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Kelly, Columba

Rev. Columba Kelly, OSB, monk of St. Meinrad Archabbey, completed his doctoral studies (D Mus Sac) under Dom Eugène Cardine at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music in Rome. He returned to St. Meinrad as Choir Master and began the work of composing English language chants based on the principles used to create the original Gregorian chant repertory. Rev. Kelly continues to teach chant at the Abbey of Solesmes to American students, sponsored by California State University, Los Angeles.

AN INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERPRETATION OF GREGORIAN CHANT: Foundations – A Translation with Notes by Columba Kelly
2006 0-7734-5993-6
This translation of Volume One of the two-volume work of Agustoni and Göschl has brought together the most accepted and recent scholarship in the field of Gregorian chant. It is a thorough and systematic presentation of this material for the very purpose of aiding those who wish to bring this music to life in actual performance and in a manner that is more faithful to its very nature as the musical enhancement of a sacred text. Such an aid to performance has only been available since 1987 in the original German and then in 2001, in a French translation of Volume I by Dom Daniel Saulnier. The French translation by Dom Saulnier has been used as the basis of this translation, since it contains material on the Tironian notes that was not available at the time of the original German work. This English translation begins to answer the need of English-speaking directors and singers of Gregorian chant for performance guidelines that are based on solid scholarship.

Gregorian Chant Intonations and the Role of Rhetoric
2002 0-7734-6872-2
With Accompanying CD

This study provides instruction to perform or conduct Gregorian chant in an historically informed way. It provides the reader with a Schenker style analysis of individual chant pieces, identifies the structure pitches of the composition and shows how these are then elaborated by ornamental figures. It also shows, for the first time, how the same creative tradition can be carried on in the English language. A CD with short examples is included with the book. This is the first volume in an exciting new series on Gregorian chant, edited by Father Columba Kelly.