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Nabuzale, Caroline

Dr. Caroline Nabuzale received her Ph.D. degree in Mass Communication from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Nairobi-Kenya.

How Journalists Report on Natural Disasters: A Case Study of a Landslide in Uganda
2023 1-4955-1069-7
This is an "oversized" (8x10), softcover book. "This study sought to address the gap in empirical research related to newspapers and crisis communication for natural disasters in Uganda. Against this backdrop, the objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of print media factors on the crisis communication for natural disasters in Uganda. Specifically, the study: (i) examined the effectiveness of print media consumption patterns by the affected people on crisis communication for natural disaster in Uganda, (ii) assessed the effectiveness of print media management strategies with key publics on crisis communication for natural disaster in Uganda, (iii) evaluated the effectiveness of print media on communicating the key crisis events of natural disasters in Uganda, (iv) analyzed the effectiveness of print media coverage for past natural disasters on the current crisis communication in Uganda. To achieve these objectives, the study employed both quantitative and qualitative research designs." -From the Author's Abstract