.1987 0-88946-716-1 160 pagesExpounds a Christian viewpoint of life after death, including a background chapter on biblical roots and encompassing some mystical and existential approaches. An appendix presents Paul Tillich's 1962 Harvard lecture, "Symbols of Eternal Life."
Heyer, Henri1991 0-88946-592-4 124 pagesThis translation of Henri Heyer's thesis for his licensure, originally written in 1872, takes issue with the pervasive interpretation that Farel was a zealot rather than a theologian. On the basis of largely unpublished sources, Heyer provides a critique of Farel's theological development both before and after his encounter with Calvin, arguing that he was a systematic thinker who did in fact provide well-articulated doctrines of the Trinity, baptism, predestination, and Communion.
Partridge, Christopher H.1998 0-7734-8394-2 416 pages Partridge, Christopher H.1998 0-7734-8353-5 312 pagesPresents Farmer's personalist encounter theology as presented in the Gifford lectures. Includes a lengthy essay introducing the thought of Farmer
Littell, Franklin H.1990 0-88946-926-1 356 pagesA 50th-anniversary volume commemorating the First World Conference on Christian Youth. Contributors include: Franklin H. Littell, R. H. Espy, Stewart Herman, Francis House, T. J. and Virginia Liggett, Luis Odell, David S. Russell, Oliver M. Tomkins, Raymond M. Veh, Robert S. Bilheimer, Olle Dahlen, Gerald Hutchinson, Blahoslav Hruby, Chester Arthur Kirkendoll, Phillips P. Moulton, Herman Will, David Burgess, Edward Nestingen, and Edward Ouellette.
Stump, Donald1983 0-88946-805-2 302 pagesThirteen essays which focus on a theme to which Crossett dedicated much of his highly interdisciplinary research. Six essays concern hamartia in Greek works by Herodotus, Plato, Euripides, and others; two deal with the concept of error in the Christian theology of Boethius and Aquinas; and five examine hamartia in 14th- through 19th-century English works by Chaucer, Shakespeare, Coleridge, and George Eliot.
Dorman, Theodore M.1991 0-7734-9953-9 208 pagesPlaces Cullmann's approach to biblical interpretation within the broader context of the 20th century European theological debate. The "key players" in that debate were Karl Barth, Rudolf Bultmann and Oscar Cullmann, with each one reacting against 19th century liberal theology. This work also examines Cullmann's hermeneutics in relation to perspectives of other historical-critical scholars, Roman Catholic theologians, and proponents of the "new hermeneutic."
Craig, Russell L.1995 0-7734-8977-0 216 pagesThis volume is an excellent survey text, as it synthesizes the historical, theoretical, religious and philosophical areas of penology in the past four centuries. The pragmatic and illustrative nature of the text will give even seasoned veterans of the corrections system a better understanding of penology, and a more consistent and congruent development of their applications of correctional policy and practices. Includes case studies which show the broad spectrum of criminals and the variety of procedures employed with prisoners. Sociologists, psychologists, social workers, attorneys, parole and probation officers, correction officers, as well as many on the periphery of the criminal justice system will be enlightened by this text.
Poole, David N. J.1992 0-7734-9814-1 316 pagesThe aim of this dissertation is to fill in the gaps and survey the main strands of the theology of covenant from biblical times up to the period before Cocceius, and in particular his immediate forerunner, Johannes Cloppenburg. The work of German scholars, including Kutsch, is reviewed (often for the first time in English) along with many American scholars in the vanguard of research on the theology of covenant. The literary and socio-political dimensions of covenant thought are considered in the appendices.
Clauson, Marc A.2006 0-7734-5598-1 484 pagesThis book addresses the idea that the judicial law of God, as found in the Old Testament of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, has a place in legal and political thought and practice, as well as economic thought, and has advanced in various forms since the beginning of Christianity, and previously, during the period of the Hebrew Commonwealth. This work traces the Theonomic movement and its ideas from its roots in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries into its modern form, placing Theonomy in context of legal, political, and economic philosophy.
Saito, Paul2019 1-4955-0534-0 40 pagesThis book contains the authors views on the nature of parenthood, describing the extraordinary birth of his son.
Saito, Paul2019 1-4955-0533-1 34 pagesThis book contains the authors views on the nature of a son’s relationship with his mother and that maternal
relationship can impact the child’s relationship with their father.
Sabaino, Daniele2010 0-7734-3608-1 580 pagesThe work brings into print for the first time the
Tractatus expendens propositiones damnatas ab Alexandro VII written between 1670 and 1675 by the famous Spanish polymath Juan Caramuel Lobkowitz (1606-1682), one of the most eminent probabilist theologians of that time. After a brief summary of the main principles and methods of the probabilistic doctrine, this work illustrates Caramuel’s moral-theological output, highlights the structure and the most important arguments of the
Tractatus, and finally focuses on the condemned propositions attributed to Caramuel himself.
Amalraj, Loyola2002 0-7734-7084-0 416 pages LeMasters, Philip1992 0-7734-9808-7 264 pagesThrough a close reading of relevant primary and secondary literature, this study describes and evaluates Yoder's eschatologically informed critique of Constantinianism and his alternative theory of Christian social action. The study finds that the relationship between Yoder's eschatology and his view of Christian social ethics is characterized by a lack of conceptual coherence at numerous points. The conclusions are largely critical of Yoder's project, as neither his critique of Constantinianism, nor his proposed alternative, is displayed with exacting historical accuracy and conceptual precision.
Reimer, A. James1992 0-7734-9169-4 364 pagesThis collection documents an historically significant period in the life of the Inter-University Centre of Postgraduate Studies (IUC) in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia. It covers conversations on the `Future of Religion' during the 15 years from 1977-1991, an extremely important time not only for the IUC, but for Yugoslavia itself. Essays address the nature, role and future of religion in the modern and post-modern and post-modern world.
Dourley, John P.2006 0-7734-5975-8 392 pagesThis book describes the development of the author’s thinking on religion. It begins with his theological initiation into the supernatural and Aristotelian dualism of Aquinas in the seminary of the late 1950s and early 1960s. It continues through his turn to the immanental theology of Paul Tillich and, through Tillich, to the even deeper interiority of Carl Jung’s psychology and to his decision to train as a Jungian analyst. Jung’s thought led him to an appreciation of the apophatic mystical tradition and its moment of the immersion of the individual in that nothingness beyond the distinction between the divine and the human. The volume also contains an early work in which the author attempts to bridge the gap between the worlds of theology and psychology by relating Tillich’s immanentalism to Jung’s understanding of the “religious function” of the psyche and its role in generating humanity's sense of God. The last work in the volume is a series of essays dealing with the interface of psychology and theology containing essays on Jung’s appreciation of mysticism and a critical analysis of the difficulty in bringing fully together Tillich’s Christian theology and Jung's psychology.
