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Fatu-Tutoveanu, Andrada

ANDRADA F?TU-TUTOVEANU is Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters, “Babe?-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca. She holds a PhD (2009) in Comparative Literature and between 2010-2013 she connducted a three-year postdoctoral research project on the issue of identity construction within Romanian cultural press in the 1950s and the 1990s. Her research and teaching experience cover Cultural Studies, Comparative Literature, History of Literature, Gender Studies, Romanian literature and media. Besides individual volumes (the most recent, Building Socialism, Constructing People:Identity Patterns and Stereotypes in Late 1940s and 1950s Romanian Cultural Press. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014), book chapters and articles in interna-tional journals, she has focused on Communism in editing several volumes in English such as Press, Propaganda and Politics: Cultural Periodicals in Francoist Spain and Communist Romania (co-editor Rubén Jarazo Álvarez), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013 and Communism- Nego¬tiation of Boundaries (co-editor Corin Braga), Caietele Echinox, volume 19, 2010. Member in the Editorial Boards of several international academic journals, she also has conducted several national and international research projects as a manager or team member.

Personal Narratives of Romanian Women During the Cold War (1945-1989) Varieties of the Autobiographical Genre
2015 1-4955-0373-9
The volume focuses on a series of case studies which cover a wide range of experiences and ages. Thus, it aims to provide the reader with a relevant image of the writing of these female intellectuals and the paradox Romanian women occupied during the Cold War period. The cases discussed are relevant both for their diverse narrative formulas and for their content, including their historical meanings as well as their multidisciplinary appeal.