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Colvile, Georgiana M. M.

Contemporary Women Writing in the Other Americas Volume One: Contemporary Women Writing in Latin America
1996 0-7734-9005-1
A Spanish American Scheherazade: On Isabel Allende and Eva Luna (Susana Reisz) Back to the Suture: Patriarchal Discourse and Susana Thenon's Ova Completa (Bernard J. McGuirk) An Interview with Magda Portal (Kathleen Weaver) Discerning Alejandra: Concerning the Poetics of Pizarnik (Asunción Horno-Delgado) Innovative Latin American Writing of the 1980s: The Feminist Projects of Angel, Torres Molina and Parente Cunha (Raymond L. Williams) Rigoberta Menchu: The Exiles of a Guatemalan Indian Woman (Mark I. Millington) "Here Be Dragons:, or She Devils and Little Boys: The Annihilation of the Male in Lygia Fagundes Telles (Maria Manuel Lisboa) Women Writing and Living in Latin America (Elena Poniatowska) "Ecriture Féminine" in Chile: Invaded Space in Ana Maria del Rio, Diamela Eltit and Sonia Montecinos (Antonio Skármeta)

Contemporary Women Writing in the Other Americas Volume Three. Contemporary Women Writing in Canada and Quebec
1996 0-7734-8810-3
"Space That I Claim as Mine": Contemporary Canadian Women's Novels in English (Coral Ann Howells) Writing About Writing: Carol Shields's The Journal (Simone Vauthier) Expatriates or not? Two Canadian Novelists in Paris: Anne Hébert and Mavis Gallant (Georgiana M. M. Colvile) Quebec Women Writers and the Quiet Revolution (Mary Jean Green) France Théoret's Feminist Hyperrealism: Denaturalizing Female Domesticity in L'Homme qui peignait Staline (Karen Gould) Rape by Grammar: Marlene Nourbese Philip's Hyphenated Tongue or Writing the Caribbean Demotic between Africa and Arctic (Barbara Godard) Art is a Thief: Maria Campbell and Linda Griffith's Jessica (Frances W. Kaye) Writing as a Trajectory of Desire and Consciousness (Nicole Brossard)

Contemporary Women Writing in the Other Americas Volume Two: Contemporary Women Writing in the Caribbean
1996 0-7734-8808-1
"Claiming an Identity They Taught Me to Despise" - Alienation and the Caribbean Woman: From Mayotte Capacia to Michelle Cliff (Betty Wilson) En/Gendering Spaces: The Poetry of Marlene Nourbese Philip and Pamela Mordecai (Elaine Savory) "The Higher Monkey Climb The More He Expose": Comedy and Exposure in Whole of a Morning Sky (Evelyn O'Callaghan) Garden/Nation: Parva Domus: Magna Quies (Ileana Rodríguez) Toussine's Cabin/Télumée's Garden: A Study of Spatial Structures in Simone Schwarz-Bart's Pluie et vent sur Télumée-Miracle (Mildred Mortimer) Re-writing Postcolonial Social Texts: Maternal Discourse in Chauvet and Lacrosil (Madeleine Cottenet-Hage and Kevin Meehan) (Re)writing History: Strategies of Telling in Maryse Condé's Une Saison à Rihata (Ann Armstrong Scarboro) "What About Those Who Don't Have Grandmothers?" (Maryse Condé)