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Güting, Eberhard

Dr. Güting received his D. Theol. from the University of Münster, and his D. Phil from the University of Osnabrück. Dr. Mealand received his PhD from the University of Edinburgh. He is currently Senior Lecturer in New Testament at the University of Edinburgh.

A Text-Critical and Statistical Enquiry into Pauline Style
1998 0-7734-8369-1
This study explores the stylistic effects of asyndeton in three of Paul's major letters: Romans and First and Second Corinthians. It analyzes the way in which these stylistic features underwent change at the hands of scribes. By comparing the use of connectives in passages of similar style, the authors recover the liveliness of Paul's original texts. Passages with firm text are used to analyse patterns of speech and of writing. Manuscript variation, too, contributes to this analysis. By carefully charting the way in which the main Pauline manuscripts have deviated from Paul's use of asyndeton, the authors build a profile of the behavior of individual manuscripts and also of groups of texts. This text is essential reading for anyone interested in Pauline style, or engaged in the methodical recovery of Pauline texts.