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Jensen, Brian Møller

Dr. Brian Møller Jensen is Lecturer in Latin at the Department of Classical Languages in Stockholm. He received his Ph.D. in Church History from Copenhagen, Denmark. Dr. Jensen has published a number of studies on medieval liturgical poetry, Mariology and hagiography, especially in Italian manuscripts, the commentary to the facsimile of the Piacentinian Liber Magistri and a monograph on its repertory of tropes and sequences, the Danish translation of the Rule of St. Benedict, and studies on Cicero’s speech Pro Caelio.

Medieval Liturgical Texts in Italian Manuscripts
2006 0-7734-5854-9
This book is a very valuable collection of fifteen thorough and well-documented studies on liturgical texts in medieval Italian manuscripts, including the English versions of five published in Italian as well as five new unpublished studies. Hagiography is the central theme in these studies.

Tropes and Sequences in the Liturgy of the Church in Piacenza in the Twelfth Century: An Analysis and an Edition of the Texts
2002 0-7734-7073-5
"Brian Moller Jensen proposes a wide-ranging reading and interpretation of the liturgy in Piacenza through a rigorous itinerary which recovers the salient points of the codicological production and checks the most significant products which give evidence to the creative qualities of the local liturgies. Its concern is to search for the animus who has inspired the liturgical poetry within the knowledge to approach an exceptional work of mystagogy, of a fascinating catechism performed to introduce and involve the liturgical community in an intense expression of experienced faith. The analysis is all-embracing and investigates in particular, 'the literary aspect, liturgical function and theological contents of these compositions in order to identify the compiler's possible reasons for composing this selection of items.'" -Giacomo B. Baroffio (from The Commendatory Preface)