Subject Area: World War II
Poewe, Karla1989 0-88946-354-9 250 pagesToday a distinguished anthropologist, Karla Poewe was born in Koenigsberg, East Prussia, in 1941. In this autobiography she tells of her early life as a vagrant refugee pursued by Russian armies and Allied bombs. An unforgettable description of life as lived by a German child during the 1940s.
Abikhaled, Kaye Voigt2002 0-7734-3425-9 84 pages Berget, Wilbur C.2008 0-7734-4918-3 500 pagesWritten between 1941 and 1945, these personal, detailed letters serve as an important resource for World War II historians by illuminating the lives of ordinary soldiers.
DeGarmo, Denise2006 0-7734-5549-3 216 pagesThis book seeks to provide an examination of the history and consequences of the atomic legacy of St. Louis and the Metro-East by appealing to historians, WWII enthusiasts, environmentalists, as well as individuals interested in domestic and international nuclear policy. Dating back to the beginning of the “Atomic Age,” 2.5 million cubic yards of radioactive wastes have been dispersed throughout the St. Louis area. This waste resulted from atomic weapons work carried out by Mallinckrodt Chemical Works for the US government under secret contract. Between 1942 and 1966, over 300,000 tons of uranium had been processed in the downtown St. Louis and Weldon Spring plants. While bits and pieces of information regarding the atomic legacy of St. Louis can be found on a number of internet sites and in a few historical accounts of the Manhattan Project, to date there has been no comprehensive study of the secret contracting effort that made Mallinckrodt Chemical Works one of the most important contributors to the atomic bomb project. Nor has there been adequate discussion of the long-term consequences of this atomic program on the health and environment of the community.
Lei, Christine2024 1-4955-1273-8 240 pagesThis is an 8.5 x 11 in. softcover book.
"It is necessary to expose thoroughly the traumatic effects of past POW experiences of minorities such as Asian Canadians in Canada so that no other minorities may suffer the same fate in the future. This is my main reason for initiating this research of Japanese-Canadian children's internment experiences in Canada. ...I have limited the fictional narratives in this study to Canadian literature, including two children's books and three adult novels. These five texts offer children's psychological traumatization from their POW experiences during World War II, as well as their cultural traumatization from legacies of the internment after the war.
Lei, Min2024 1-4955-1273-8 240 pagesThis is an oversize (8.5 x 11 inch), softcover book.
"This thesis investigates the traumatic internment experiences of Japanese-Canadian children during World War II in Canadian fictional writings. Specifically, this thesis examines the trauma these children have suffered as represented in three adult novels: Joy Kogawa's Obasan (1981), Kerri Sakamoto's The Electrical Field (1998), and Frances Itani's Requiem (2011) and two children's books: Shizuye Takashima's A Child in Prison Camp (1971) and Kogawa's Naomi's Road (2005)." -Dr. Min Lei
Mineau, André2022 1-4955-0954-0 312 pagesFrom the Author's "Summary of the essential elements" of Nazi ideology (pg. 278):
٭ In the field of foreign politics, Nazi ideology fully actualized the geopolitics of biology.
٭ Nazi ideology was predicated on what can be called the "1918 syndrome".
٭ To the Nazi mind, the downfall of Germany tragically confirmed the Jews' universal malevolence.
٭ The Holocaust accomplished what was logically contained within Nazi ideology.
Knapton, Michael Wing Commander2024 1-4955-1311-4 74 pagesThis study identifies the indicators of Japanese intent available preceding their attack, analyzes the preparedness of the Allies, and draws parallels to the contemporary world. China's ambitions are dismantling the bedrock of the democratic world order, threatening the long-standing peace among major powers. The implications of the U.S. and its Allies not achieving information advantage, being unable to interpret conflict indicators, and not having a coordinated and integrated coalition response are stark. Whether war with China is inevitable or not, the U.S. and its Allies must understand that a lack of a coordinated and immediate response would likely cause it to concede the great power competition to China. While deterrence through a credible coalition remains the priority, the U.S. and its Allies need to be in a “Fight Tonight” mindset.Key lessons from the WWII Indo-Pacific theater remain relevant today and are crucial to the U.S. and its Allies.
Feldman, Lawrence H.2022 1-4955-1023-9 260 pagesThis book offers an informative history of specific issues complicating attempts to escape Nazi Germany. "[I]t was understood that the Nazis were specifically targeting Jews. State terror had turned Jews into a convenient political scapegoat, and confiscating Jewish property had become a lucrative business. But in the United States, as elsewhere, anti-Semitism was on the ascent. ...Roosevelt took the position that to increase American "immigration quotas or appropriations of loans from public funds...[would] occasion public dispute." -Lawrence H. Feldman
Lelchook, Judith2022 1-4955-1023-9 324 pagesThis book offers an informative history of specific issues complicating attempts to escape Nazi Germany. "[I]t was understood that the Nazis were specifically targeting Jews. State terror had turned Jews into a convenient political scapegoat, and confiscating Jewish property had become a lucrative business. But in the Unites States, as elsewhere, anti-Semitism was on the ascent. ...Roosevelt took the position that to increase American "immigration quotas or appropriations of loans from public funds...[would] occasion public dispute." -Lawrence H. Feldman
Feldman, Lawrence H.2022 1-4955-0968-1 152 pagesThis is a study of the role of Spain and Franco in the Holocaust with an aim to trace the relationship between Franco and Hitler during the Second World War. ...Hitler supported Franco during the Spanish Civil War, so it is surprising that Franco did not join Hitler in the war against the Allies. Hitler met Franco on the French border in 1940, but while a treaty was signed it was never implemented. Why? The evidence is in the diplomatic correspondence between the AXIS powers, Allies and Franco. -from the Author's "Prologue One"
Lelchook, Judith2022 1-4955-0968-1 152 pagesThis is a study of the role of Spain and Franco in the Holocaust with an aim to trace the relationship between Franco and Hitler during the Second World War. ...Hitler supported Franco during the Spanish Civil War, so it is surprising that Franco did not join Hitler in the war against the Allies. Hitler met Franco on the French border in 1940, but while a treaty was signed it was never implemented. Why? The evidence is in the diplomatic correspondence between the AXIS powers, Allies and Franco. -from the Author's "Prologue One"
Josephson, David2023 1-4955-1117-0 324 pagesThis is a biography of Kathi Meyer-Baer. "I first encountered Meyer-Baer while rummaging in the Rare Books and Manuscripts Room of the New York Public Library among the files of the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars. This was an organization established in New York soon after the formation of a Nazi government in Germany to help secure academic positions in the United States for scholars dismissed on racial or political grounds from their posts in Germany. Among the hundreds considered for funding from the Emergency Committee during its twelve years of operation were thirty-eight musicians and music scholars, all but one of the men; the exception was Meyer-Baer." (Introduction)
This book was originally published by Pendragon Press in 2012.
Kempner, Robert M.W.2023 1-4955-1132-4 136 pagesThe text of this book contains interviews with Robert Kempner that were translated by Jane Lester. The translation was presented to the "Old Nurembergers" who gathered in Washington, D.C. for a final reunion in 1996.