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Stuart, Kevin

Dr. Kevin Stuart received his PhD from University of Hawaii-Manoa. He has written several monographs and many articles and books reviews, and edited several editions of Asian stories, folktales, and fables. He is currently employed at Shaanxi Normal University in Xi'an City, China

Folklore of China’s Islamic Salar Nationality
2001 0-7734-7675-X
This volume contains folklore selections written first in the Salar written system, the same selection rendered in the International Phonetic Alphabet, followed by an English translation. This is the first time such an extensive collection of Salar literature has been written in the Salar’s own writing system and it is the first anthology of the folklore translated into English with Salar and IPA counterparts. The preface was written by the West’s leading Salar scholar. This is a must for all Chinese, Islam, folklore, and minority collections. With Illustrations

Modern Oral Amdo Tibetana Language Primer
2000 0-7734-7895-7
This book is for English speakers who are beginning to study Amdo. It assumes no prior knowledge of Tibetan, begins by introducing the Tibetan alphabet and its phonetic system, and follows by presenting dialogues and texts of increasing sophistication that reflect Amdo Tibetan lives in the late 20th century. There are 40 lessons in three units, with drills, notes, exercises, and extensive appendices. This book has five CD's available for $19.95 each. You may order them by email ( or by telephone (716) 754-2788.

Mongols in Western/American Consciousness
1998 0-7734-8443-4
Examines the influence of medieval conceptions of the Mongols as monsters, how these impressions affected the creation of a 'Mongol' racial category for mankind, what travelers observed and reported while in Mongol domains, the realm of fiction and film, and the field of Mongolian Studies.