Kamppinen, Matti2010 0-7734-1412-6 144 pagesThis book investigates the philosophical assumptions in religious studies, especially
in ethnography of religion. The central claim is that religious studies treats its study object as an intentional system. This system’s behaviour can be described, explained and predicted on the basis of its internal representations.
Kienzler, Klaus1999 0-7734-8021-8 204 pagesThis bibliography fills a void in scholarship. Until now there has been no comprehensive bibliography similar to this which lists works and sources of Anselm of Canterbury, including 3,784 citations.
Stewart, William A.1996 0-7734-8768-9 320 pagesThis study provides an entry-level introduction to the philosophical thought of Bernard J. F. Lonergan, in particular, to Lonergan's monumental and difficult book, Insight. It also provides a general introduction to philosophy through the medium of Lonergan's thought. Basic philosophical problems are presented and, following Lonergan, responses are made to each problem under the two headings of Position and Counter-Position. After a brief exposition of the problem, Lonergan's view is put forth as the Position, while differing or opposing views appear as Counter-Positions, a problematic and dialectical approach that mirrors Lonergan's own.
Barnett, S. J.1999 0-7734-8155-9 340 pagesSetting Newton firmly in the political and religious culture of his time, Dr. Barnett’s substantial Introduction to this new edition of the Observations takes the reader systematically through the main components of the work, demonstrating how Newton’s exegetical and prophetico-historical framework was constructed to support his ardent anti-Anglican Church views. This volume provides the original text and format of the 1733 edition of Newton’s Observations, translations of the lengthy Latin sections (and of the few, but important, Greek and Hebrew phrases) provided in the footnotes, and glossary and guide to his various calendar conventions.
Richardson, Herbert W.2018 1-4955-0692-5 416 pagesThis work is a comparison of the theology of Jonathan Edwards, Puritan Preacher, and his conception and view of God with the great philosophical minds of his time: Locke, Newton, Hutcheson, and Shaftesbury. It seeks to create a philosophical route into the core of Jonathan Edward's Calvinism.
Dourley, John P.1995 0-7734-9048-5 390 pagesThe work presents all pertinent material on Jung's dialogues with Victor White and Martin Buber. It argues that both these dialogues failed for the same reason. Buber and White held to a conception of divine transcendence and otherness incompatible with the more intimate divine-human relation foundational to Jung's understanding of the psyche. A transitional chapter presents the thought of Paul Tillich and Teilhard de Chardin as concerned with establishing similar synthetic views of the divine-human relation as exists in Jung's understanding of the psyche. The work contends that neither of these major correlations of the divine and human is as thorough as Jung's. The work then goes on to show the philosophical and theological implications of Jung's appreciation of mystical experience as the primordial form of religious experience, an experience he functionally equates with the further reaches of human maturity. Thus the work explains the paradox of Jung's inability to agree with major representatives of religious orthodoxies and his high appreciation of that immediate religious experience termed mystical.
Anderson, Raymond Kemp2015 0-7734-3497-6 388 pagesCollected between the covers of this book are highlights from some thirty evening discussions with one of the most provocative contemporary thinkers of the scriptural tradition reflecting on the possibility of truly knowing the Unknown. Karl Barth’s take on life amazes with its perennial freshness while he offers a powerful antidote for the oppressive forces that shatter security and split our world today.
Griffiths, David B.2006 0-7734-5617-1 388 pagesThis book fills an important gap in the literature of Heidegger through its extensive, detailed “key word analytic” of keywords in Heidegger’s 1927
Sein und Zeit, a central philosophical work of the last century. This expository and critical analytic focuses on foundational terms in
Sein und Zeit: their semantic role, clarity and coherence, requiring verbal and conceptual translation. Included are detailed discussions of over 100 key terms (the most extensive analysis of which is the term ‘Dasein’), each of which has been carefully defined with convincing arguments for the English translations provided. The work contains a list of abbreviations and an extensive bibliography.
Craig, William Lane1990 0-88946-369-7 260 pagesCovers three broad areas: religious epistemology, theistic arguments, and God's relationship to human life, value, and the world. Three essays evaluate and extend the recent suggestion that beliefs about God do not need discursive evidence to be held rationally. Four essays take up the contemporary interest in arguments for God's existence. Two consider the Kalam cosmological argument, a third the theological argument and its relationship to the Anthropic principle and a fourth develops an epistemological argument for God's existence. The remaining five essays consider the doctrine of God's providence, the meaning of life, the Euthyphro dilemma, the nature of death, and virtue theory.
Aldwinckle, Russell1995 0-7734-9068-X 644 pages Barrett, Melanie Susan2009 0-7734-4649-4 336 pagesThis study develops the ethical theory implicit in the writings of Hans Urs von Balthasar, a prominent twentieth-century Swiss Catholic theologian. Balthasar’s attempt to critically retrieve the concept of beauty for Christian theology yields important ethical insights, culminating in an aesthetic and dramatic theory of ethics: one in which the perception of the beauty of God’s love in Christ becomes a foundational experience for moral formation and ongoing ethical discernment.
Wagstaff, David1996 0-7734-8964-9 356 pagesThis book examines man's relationship with God: the indwelling with God, which Christ in his last discourses encouraged men to have, and the indwelling between men, which in the author's experience is necessary for the launching of any successful undertaking. The examination takes place in the realm of actual experience, not of philosophical argument, and the result is a personal view, not a text-book. The book concentrates on practical conduct, not theory.
Parsons, Michael2009 0-7734-4684-2 336 pagesThis study examines Martin Luther’s interpretation of the royal psalms – Psalms 2, 45, 82, 110, 118 – by demonstrating the pastoral heart of Luther’s theology in which he underlines the importance of the spiritual kingdom, the centrality of Jesus Christ, faith, preaching and a tenacious grasp of the word of God. Each chapter examines Luther’s exposition of a specific psalm against his theological understanding of the two kingdoms.
Schwarz, Hans1991 0-7734-9677-7 248 pagesA proposal for the need to concentrate on the basic and simple art of "doing theology" in the context of a world which needs a word that is distinct from its own - a world alienated from God and still yearning to overcome its primordial alienation. Theology must be able to convey the ultimate message which is without equal, to overcome being a minority voice in an overcrowded "market".
Muelder, Walter G.1966 0-88946-011-6 192 pagesThis book deal with laws of autonomy, values, persons, community, and the metaphysical or divine context of moral choice. The main question is whether a system of moral laws obediently adhered to would bring coherence into ethical reflection.
