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Wilson, Fred

About the author: Dr. Wilson received his PhD from the University of Iowa. He is currently Professor in the Departments of Philosophy and Ethics at University College, University of Toronto.

Socrates, Lucretius, Camus - Two Philosophical Traditions on Death
2001 0-7734-7369-6
This monograph links reasons for attitudes toward death to reasons for different metaphysical positions on the human being and the place of the human being in the universe. Most recent discussions of death either place the topic directly in the context of nothing more than ethical considerations without reference to the deeper ontological or metaphysical issues, or place it in the context of Heideggerian or existentialist considerations. This essays goes deeper than the former and provides a broader context than the latter. The discussion is structured by the thought of Camus, providing a careful reading of both The Myth of Sisyphus and The Outsider. Examines his connection to both the empiricist tradition and Hume, Plotinus, Lucretius, Socrates, Aristotle, the Stoics, and into the modern period with Spinoza. Their metaphysical positions on death are fully laid out.