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Goossens, Charles

Towards a Theory of Relativity of Truth in Morality and Religion
1991 0-7734-9760-9
Analyses a model in which moral truth is presented as truth in the perspective of certain social commitments, as well as a model in which religious truth is interpreted as truth in the perspective of religious experience. Theorizes that relativity need not conflict with universality. Truth from the perspective of the insider is truth without qualification.

Towards a Theory of the Relativity of Truth in Morality and Religion
2023 1-4955-1061-1
This book is an expansion of the book's 1991 publication. In addition to the original text, there is a new preface and postscript by the author. Both the previous book and the additions are included in this volume. The author analyses a model in which moral truth is presented as truth in the perspective of certain social commitments, as well as a model in which religious truth is interpreted as truth in the perspective of religious experience. Theorizes that relativity need not conflict with universality. Truth from the perspective of the insider is truth without qualification.