Sandoz, Jeff
About the author: Dr. Jeff Sandoz, a 2005 Templeton Prize Nominee, has written numerous articles, presented in conferences throughout the US with media exposure including PAX-TV affiliates, columnist for Annals of the American Psychotherapy Association and Opelousas Daily World newspaper and programs on Radio Maria. He is a licensed professional counselor and teaches at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. In addition to academic endeavors, Dr. Sandoz is a Jesuit-trained Retreat Master.
2004 0-7734-6465-4This book offers a practical and pragmatic synthesis of ideas related to recovery from alcoholism with the central focus upon spiritual experience. Beginning with an excursion through the book, Alcoholics Anonymous, Dr. Sandoz sheds light upon the pathway through which successful AA members have trodden for over 60 years. The background history, the development of the 12 Step Program and the daily maintenance practices are all key elements which lead to the spiritual experience. Throughout the remainder of the book the singular focus of a spiritual experience is woven from a series of parallel threads – threads which are taken from the various sources including psychology (in the ideas of Carl Jung and William James), development in the theory of Erik Erikson regarding ego strength and maturity), mythology (in the characters portrayed from ancient to modern myths), counseling (in the use of metaphors), brain physiology (in understanding the functioning of the various anatomical structures), research (in recognizing the multifaceted aspects of recovery) and diverse concepts from Eastern Mysticism. Taken together, this book offers an extensive and comprehensive array which provides clarity to the process of addiction and recovery.