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Pagliaro, Harold

About the author: Dr. Pagliaro is Alexander Griswold Cummins Professor Emeritus of English Literature at Swathmore College. Before joining Swathmore College, he taught English and comparative literature at Columbia University. He has also edited the annual proceedings of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and published numerous articles on La Rochefoucauld, Johnson, Blake and others.

Relations Between the Sexes in the Plays of George Bernard Shaw
2004 0-7734-6365-8
Examines the many heterosexual configurations in the plays and to demonstrate by the accumulation of evidence that the actions of Shaw’s chief characters are typically the result of their sexual concerns, often coupled with issues of principle. This book is a must for all Shaw specialists and will be of great interest to teachers and students of English and Continental drama and literature of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.