Love, Andrew A.2003 0-7734-6726-2 380 pagesThis book locates musical improvisation within an ontological framework, which is both scientific and Heideggerian, and ultimately encompasses the whole Christian understanding of reality. Part One deals with historical and cultural issues surrounding musical improvisation. Part Two initiates the author’s philosophical and theological proposal that, from the time of foetal and infantile experience, every human person’s fundamental integration with reality is inseparable from improvisatory musicality. His argument is interdisciplinary, involving music history, critical musicology, 20th-century continental philosophy, ideas from infancy studies and music therapy, and finally ideas from a Christian theology which is both ecumenical and rooted in the Catholic tradition.
Randall, Albert B.1992 0-7734-9160-0 420 pagesThe present work is the only work in English which exclusively explores Marcel's understanding of hope. Examines hope as it relates to many categories, among them activity-act-life, anxiety-strangeness, availability-unavailability, being-having, captivity-trials, charity, communion-intersubjectivity, concrete philosophy, creativity, death, desire, despair, faith, prayer, sacrifice-suicide, and many more. Additionally the book offers a spiritual biography of Marcel based on his two essays in autobiography, a bibliography of secondary material, and appendices which index Marcel's major passages on the themes described above.
Johns, David L.2004 0-7734-6222-8 195 pagesThere have been many studies on the theme of Christian mysticism; few have explored the connection between mystical experience and ethics like this work. This work will contribute to the renewed interest in Hügel himself, and also to the general theme of mysticism and ethics. This book will offer the scholarly community an opportunity to engage an enormous intellect whose work is startlingly relevant to our current theological and ethical discussions and whose significance extends well beyond the role he may have played in a brief ecclesiastical controversy at the turn of the twentieth century.
Rich, Charles Mark2012 0-7734-2924-7 432 pagesHenry Nelson Wieman was one of the most influential American religious figures of the late twentieth century. His work is examined here in relation to other notable thinkers such as Henri Bergson, William James, James Dewey, Alfred Whitehead, and Josiah Royce among others. He was also a mentor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his work set the stage for naturalistic theism. Wieman believed that creative religion constituted by self-giving individuals must always exist in relation to divine cosmic individuality. A radically individual nature of the process of change means that religion must encourage collective actions towards justice through an appeal to the individual rather than the group. What calls the subject to action is co-related to what the individual perceives as a totality of lived experiences.
Peck, William J.1997 0-88946-775-7 284 pagesAddresses the paradox that scholars have neglected the very work that Bonhoeffer hoped would be his crowning achievement, his study of Christian ethics. Concluding that the reason for this omission was not simple neglect but the uncertain state of the text, contributing authors offer insights and solutions for the textual problems posed by Bonhoeffer's Ethics.
Marshall, Molly Truman1993 0-7734-2854-2 280 pagesThis monograph offers both a historical analysis of the challenge to Christology of ways of faith other than the Christian and an exploration of representative statements on the question of salvation outside the church by three contemporary theologians: Emil Brunner, Karl Rahner, and John Hick. It then attempts to offer an adequate theological response that does justice to the church's historic affirmation of the means of salvation and is cognizant of the contemporary religious situation characterized by pluralism.
Morman, Paul J.1986 0-88946-822-2 283 pagesA collection of all the publications relating to this little-known French intellectual, with an assessment of his contribution as a precursor of Enlightenment ideas. Examines Aubert's concepts of religious toleration as an extension of his Christian theology and 17th-century philosophical perspective.
Ross, Robert R.N.1978 0-88946-905-9 211 pagesSeries of essays on aspects of Tillich's thought considered to be representative of more fundamental problems endemic to Christian theology. The author argues that Tillich's thought is actually closer to traditional Christian thought, especially that of Thomas Aquinas.
Lawler, Edwina1995 0-7734-9041-8 144 pagesMore than any of his earliest philosophic essays (before 1799), this 1792-1793 essay comprehensively anticipates major themes to be fully established over the next fifteen years of his authorship. It also presages late-19th century interests in value theory and philosophy of life, offering an argued, distinctive position against still-regnant alternative views of happiness, virtue and fate. Like others of the earliest essays, this one makes almost no direct reference to religion, yet it breathes throughout of a down-to-earth spirituality, a profound sense for the whole, including the whole of humanity, and an appreciation of ways joy can arise in the smallest and most unpleasurable of circumstances -- all characteristic features of his later thought. Particularly in its frequent autobiographical allusions and descriptive flourishes, it also bears the lineaments of "rhapsody" to be found in his subsequent notable works On Religion, Soliloquies and Christmas Eve. Though written when he was 24, it was not published in full until 1984, and appears here in English for the first time. The translators have appended an introduction, notes, and detailed index.
Miklósházy, S.J., Attila2006 0-7734-5711-9 640 pagesThese books on the origin and development of the Christian liturgy are the result of the author’s teaching the subject to university students. It is not an original work, but rather a collection, compendium and thesaurus of historical, and especially liturgical, data through the centuries, with names, dates, and an ample bibliography. This publication is a significant contribution to the liturgical literature, since no book of the history of liturgy exists in the English language.
The history of the liturgy is divided according to cultural epochs. If liturgy is the communal manifestation of religious encounter between God and his people, then this manifestation would be influenced in each age according to certain cultural patterns. The books do not provide the liturgical data in isolation, but considers them within their political, cultural and church-historical context.
The main purpose of the work is to give some tools to readers today for distinguishing the essential, permanent elements of liturgy and its historically conditioned manifestations. At the same time, besides the scientific apparatus of specialized bibliography, the reader will enjoy the political, cultural and ecclesial overview of each epoch before becoming familiar with the changes in the liturgy itself.
Becker, Joseph, Peter2011 0-7734-1590-4 456 pagesThe aim of this work is to cast a new light on 2 Cor 8–9 by highlighting certain features of the theology of grace in that text—its doxological agency, and its pneumasomatic properties. These features, when brought to the fore, serve to both unify Paul’s presentation of grace and redefine, in Pauline thought, whar counts as spiritual.
Balia, Daryl M.1993 0-7734-1950-0 300 pagesThe unifying factor in this collection is that all the writers are involved at some level in the project of liberation inasmuch as they are mostly theological educators. Several propositions concerning the church in mission and evangelism are treated in such a way that they resonate strongly with `the new approach to the Christian mission' as propounded by Professor Willem Krige.
Jefford, Clayton Nance1993 0-7734-2858-5 160 pagesThis collection contains original research by John E. Steely's colleagues and students. From the early Christian experience of the apostle Paul to the current turmoil that has engulfed the Southern Baptist experience, from the question of self-definition within the Johannine community to the question of faith in God that frames modern Christian theology, from the struggle for Christian knowledge during the patristic period to the struggle for Christian authenticity within Steely's own work, it provides insights into the expansion of the early Christian mission and its subsequent theological heritage. Includes essays by J. Morris Ashcraft and Walter B. Shurden, known for their contributions to past issues in the Perspectives series. Offers a balanced and insightful glimpse into Steely's personal background and academic career, together with a complete bibliography of Steely's writings and translations.
