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Tomei, Christine

Christine D. Tomei is currently a Visiting Scholar at the Harriman Instutite of International Studies, Columbia University. She received her Ph.D. in Slavic Languages at Brown University.

Critical Essays on the Prose and Poetry of Modern Slavic Women
1998 0-7734-8363-2
Includes a variety of topics, prose and poetry, individual works as well as general studies, examining women's literary creativity and their contribution to East Euopean literature of the 20th century. The study addresses a broad range of issues, such as female space, negative attitudes to women's issues in literature, modern interpretation of classic themes and motifs, lyric persona of Marina Cvetaeva through her poetic dialogue with Pasternak and her reader, the influence of Mirra Loxvickaja on Anna Axmatova, Bella Axmadulina's strong links with Russian classics.