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Levanovich, Leanid

The author writes about life of Belarusians in the U.S.A., and about the worries, concerns and joy of the folks back home. The Chernobyl tragedy has touched him deeply. His native village happened to be in the radioactive zone, its inhabitants resettled, its streets and courtyards overgrown with nettles and dark wormwood. But the heroes in the stories of Levanovich believe in life’s vigor. Life for this writer has become such that he spends the winters in the town of Winchester near Boston, while the summers he lives in his apiary in Belarus, where he grows buckwheat oats and lacey phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia).

Liquidator’s Wife: A Post- Chernobyl Tale & Other Stories by Leanid Levanovich
2015 1-4955-0407-7
America – Belarus – Chernobyl: these are the ABC’s which provide the essence of this book by the renowned Belarusian writer Leanid Levanovich. The author writes about life of Belarusians in the U.S.A., and about the worries, concerns and joy of the folks back home. The Chernobyl tragedy has touched him deeply. An outstanding translation into English of the original Belarusian and Russian works of Levanovich.