Carney, John C.2001 0-7734-7514-1 168 pagesThis book examines the contribution of Husserlian and post-Husserlian phenomenology to Hegel’s ontological argument. It represents a new approach to the question of the existence of God in that it combines two schools of thought generally considered incompatible. The fundamental question with which Hegel struggled – and one infer the existence of the infinite from the existence of the finite – receives important philosophical contributions from latter-day phenomenology.
Chekki, Dan2003 0-7734-6734-3 312 pagesThis important book presents the quintessence of the Virasaiva philosophy as revealed in the dialogues of the Virasaiva philosophers and revolutionary mystics of the twelfth century. These spiritually stimulating and intellectually challenging discourses are reminiscent of the Dialogues of Plato. Virasaiva thinkers proclaimed and practiced a monotheistic ideal, and values associated with human rights, gender equality, liberty and fraternity, a strong work ethic, social justice, community service, cultural diversity, non-violence, environmental protection and sustainable development. This landmark volume is an indispensable authoritative resource for scholars and educated readers interested in religion, philosophy, and culture.
Thomas, John Heywood1995 0-7734-9591-6 204 pagesThis volume emphasizes the unity of philosophical outlook and coherence of thought in Kierkegaard's writings. Sketches the development of his thinking on the nature of faith, and identifies the decisive influences on him. Linguistic analysis clarifies his paradoxical theses concerning faith and uncertainty, and his importance, under six heads: (i) faith is not proof; (ii) rebuttal of rationalism; (iii) rebuttal of the empirical error; (iv) religious faith is the answer to a limiting question; (v) the insistence on the inclusion of the person; and (vi) the clue to the meaningfulness of religion.
Kennedy, Leonard A.1993 0-7734-9306-9 196 pagesFrom 1300 to 1520 perhaps the most pervasive of philosophical and theological doctrines dealt with the applications of the notion of divine absolute power. Robert Holcot applied this notion to every aspect of his thought: secondary causality, divine foreknowledge, revelation, predestination, moral law, grace, merit, beatitude, and the Incarnation. The final chapters show the extent of Holcot's influence and attack his whole enterprise. An appendix transcribes seven of Holcot's quodlibetal questions, which are used to supplement the study of his printed works.
Duncan, William B.2001 0-7734-7348-3 248 pagesGustavo Gutiérrez, a Peruvian Roman Catholic priest and theologian, is one of the most recognized proponents of the religio-political movement known as Liberation Theology. Born of frustrations over the failure of many nations in Latin America to achieve a socially equitable level of economic, political and social development, Liberation Theology represents a radical religious response, analysis, and critique of existing conditions. This study examines the radical foundations of Gutiérrez’s works, in particular, his reliance on the work of critical theorists such as Hegel and Marx. It also uses Eric Voegelin’s thought to construct an analytical matrix with which to examine Gutiérrez’s works.
Easterly, E.S. III1985 0-88946-767-6 200 pagesA translation of Voegelin's Die politischen Religionen, with a translator's preface that tells the history of the text, the English text cross-referenced to the German, and an introduction that is a short intellectual biography of the young Voegelin
Cooper, Barry1986 0-88946-771-4 256 pagesA collection of six studies that constitute a probe into the political philosophy of Eric Voegelin, including: "The Crucible," "Western Civil Theologies," "The Genesis of Modern Unreason," "The Concept of Historiogenesis," "Cosmos and Empire," "The Differentiation of Consciousness," and "In Search." Contains a bibliography of Voegelin's writings and an index.
Cameron, Charles M.1992 0-7734-1633-1 616 pagesThis study discussed areas in which the harmful effects of polarization are keenly felt: Scripture as divine word and human words; grace and faith; evangelism and ecumenism; apologetics and proclamation; evangelism and social concern. Though Berkouwer's perspective is prominent, there is dialogue with other writers: Karl Barth, Paul Tillich, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Karl Marx and Herbert Marcuse. Theology's practical significance is emphasized.
Williams, Jay G.1995 0-7734-8842-1 124 pagesThe book begins by asking what religious knowledge is and whether it is possible. After offering a general discussion of waht "religious" might mean and locating Western confidence in knowing in the influence of Aristotle, the book soon moves to the question, is any knowledge (i.e. sure and certain verity as opposed to debatable opinion) possible? An examination of claims to knowledge by the physical and social sciences, history, ethics, and theology leads to the conclusion that humans can never claim certainty for any of their opinions. Knowledge always exists within a context and that context always bears the marks of human construction and fallibility. We can never be objective about the universe because we are, in fact, part of it. Therefore our view of the world is always partial and misleading. The word science is a misnomer.
Bush, Randall B.1991 0-7734-9949-0 340 pagesAn examination of the thought of four modern thinkers - Carl Jung, Paul Tillich, Ernst Bloch, and Jurgen Moltmann - in an effort to explore the nature of the relationship between the doctrine of God and the problem of human psychological and social conflict.
Preuss, Peter1989 0-88946-342-5 250 pagesWritten in two sections. The analytic part demonstrates that reincarnation does occur in the informed rational view. The existential view addresses the question: What difference does it make to the way I live my life? A serious piece of scholarship made accessible to the intelligent layman without sacrificing professional rigor.
Kennard, Douglas W.1999 0-7734-8217-2 204 pagesThis volume explores the relationship between epistemology, hermeneutics and contextualization by specialists making significant contributions to each of their fields and especially when they are taken in integration with the other disciplines. Epistemology issues are examined from the context of reformation traditions in a multicultural world, and the contribution of modern and post-modern philosophy. Epistemic issues from different eras are illustrated with literature, art and music. Biblical theology is championed as the textual arbiter between traditions. It offers a provocative integration of disciplines for scholars. Christian colleges and seminaries will find this a stimulating textbook for courses in philosophy, hermeneutics, or contextualization. Pastors and lay people will be interested in the topic for its call to truth, its answer to postmodernism, and practical aid in executing the hermeneutical process and contextualization.
Milbank, John1993 0-7734-9215-1 292 pagesIn this two-volume work, the author argues that the avant-garde features of Giambattista Vico's thought stem directly from his engagement with theological traditions, and his concern to develop a Catholic apologetic. This claim is established through a much more thorough engagement with all Vico's texts than is usual in the secondary literature in English.
Beyer, Peter1984 0-88946-866-4 190 pagesRenders Luhmann's Religiöse Dogmatik und gesellschaftliche Funktion (Chapter Two of his 1977 Funktion der Religion), which has been the subject of much discussion and controversy in Europe over the past fifteen years, accessible to the English-speaking world, where Luhmann's sociological theories have received comparatively little attention. Beyer also provides a 50-page introduction which treats of some of the main concepts in Luhmann's abstract and difficult thought and also illustrates the way these concepts fit into his overall theory of society and religion.
