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Wallhauser, John

Brouillon zur Ethik/ Notes on Ethics (1805/1806). Translated and edited by John Wallhauser; Notes on the Theory of Virtue (1804/1806); translated with introduction and notes by Terrence N. Tice
2002 0-7734-7156-1
During 1804-05 and 1805-06, while teaching at the University of Halle, Friedrich Schleiermacher lectured twice on philosophical ethics. From the first lectures only his notes on the theory of virtue are extant. In 1805-1806, however, we have his own dense notes covering 98 hours of lectures. He planned to revise this (Brouillon zur ethik) for publication, a project which was never completed. But these Halle lectures reveal for the first time the details of his distinctive approach to ethics as a philosophy of culture. In these lectures he presents ethics as the critical examination of reason embodied in selves in community. This translation makes available in English the first systematic presentation of his ethics as an inclusive vision of cultural goods, virtues and duties.