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Holloway, James Y.

Barth, Barmen, and the Confessing Church Today Katallegete
1995 0-88946-720-X
Individuals and institutions concerned with the meaning of the Barmen Confession in the 1930's and its relevance for the Church in the 20th century will want to acquire this volume. The original article, Hunsinger's "Barth, Barmen, and the Confessing Church Today" appeared in the journal KATALLAGETE in the 1985 issue, raising the question for many Christians: is our time a status confessionis? By the Fall 1987 issue, many known and unknown Christians responded, across denominational and other lines: Hehmann, Berrigan, Cochrane, deGruchy, Cos, Stackhouse, Hellwig, Gritsch, Hauerwas, MacEoin, Yoder: eighteen responses as well as Hunsinger's response to each. Besides those essays, a unique feature of the volume is the photography of the Barmen church where the Confession was signed, May 1934. The present church was built after the original church was destroyed by Allied bombings in 1943. The volume also includes a facsimile of the final typescript of the Declaration, edited by Karl Barth, with the signatures of Barth, Asmussen, Putz, Beckmann, and Obendiek, and scores of Thomas Merton's calligraphies. The issues raised in Katallagete '85 and '87 are no less germane now in view of the events in Eastern Europe and the Persian Gulf.