Bretzke, James T.2006 0-7734-5796-8 628 pagesThis book provides a fairly extensive overview of this discipline from both an ecumenical and multi-cultural perspective. This chosen perspective amplifies the potential range of sources to be included, and the primary hermeneutical key for the organization and selection of materials presents the gathered materials in such a way that they can meet the needs of both the serious scholar as well as the non-expert with a curiosity to explore a given issue, author, or theme. No bibliography of this dimension currently exists.
Pawlikowski, John T.2013 0-7734-4361-4 136 pagesThis volume outlines some of the attempts to produce a theology to replace super-sessionary theology since the
Nostra Aetate and the issues that remain, including the question of mission and the Jews.
Farmer, H. H.1999 0-7734-8147-8 272 pagesThis book (originally published in 1952) contains much which can be useful in developing a dialogue with current scholarship to construct a contemporary theology of Religion. Farmer analyzes the essential elements of the Christian experiences of God, putting forth his theory of ‘substantival' religion and ‘adjectival' religion.
Primeaux, Patrick1981 0-88946-973-3 274 pagesInterprets Richard R. Niebuhr's works up to 1978, concluding that Niebuhr was influenced by Calvin, Edwards, and Schleiermacher but that his thought is primarily his own.
Simpler, Steven H.1985 0-88946-812-5 250 pagesA study, focusing on Bainton's historical methodology. Includes a valuable bibliography of all Bainton's works.
Hamilton, Barry W.2014 0-7734-0072-9 436 pagesNo study ever before has examined the political implications of Watson’s massive theological exposition. The official accounts of Methodist history mention the
Theological Institutes but take their importance for granted. This work brings puts together the puzzle pieces of its major themes in a more contextualized historical interpretation.
MacDonald, Sebastian Killoran2008 0-7734-4986-8 208 pagesFreedom has been a difficult notion in Catholic theology over the years, but this study proposes a positive approach to freedom’s role in ethics, based on its potential for achieving moral goodness in terms of a variety of dialogue partners.
Fishbane, Simcha2024 1-4955-1293-2 176 pagesFood and meals play an integral role in our lives. Whether they are snacks or ritualized meals such as family Sunday dinner, each has a significance, purpose, and meaning for the participants. This work will discuss the concept of se- 'udat mitzvah from a social-anthropological perspective and will also examine the rabbinic sources and customs related to se'udat mitzvah. My research has not unearthed or disclosed any scholarly works that discussed this topic in an encompassing manner. As Gross has pointed out, the study of food ways is "as if the subject were merely lighthearted, fun, and inconsequential, or a moment in which to indulge personal nostalgias, rather than studies of how people sustain, delineate, and organize themselves, raising questions of mea11ing, power, and authority at every tum."
Fishbane, Simcha2024 1-4955-1306-0 176 pagesFood and meals play an integral role in our lives. Whether they are snacks or ritualized meals such as family Sunday dinner, each has a significance, purpose, and meaning for the participants. This work will discuss the concept of se- 'udat mitzvah from a social-anthropological perspective and will also examine the rabbinic sources and customs related to se'udat mitzvah. My research has not unearthed or disclosed any scholarly works that discussed this topic in an encompassing manner. As Gross has pointed out, the study of food ways is "as if the subject were merely lighthearted, fun, and inconsequential, or a moment in which to indulge personal nostalgias, rather than studies of how people sustain, delineate, and organize themselves, raising questions of mea11ing, power, and authority at every tum."
Clendenin, Daniel B.1990 0-88946-838-9 316 pagesEssays in Honor of Bard Thompson.
Park, Tarjei2002 0-7734-7507-9 340 pagesThis is primarily a study of selfhood in the vernacular works of Walter Hilton, those associated with The Cloud of Unknowing, and Julian of Norwich. The three authors show differing governing paradigms for their presentation of the contemplative self. For Hilton, a grounding binary of opposition of flesh and spirit dominates his psychological and Christological paradigms. This is extended in the Cloud author to include an attempted semiotic annihilation of ‘bodily’ linguistic conception. Julian transgresses boundaries assumed by Hilton and the Cloud author via an Incarnationism that permeates her mode of writing and her understanding of the ‘menying’ of her text. This comprehensive work is part of an emerging movement in the study of the English Mystics which incorporates critical theory and postmodern theological perspectives in close readings of mystical texts.
Maier, Bryan N.2005 0-7734-5930-8 176 pagesIt is well established that science in general and human science in particular gained both prestige and popularity in the latter half of the nineteenth century. The new or experimental psychology was no exception. Only a few decades after its ‘origin date’ in 1879, experimental psychology became the dominant paradigm for psychology and maintained this dominance well into the twentieth century. How did Christians interested in human nature respond to this rapidly advancing understanding of human nature? Was their traditional Biblical understanding of people at risk or could the new psychology and the old theology come to some understanding?
Professor Bryan N. Maier begins to answer these questions, at least in part, by unfolding the intriguing story of how one influential Evangelical institution reacted to this new psychology. A case study of who taught psychology and how psychology was taught at Princeton College in the latter third of the nineteenth century reveals at least one way that Evangelicals attempted to resolve the relationship between their faith and this new human science. Professor Maier argues that in systemic terms, a temporary and fragile alliance was formed between the new science and the old theology. This alliance, represented by the personal and professional relationship between James McCosh and James Mark Baldwin, postponed the conflict through their generation but ultimately undermined the ability of Scripture to say anything authoritatively concerning human nature.
Gstohl, Mark A.2004 0-7734-6471-9 163 pagesSeveral recent studies have analyzed the theology of Southern Baptists and have attempted to classify the various Southern Baptist theologians into categories. Some writers have appealed to certain theologians as sources of authority or have vilified them by claiming that they have turned Baptists away from a biblical theology. This work seeks to examine how Southern Baptist Theologians, James Petigru Boyce, Walter Thomas Conner, Edgar Young Mullins, and Dale Moody have addressed original sin in order to critically analyze a specific doctrine that is important to Baptists.
The author does not seek to politicize their views or determine which theological approach might be more profitable for Southern Baptists. The researcher provides a detailed analysis of each theologian’s view, and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each view. The researcher then highlights the overall weaknesses of the views and suggests areas that Southern Baptist Theologians might need to address in more detail in order to formulate a more adequate doctrine of original sin.
