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Dixon, John

John Dixon is the Distinguished Professor Public Policy and Administration at the Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research and Emeritus Professor of Public Policy and Management at the University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom. He earned his Ph.D. in Public Management from the University of Western Sydney.

Comparing How Various Nations Administer Retirement Income: Essays on Social Security
2010 0-7734-3727-4
This book makes an innovative contribution to the field of retirement income security in three distinctive ways. First, it seeks to develop a sophisticated philosophical rationale for the social dimension, in the context of retirement. Such a rationale is frequently implicit in much of the relevant literature, and where explicit, is often crudely developed. Second, it seeks to identify robustly the ways in which specific forms of privatisation promote outcomes that are consistent with the social dimension, whilst acknowledging the possibility of market failure. Third, it seeks to provide an agenda for reform, based on robustly developed normative arguments, and a careful appraisal of the evidence.

Privatization of Mandatory Retirement Income Protection
2006 0-7734-5838-7
Addresses an area of social policy that is relatively new and thus under-developed in the relevant literature. It covers all pension arrangements from a multi-disciplinary perspective, rather than from economic analysis. Several published works do deal explicitly with privately delivered compulsory pensions, but that literature is incomplete.