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Curtler, Hugh Mercer

About the author: Dr. Curtler has a B.A. from St. John’s College Annapolis, Maryland and a M.A. and PhD from Northwestern University. He is currently a Professor of Philosophy at Southwest State University.

Inversion of Consciousness From Dante to Derrida, a Study in Intellectual History
2004 0-7734-6437-9
This book is an examination of the phenomenon the author calls “inverted consciousness”. This phenomenon is prevalent in the Western world and has arisen from a variety of sources which the author traces through primary texts. It has resulted in egocenteredness and a loss of a sense that anything other than the Self matters, engendering a spiritual malaise that has been widely recognized and discussed. The author traces the evolution of this inversion from Dante in the fourteenth century to Derrida in the twentieth century.