Poole, David N. J.1995 0-7734-8890-1 316 pagesThis study surveys the main strands of the theology of covenant from biblical times up to the period before Johannes Cocceius (1603-69). The writings of German scholars, including Kutsch, are reviewed (often for the first time in English) along with many American scholars in the vanguard of research on the theology of covenant. Covenant can be employed in the context of a contract (two-sided) or a decree, ordinance or promise (one-sided). God's dealings with man come firmly within the ambit of the latter usage and this is how the Hebrew berit in the Old Testament and the Greek diatheke in the New should be interpreted. Having defined covenant as employed in the Scriptures, Dr. Poole then traces the use and interpretation of covenant in the Early Church and Scholasticism before examining its treatment in the Reformation and the ensuing development of a federal system and order of salvation, a scheme which reached its zenith with Cocceius; however, it is suggested that not a few bricks forming the basis of Cocceius' baroque structure were laid by his older colleague at Franeker in the Netherlands, Johannes Cloppenburg (1592-1652), and the final chapter of Dr. Poole's work examines Cloppenburge's federal theology. The influence of the theological faculty at Franeker extended far beyond the Netherlands, reaching even to the New World. The literary and socio-political dimensions of covenant thought are considered in the appendices. This is a revised edition of the dissertation originally published as The History of the Covenant Concept from the Bible to Johannes Cloppenburg: 'De Foedere Dei'
Davis, Christopher A.1995 0-7734-2422-9 452 pagesArguing that certain passages from the seven undisputed Pauline epistles represent summary statements in which the apostle himself set forth the coherent center of his theology, this study reconstructs the content of this center as a network of fourteen core convictions, revolving around four ideas. The result is an apocalyptic interpretation of the Christ event. By showing that 'dying with Christ' and similar phrases are Pauline metaphors for Christ-like trust in God, this study is also able to fully integrate Paul's doctrine of 'righteousness through trust' with his doctrine of 'participation in Christ'.
Myers, Max1991 0-88946-923-7 248 pagesIs there a future for "liberal theology'? That was a question which Ernst Troeltsch asked in print, overtly or indirectly, in almost every piece on theology that he wrote and, one may suppose, privately he was far from sure of an affirmative answer. There are doubts; not so much about the study of religion as about the religious life; not so much about science as applied to culture, but about the future of civilization.
Cauthen, Kenneth1986 0-88946-769-2 520 pagesOriginated as a textbook to introduce students to the whole range of Christian thought, written from the viewpoint of the non-conservative academic tradition in modern American Protestantism.
Girard, Peter M.2004 0-7734-6453-0 240 pagesThis work details the textual and history of the inscriptions on the Paschal Candle, carved into wax on only one night of the year within Christian liturgies. A meticulous study of texts and various Latin words brings the reader from ninth century France and Spain to the Lateran basilica of the 13th century. Along with a credible textual history for the inscriptions, this work outlines various schools of liturgical reform evident in the evolution of practice and proposes some theological implications associated with the inscribing of the Paschal Candle. It disproves two earlier misconceptions concerning the inscription’s origins and establishes an original theory concerning the sources and evolution of the practice. Pertinent Medieval manuscripts and associated Latin terminology are competently analyzed to produce a genuine contribution to the field of liturgical history within the Western Christian tradition.
Séguenny, André1987 0-88946-820-6 150 pagesA translation of Séguenny's 1975 Homme charnel, Homme spirituel. Etude sur la christologie de Caspar Schwenckfeld (1489-1561), with a preface by André Séguenny in which he gives his reasons for leaving this work unrevised. In this study Séguenny places Schwenckfeld's theology between Catholicism and Protestantism, arguing that Schwenckfeld's theology can be understood better in relation to the Renaissance, Christian humanism, and Erasmus than to the Reformation and Luther.
Kone, Drissa2019 1-4955-0728-9 116 pagesConflict has always been an integral part of human condition. Any attempt to completely eradicate conflict between people sounds like a utopia. Paradoxically, the pursue of a world of peace and harmony has always been an ideal. This book offers a solution to the fundamental question of the unending conflict between people. Addressing conflict at its roots, through a self-transformative approach could be more effective in making the world a better place. There is no unity in resentment, no forgiveness in revenge and no peace in War. In this contemporary complex and diverse world, a collective responsibility is required to engrave in human consciousness the greatest values of Unity, Forgiveness and Peace.
de Paulo, Craig J.N.2006 0-7734-5689-9 348 pagesThis book on Augustine and Heidegger represents the single most important contribution to the study surrounding the historical and philosophical influence of St. Augustine of Hippo on Martin Heidegger’s early thought and on his magnus opus,
Being and Time. This work sets the record straight about the profound influence of Augustine on Heidegger’s work,
Being and Time, which promises a renaissance in phenomenology, the emergence of a new field within this discipline, and the restoration of religion to phenomenological speculation.
Gibbs, Norman G.2012 0-7734-2618-3 240 pagesA spiritual biography of Charles Chauncy which, for the first time, provides an alternative and balanced view of his theology and life.
Al-Allaf, Mashhad2021 1-4955-0892-7 724 pagesDr. Mashbad Al-Allaf presents and interprets the ideas and philosophy of the major figures of Islamic philosophy, interpreted by Dr. Al-Allaf.
Wilson, Andrew2018 1-4955-0691-6 100 pagesDr. Wilson postulates that Jesus, the Second Adam, should have not been circumcised. This leads to a detailed analysis of biblical history, beginning with Abraham and continuing with Judah and Tamar, Moses and Zipporah, even Jesus' family, looking at the context in which circumcision arose and how it might have been possible to end that practice prior to Jesus' advent.
Nelson, Haydn Desmond2010 0-7734-3804-1 400 pagesThis book brings together the themes of the doctrines of Providence and Trinity. Utilizing the contemporary evangelical debate regarding Open Theism as a context for this work brings a trinitarian perspective to bear on issues of the divine/human relationship that are intrinsic to Providence. Focusing particularly upon the nature of God’s transcendence, sovereignty, immutability, and impassibility, this study completes its trinitarian treatment by applying what has been learned to the nature and practice of prayer as it pertains to Providence.
McMonagle, Mark W.2018 1-4955-0631-2 252 pagesThis book describes the use of Western liturgical rites that are used by Eastern Orthodox churches in Europe and North America. The author details the influence of Catholic liturgical traditions on the Eastern Orthodox church rites, in spite of centuries of theological disagreement.
Harper, Albert W. J.1989 0-88946-842-7 116 pagesA different approach to theodicy, whereas God as pure Godhead is eternal, without form and without property of any kind, it is humankind rather than God that is in need of vindication in the light of the disturbances and ills that we are called upon to bear.
Nicholson, Michael W.1997 0-7734-2246-3 376 pagesThis work is an in-depth look at contemporary postmodern trends in art, philosophy, and theology. It surveys and analyzes many of the main trends and ideas that have been gaining influence in academic and intellectual discourse over the past several decades, to determine just what postmodernism is and what type of response to the phenomenon should be made by Christian theology. This thorough, accurate, and fair assessment on postmodernism will be of enormous value to students and professors of religious, theology, and current trends in the arts and philosophy.
