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Ong, André

André Ong is an Associate Lecturer and Ministry Fellow at the Academy for Christian Thought in New York. He is also a Faculty Associate at Bethel Theological Seminary, San Diego. He received his Ph. D. in Religion from Claremont Graduate University focusing on philosophy, theology, ethics, and culture, and a Masters degree at Bethel Theological Seminary in San Diego.

John Paul II's Philosophy of the Acting Person: A Personalistic Approach to Life
2008 0-7734-4893-4
This book traces the development of Karol Wojty?a’s philosophical anthropology and ethics from his early writings until their full maturity as expressed through the unique context of the papacy. Rarely can one find such an opportunity and an unprecedented stage in the theater of world history to continue developing and ‘testing out’ one’s ethical construction. Wojty?a’s ethical writings uniquely offer the full scope and scale of ethics in its theoretical and applied possibilities played out in the most comprehensively open context of concrete historical totality. The English speaking world, due to the poverty of English translations of Wojty?a’s writings consider The Acting Person his magnum opus without situating it within his larger ethical concerns. It is for this reason that his still unpublished ethical writings in English, such as The Lectures from Lublin will be included and critically examined here in order to situate The Acting Person as the necessary horizon and theoretical requirement for his overall ethical construction. This book contains one color photograph.