Abramson, Charles I.
Dr. Charles Abramson (PhD, Boston University) is Professor of Psychology at Oklahoma State University. He is the author of over 50 research papers and four books.
2002 0-7734-6942-7Dr. Charles Henry Turner uncovered new species; contributed several of the early anatomical studies of crayfish and bird brains; developed new methodologies (several of which are still used today); contributed literature reviews; clarified several behavioral and methodological issues in the areas of tropisms, memory, and behavioral ecology; and was the first to provide experimental evidence that certain insects can hear airborne sounds. He was also a leader in the early struggle for civil rights where he repeatedly stressed the view that equality can only occur through a sustained and rigorous program of education. This volume will not only be useful to students of behavioral science, but also to historians of psychology, zoology, entomology, and African-American history. The volume contains biographic information and illustrations, a broad selection of Turner’s papers, both on behavioral science and race relations, and bibliographic information.