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Chikeka, Charles O.

Dr. Charles Chikeka received his Ph.D.from Columbia University. He is the author of three previous books, Britain, France and the New African States (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1990), Africa and the European Economic Community (The Edwin Mellen Press, 1993) and Decolonisation Process in Africa during the Post-War Era, 1960-1990 (The EdwinMellen Press, 1998). Dr. Chikeka hasalso taught history at Jackson State University, Florida A&M University, and Morgan State University.

Africa and the European Economic Community, 1957-1992
1993 0-7734-9259-3
This study addresses the economic relations between African countries and European powers, the form that they have taken in the past and may take in the new era of political independence and national development. Examines critically the economic and political implications of African states' participation in the EEC as associate members.

Britain, France, and the New African States a Study of Post-Independence Relationships
1990 0-88946-516-9
Examines post-independence relationships between the metropolitan powers and their former dependencies in Africa, with focus on trade, aid, capital investment, and security.

Decolonization Process in Africa During the Post-War Era, 1960-1990
1998 0-7734-8471-X
Examines the efforts of African states to complete the decolonization process, focussing on the divergent postures of Botswana, Malawi, Tanzania, and Zaire as representative examples. Examines in depth the factors that explain the divergent policies.

European Hegemony and African Resistance 1880-1990
2004 0-7734-6486-7
The main thrust of this study is that throughout the process of partition, African nations tried hard to check the tidal wave of European assault. What served as the decisive factor in these encounters were the superiority of Europeans’ weapons, in addition to such factors as fraudulent treaties of friendship, the role of missionaries and traders, divide-and-conquer strategies, and direct military interventions.