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Amalraj, Loyola

About the author: Dr. Loyola Amalraj, a Catholic priest from India, has BA degrees in philosophy, psychology, and systematic theology. He holds his Master’s and Doctorate in counseling with a minor in clinical psychology from Marquette University.

How to Experience the Spiritual Meaning of Gospel Texts: The Psychology of Reading Mystically
2010 0-7734-3814-9
This study presents a psychological understanding of the prayer exercises of the mystics. It examines the spiritual unconscious, supporting its assertions with clinical evidence. The work asserts how contemplative prayer practices affect brain hemispheres by quieting the left brain and enabling the right brain to journey to the deepest part of consciousness.

Imagery’s Place in Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Healing Perspectives From Religious and Mystical Traditions
2002 0-7734-7084-0