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Joyce, Beverly

Dr. Beverly A. Joyce is Professor Emerita of Library Science at the University of Oklahoma. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Oklahoma.

A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women From 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name (Volume 2)
2018 1-4955-0667-3
This bibliography collects literary works written by women in multiple genres from 1500 – 1900. It excludes works that are non-literary such as cookbooks or guidebooks, and instead focuses on novels and memorial volumes that are written by women.

Sold as a Four Volume Set

A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women From 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name (Volume 3)
2018 1-4955-0667-3
This bibliography collects literary works written by women in multiple genres from 1500 – 1900. It excludes works that are non-literary such as cookbooks or guidebooks, and instead focuses on novels and memorial volumes that are written by women.

Sold as a Four Volume Set

A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women From 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name (Volume 4)
2018 1-4955-0667-3
This bibliography collects literary works written by women in multiple genres from 1500 – 1900. It excludes works that are non-literary such as cookbooks or guidebooks, and instead focuses on novels and memorial volumes that are written by women.

Sold as a Four Volume Set

A Bibliography of 13,632 Novels Written by British and American Women from 1500-1900: Listed and Cross-Listed by Birth Name and Married Name Volume 1
2018 1-4955-0667-3
This bibliography collects literary works written by women in multiple genres from 1500 – 1900. It excludes works that are non-literary such as cookbooks or guidebooks, and instead focuses on novels and memorial volumes that are written by women.

Sold as a Four Volume Set