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Appleton, Elizabeth

About the author: Elizabeth Appleton was born in England and educated in Belgium and England. She graduated from London University with a BA Honours in Modern History and studied at the Hautes Etudes Internationales in Geneva, Switzerland.

An Anatomy of the Marprelate Controversy 1588-1596 - Retracing Shakespeare’s Identity and that of Martin Marprelate
2001 0-7734-7490-0
This study provides a blueprint of the texts and intricacies of this battle of writings and of the protagonists involved. It recovers the poet and playwright Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford (under pseudonyms) as the leader of the writers defending the Church and Crown and the liberty of the stage against the Puritans and Martinists. It provides overwhelming evidence given by two writers about Oxford (under pseudonyms) who reveal him as an attacked active poet and dramatist whole brilliant works were in ‘abeyance’ and whose identity must not be known. The manuscript also provides the evidence given by two associates of Oxford, the writers Lyly and Nashe, that the writer who, under the pseudonym of Martin Marprelate, attempted the overthrow of the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Anglican bishops and episcopacy in England was in fact the scholar Gabriel Harvey, who was the major opponent of Edward de Vere throughout the battle of writings, and his blackmailer.