Cauthen, Kenneth1991 0-7734-9655-6 320 pagesAgainst the background of the older modernism, a new empirical, relativistic, pragmatic, naturalistic process theism is developed that takes into account contemporary discussions in anti-foundationalist philosophy of religion and post-Kuhnian philosophy of science. Liberation, feminist, black, process, and revisionist theologies are critically evaluated against the backdrop of liberal and neo-orthodox perspectives. The book's positive thesis is that the universe is in the business of creating life and directing it toward fulfillment. This claim is synthesized with the biblical concept of a loving creativity at the base of all things. The outcome is a view that has deep biblical roots but is addressed to persons informed by beliefs and doubts generated by scientific thinking.
Park, John Sungmin2001 0-7734-7349-1 176 pagesThe range and versatility of the intellectual accomplishments of Friedrich Schleiermacher have been the scene of much scrutiny and recognition since his passing in 1834. The subjects of this study have been provided by both his published writings during his lifetime and the great amount of lecture material that comprise his literary remains. The material that Schleiermacher singled out from the exceptionally large deposit of lectures over many philosophical and theological subjects were those on philosophical dialectic and on Christian ethics.
Harris, Brian S.2011 0-7734-1518-1 364 pagesThis book examines Canadian theologian Stanley J. Grenz’s proposed model for evangelical theological construction. This model utilizes scripture, tradition and culture as the sources for theology, and has the Trinity, community, and eschatology as its focal motifs.
Cruz, Eduardo R.1997 0-7734-2280-3 354 pages Randall, Albert B.1998 0-7734-8254-7 500 pages Song, Young Jae Timothy1998 0-7734-2239-0 254 pagesThis study identifies the loci motifs in the federal thought of two eminent Puritans, William Perkins and John Preston, and thereby presents Puritan loci federalism as a biblically sanctioned alternative to the historical method. It reinterprets the diversity within Reformed Federal thought based on a methodological distinction of loci/history rather than a dogmatic division of grace/ethics.
Garcia Archilla, Aurelio A.1992 0-7734-9828-1 344 pagesThis exploration of a select number of Heinrich Bullinger's writings is one of the very few major studies in English on this influential Reformer. It demonstrates how Bullinger's theology informs his history-writing, and how he sees the latter in an humanistic context. The main thesis is that his history-writing is an expression of the Reformer's emphasis on justification by faith alone. It also constitutes the exploration of a new field in Reformation studies; the theology of history and the historical writings of the Reformers. This groundbreaking study will interest not only Reformation scholars but also historians in general.
Shecterle, Ross A.1996 0-7734-4248-0 268 pagesThis volume offers an exploration of the symbolic structure and mediation of revelation as understood by the Jesuit theologian Avery Dulles. It addresses Dulles' presuppositions about the nature of human knowing and how this radically affects his development of a theology of revelation. It explores both the social and the symbolic dimensions of revelation, most specifically in the area of the unique relationship that the self-disclosure of the divine demands. It also looks at Dulles' presuppositions regarding the significance of revelation for the varying dimensions of theology - specifically, the notion of communication and revelation as such.
Reese, Garth D.2015 0-7734-4253-7 280 pagesThe first critical examination of Thomas Vaughan as a theologian and or magician in his own right. Through close readings of Vaughan’s published writings, analyses of their public reception, the case is made for Vaughan as a “theomagus”, or Christian magician. A reformist thinker, noting parallels between creation and alchemy, his role in developing this theological framework was significant in seventeenth-century British theology.
Thomas has never been considered as a theologian or magician in his own right.
Through close readings of Vaughan’s published writings, analyses of their public reception, and explorations of the writers who influenced Vaughan, I make a case for Vaughan as a “theomagus,” or Christian magician. Vaughan was involved in the universal reform movement of Samuel Hartlib and allied himself with a magical branch of reform associated with the late fifteenth-century humanist Marsilio Ficino and sixteenth-century magician Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa. Vaughan sought to restore peace and religious unity through the
prisca theologia (or “original theology”), a primordial wisdom believed to be inherent in Creation, but lost to humanity through the Fall of Adam and subsequent ages of sin.
Vaughan was not the first early modern thinker to note parallels between creation and alchemy, but he stands out in his emphasis on the role humans could play in this ongoing transmutation. As exceptional as his thought may appear today, it occupies a significant place on the spectrum of mid-seventeenth-century British theology.
Fasching, Darrell J.1981 0-88946-961-X 232 pagesA study of the work of Jacques Ellul, a professor of history and sociology of institutions at the University of Bourdeaux "whom Fasching considers - and with good reason - the most important Christian thinker on the implications of a technological civilization with regard to religion" (ADRIS).
Asante, Emmanuel1995 0-7734-2291-9 215 pagesThis work demonstrates a continuity between Christianity and the Akan/African religio-cultural traditions, by working with the Christian biblical metaphor of the Kingdom of God. It proceeds in five steps: the problem of cultural alienation in contemporary Africa; the way the Kingdom of God functions as a symbol in the preaching of Jesus; an examination of the Akan belief in the Kingship of Onyame, 'God'; the possibility of proclaiming the Christian symbol of the Kingdom to the Akan; and drawing various theological conclusions to demonstrate the affirmation of substantive continuity between Christian and African traditions to pave the way for a Christian theology reflecting an African ethos.
Richardson, Herbert W.1967 0-88946-028-0 182 pagesThis book grows out of the conviction that the coming epoch of history will be dominated by American social techniques that are creating a new unit of reality: the man-and -machine. Protestantism alone will not be able to form this new epoch. Instead, a new ecumenical theology is needed that will develop concepts and methods appropriate to its problems. The essays discuss a wide range of historical, philosophical, and doctrinal problems and proposes constructive solutions. In each case the author accepts the criticism of the new radical theology, but goes beyond it and draws upon the Christian tradition in order to arrive at a new alternative.
Allen, R.T.1992 0-7734-1635-8 204 pagesThis study explores the ways in which Michael Polanyi's philosophy is or is not compatible with, can be used to articulate, or may need to be accommodated to the central doctrines of Christianity, especially in relation to God's transcendence of and immanence within the world. Polanyi's philosophy of knowledge as a tacit integration of clues into a focal whole which mirrors the constitution of comprehensive entities as integrations of level, provides scope for a genuine metaphysics and natural theology. It explains how we can make genuine reference to God who transcends the world, our thoughts and our language. It enables us to articulate our knowledge of God, God's relation to the world, His knowledge of and action within the world, and His being Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, on the analogy of Speaker, Work and Meaning who mutually indwell one another. Similarly it provides a suitable model for understanding the Incarnation, grace and the sacraments.
Kilcullen, John2001 0-7734-7530-3 480 pagesThis was Ockham’s first major work in a twenty-year campaign against Pope John XXII. It is a critical commentary on the Pope’s document Quia vir reprobus. It includes a thorough discussion of the place of voluntary poverty in religious life, the place of property in civil life, and its relation to natural rights and human law.
