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Garza, Efraín E.

Dr. Efraín E. Garza is Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies at the University of Northern Colorado.

Las Leyendas De BÉcquer Y Su AproximaciÓn Al Simbolismo FrancÉs
2006 0-7734-5818-2
This study reevaluates Gustavo Adolfo Béquer as a precursor of French Symbolism in Spain. Considering that French Symbolism flourished around 1885, this study invites Hispanics to reconsider currently accepted notions that presence of Symbolism in Hispanic writing came after 1870 and only from foreign literatures. This work explores current research indicating that some features in Béquer’s prose anticipate French Symbolism, being substantially identical to the movement without Béquer actually coming in contact with French writers.