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Pearsall, Arlene Epp

Johannes Pauli (1450-1520) on the Church and the Clergy
1994 0-7734-9108-2
This work focuses on what Franciscan priest and administrator Johannes Pauli's stories, commentaries, and sermons have to say about the church and clergy. His versatility is illustrated by his use of a variety of short fiction forms such as exempla, parables, short tales, legends, and crime stories, and his originality by the large number of wholly original tales, by his lucid commentaries, and by improvements in tales he borrowed. In all his writings he stressed the spread of clerical abuses such as nepotism, pluralism, absenteeism, avarice, the sale of indulgences, and sexual misdeeds. This work is a vivid historical account of the most powerful institution of the late Middle Ages.