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Subject Area: Africa-Zambia

Government Policy and Public Enterprise Performance in Sub-Saharan Africa the Case Studies of Tanzania and Zambia, 1964-1984
 Makoba, J. Wagona
1998 0-7734-2229-3 568 pages
This study investigates the impact of state development policies of nationalization, Africanization and import substitution industrialization (ISI) on the activities and performance of selected industrial public enterprises (or parastatal organizations). Contrary to conventional wisdom, findings in this study show clearly that public enterprise performance in Tanzania and Zambia, as elsewhere in developing countries, is a result of the quality of management rather than type of ownership. It contributes to the current state-market debate by arguing that any meaningful understanding of economic growth and performance must take into account the roles of both state and market as well as the particular historical and sociopolitical context within which they coexist. Finally, the study extends the application of the resource dependency models of organizations to organizational behavior in Sub-Saharan Africa by demonstrating that local enterprise managers in both Tanzania and Zambia, rather than intelligently scanning their environment, are often overwhelmed by it.

Religion, Kinship and Economy in Luapula, Zambia
 Poewe, Karla
1989 0-88946-190-2 250 pages
Presents the thesis that organizational uncertainties - specifically a now-confusing family and kinship structure - present hindrances to economic development equal to lack of money and technology

 Thomas-Emeagwali, Gloria
1992 0-7734-9557-6 216 pages
In science the areas of focus include mathematics, medicine, and the sociology of medicine as well as biologically-based warfare. In technology, iron, gold, diamond, and glass-making technologies dominate. Three of the cases of metallurgical development are centered on the pre-colonial periods. Chapters examine deficiencies and offer critical analysis of contemporary state policies in the areas of Nigeria and Zambia.

Struggle for Control of Education in Zambia
 O'Brien, Dan
2006 0-7734-5834-4 516 pages
This book investigates the crucial role that education played in the construction and subsequent life of the Republic of Zambia, formerly Northern Rhodesia. The social structure is examined from the perspective of subaltern theory and the educational structure from the theoretical perspective of Foucault’s Discourse and Discipline. The importance of combining these two theoretical aspects arises from the particular situation of the territory between 1924, when the Colonial Office took over from the British South Africa Company and 1964 when Zambian Independence was declared. By 1924 there were already four clearly defined groups within the territory, the Colonial Officials, the Miners, traders and farmers, the Missionaries and the Africans. Each of these categories of people had their own view of how the territory should be developed. Each believed that education was the instrument they could use to achieve their aims and the book shows in details the efforts they made to do so. A detailed study of the education provided at both Discourse (Policy) and Discipline (schools and curriculum) levels shows however that none of the participants took into account the inherent logic of an educational system. The efforts made to manipulate the system has led to results that none of the parties envisaged and has left the Zambian people with major problems at social, political and educational levels.

Theatre and Social Change in Zambia the Chikwakwa Theatre
 Idoye, Patrick E.
1996 0-7734-8959-2 212 pages
This is the only comprehensive documentation of the activities of the University of Zambia Chikwakwa Theatre, a group which used the medium of theatre to bring about social change in the central African nation of Zambia between 1969-1979. What are today known as the "Chikwakwa concepts" have become part of the universal theatre language of the southern African region. Explores information, ideas, and philosophy: that theatre can be aggressively used as a vehicle for social change; that theatre and politics are inextricably linked in Africa because "cultural discussion is frequently political discussion"; that the socio-political functions of the theatre are more crucial than the entertainment or aesthetic values; and that for theatre to be effective it must be rooted in the traditions of the people. The book's ten-page bibliography, extensive footnotes and photographs of the group in action make this volume an important tool for further research in African studies.

Zambia and the Decline of Kaunda 1984-1998
 Chan, Stephen
2000 0-7734-7504-4 208 pages
This collection of essays spans a 15 year period of close observation of Zambia, and its first leader, Kenneth Kaunda. It begins with the 1984 Zambian elections and continues to Kaunda’s accusation of treason by the Chiluba government in 1998. An eyewitness series of events as they happened, the volume is a contemporary chronicle not paralleled elsewhere.

Zambia’s Stock Exchange and Privatisation Programme Corporate Finance Law in Emerging Markets
 Mwenda, Kenneth Kaoma
2001 0-7734-7560-5 568 pages
This work illuminates theoretical issues of corporate finance law in emerging markets, focusing on the legal aspects of public distribution of securities in Zambia. The work fills an important gap in the literature pertaining to Africa’s leading stock markets. This work is a classic guide on emerging markets, invaluable to investors, securities regulatory bodies, stockbrokers and dealers, corporate finance lawyers, and financial economists. It identifies both legal and extra-legal constraints on the regulatory framework. It examines activities both on the Lusaka Stock Exchange and under the privatisation programme. It also makes proposals to introduce a regional stock exchange in Southern and Eastern Africa. It presents a critical analysis of the law, striking a balance between black letter law analysis and law in context analysis.