Kilcullen, John2001 0-7734-7528-1 496 pagesThis was Ockham’s first major work in a twenty-year campaign against Pope John XXII. It is a critical commentary on the Pope’s document Quia vir reprobus. It includes a thorough discussion of the place of voluntary poverty in religious life, the place of property in civil life, and its relation to natural rights and human law.
Viney, Donald Wayne1998 0-7734-8366-7 184 pagesTranslated, Edited and With an Introduction by Donald Wayne Viney.
The translator's Introduction provides a brief account of Lequyer's life and an orientation to his thought on the question of foreknowledge and human free will. The Hornbeam Leaf is a brief autobiographical reflection on Lequyer's first realization of the feeling of freedom. It is an impressionistic but vivid summary of the main themes of Lequyer's philosophy of freedom. The Dialogue of the Predestinate and the Reprobate is an imaginative, passionate, and philosophically informed discussion of the problem of human freedom and divine omniscience. Renouvier called it 'a dramatic metaphysical masterpiece, probably without equal in any literature.' Eugene and Theophilus summarizes Lequyer's views on freedom and foreknowledge.
Servetus, MIchael2008 0-7734-5047-5 352 pagesIn this newly translated work, Servetus examines the efficiency of good works for salvation and the excellence of love.
Hoffman, Christopher A.2008 0-7734-5067-X 144 pagesThe pivotal role of Michael Servetus (1511-1553), the pioneer and development of trends produced by the Enlightenment, and consequent martyr, is illuminated in this premier English translation of his writings.
Jowers, Dennis W.2006 0-7734-5584-1 284 pagesThe widely-accepted
Grundaxiom of Karl Rahner’s doctrine of the Trinity, “The economic Trinity is the immanent Trinity and vice versa,” functions in contemporary theology as a means of reconciling the seemingly contradictory claims that (a) God has revealed the doctrine of the Trinity to the Church, and (b) God has not disclosed this doctrine verbally in Scripture. Rahner’s
Grundaxiom thus serves to legitimate theologies of the Trinity that do not presuppose the verbal inspiration of Scripture.
Bradshaw, Timothy1988 0-7734-1641-2 472 pagesThis study examines how Pannenberg uses idealist thought and its implications for orthodox Christian doctrines. It elucidates how idealism controls Pannenberg's system, and shows that Barth's theology also reflects Hegelian logic at a deep level. Argues that both offer a deeply trinitarian ontology, each being in debt to central Hegelian ideas. Following the comparative appraisal of Barth and Pannenberg, the author draws out deep differences between theologies which bear the Hegelian stamp and central Christian orthodoxy in terms of revelation, creation, God, man and reconciliation.
Laporte, Jean1991 0-7734-9668-8 368 pages Maynard, Arthur H.1992 0-7734-9640-8 100 pagesMakes significant contributions to the scholarly understanding of the Gospel in three areas: understanding the Beloved Disciple not as a historic person, but as any person in the bosom of Christ as Christ is in the bosom of God, and such persons are the source of church authority; studies the dialogues which Jesus has with the "spiritually dull" as a way by which Jesus shows his divinity; and sees John as a midrashic development of the Synoptic Gospels. Important to the general reader is the attention given to the literary form of the Gospel, its understanding of Jesus as divine, the discussion of key concepts -- such as light and darkness, and abiding in Christ -- and a discussion of the realized eschatology of the Gospel. The book will be useful as a text for college or church classes.
Preece, Gordon R.1998 0-7734-2247-1 376 pagesThis study tackles the criticisms of the vocation tradition, particularly by Miroslav Volf, arguing that they are largely true of the relatively conservative Lutheran vocation tradition based on creation theology. They are less true of the Reformed tradition, particularly as reformed itself within a more dynamic trinitarian theological framework which encourages both social and personal change in work structures and roles. It examines three 20th century Lutheran theologians (Gustaf Wingren, Karl Barth, Jürgen Moltmann) to see the ways in which their theological anchorage in one person of the Trinity or article of the Creed shapes their theologies of work and vocation.
Kirby, John1983 0-88946-751-X 377 pagesA search by ten authors for Voegelin's theological identity: a general introduction with a review of the critical literature on Voegelin's work and nine essays that deal with various aspects of his thought.
Gibson, Arthur1996 0-7734-8769-7 258 pagesThe late Canadian theologian Arthur Gibson was known for his creative approaches to Christian theology as a hermeneutical tool for interpreting contemporary discoveries and movements in the arts and sciences. This previously unpublished work was prepared from several typed versions, with the assistance of many of Dr. Gibson's professional and personal colleagues.
Chapter headings include: Warning Signals of the Atomic Age; The Anti-Materialism of Religious Traditions; The Nucleus of the Problem; The Voice of Non-Entity; The Voice of Process; The Voice of Energy; The Voice of Mass; The Voice of the Quantum; and The Voice of Signals.
Reynolds, Glen D.2006 0-7734-5901-4 292 pagesThe combined effect of observations made by John Owen (Puritan Vice-chancellor of Oxford University) in tracts published in 1655 and 1679 was that Quaker theology renewed aspects of Gnosticism, a theology interpreted by patristic commentators as Christian heresy. This monograph argues that George Fox’s theological message (and in particular, his interpretation of the concept of revelatory Light) incorporated a remarkably similar soteriology and realised eschatology to that found in Valentinian Christian Gnosticism.
Hegy, Pierre2007 0-7734-5488-8 356 pagesThis book gives an overview of current research on God images and the religious imagination by considering the results of certain quantitative research; by analyzing the role of such images in spirituality, in therapy and pastoral ministry; and by considering the work of Andrew Greeley on this topic. Since the religious imagination covers a variety of fields, this book offers contributions from a variety of disciplines and brings together research from such varying perspectives. This book will likely appeal to psychologists and sociologists dealing with religious issues, to therapists helping clients deal with oppressive God images, as well as to religious ministers and philosophers of religion.
Saito, Paul2019 1-4955-0536-7 44 pagesThis book contains the authors views on the nature of reincarnation, spiritual marriage and family. It speaks to the nature humans have with their ancestral past and how that effects the future.
Thomas, Owen C.2006 0-7734-5590-6 352 pagesThe purpose of this volume of essays is to offer a picture and examples of what it is that Christian theologians do and why and how they do it. These essays treat three areas of theological concern which constitute the parts of the book: the methods of theological procedure, the topics and questions addressed by theologians, and various applications of theological conclusions A proposal is presented that the most important and influential development is a new Romantic movement which arose in the last century and has influenced all areas of our culture. This movement has both positive and negative influences on Christianity and theology which are examined in detail.
Byrne, Edmund2010 0-7734-3811-4 156 pages