Wagner, Eva
2016 1-4955-0440-6As the book title indicates, It is first of all a new theory of tragedy. In particular, it is an investigation of fate and guilt concepts as rationalisations of irrational tragic reality, reflected generally in Geistegeschichte, then in literary tragedies of the Western world and eventually in Storm and Stress dramas. Remarkably, they summarize, contradict, and to some extent predict all major “solutions” to tragic insolubility, as illustrated in the main sections: Greek, Christian, and Enlightenment world views.
1992 0-7734-9459-6Part one of this study presents a general discussion of a new theory of the tragic, an outline of the history of tragedy, and the methodology. Part two contains interpretations of Grillparzer's ten completed dramas with regard to their tragic nature and to fate and guilt concepts in particular. The third is a summary, a general discussion of Grillparzer as tragedian, and a proposal for solving the dilemma experienced by many interpreters in this context.