Lewin, Eyal
Dr. Eyal Lewin obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Haifa. He is the Chair of the Department of Multidisciplinary Studies at Ariel University and Secretary of the Association of Civil-Military Studies in Israel.
2017 1-4955-0614-2This essay concentrates on the strange occurrence of Jews whose legacy is the comparison of Israelis with Nazis. This tendency is becoming prominent among Jewish Western intellectuals, involving artists, scholars, journalists and politicians. Nonetheless, the Israeli-Nazi comparison is prevailing also within the higher echelons of Israeli society. The stated goal of this paper is to portray this strange phenomenon – later to be defined as Jewish Holocaust Inversion – and to comprehend the dangers that it poses to Israeli society and to the Jewish people.
2018 1-4955-0643-6Dr. Lewin examines what he believes to be a spiritual disorder at the core of Israel and the many ways that the disorder is expressed. He focuses on a diverse collection of incidents and events that have manifested in modern Israel due to this disorder. The book looks to examine the concerns and offer solutions that would combat the malaise he is diagnosing.