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Saen de Casas, María del Carmen

María del Carmen Saen de Casas is Assistant Professor in the Languages and Literatures Department at Lehman College (CUNY). She completed her Ph.D. in the Department of Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures at the Graduate Center (CUNY).

La Imagen Literaria De Carlos V en sus Crónicas Castellanas
2009 0-7734-3821-1
This work analyzes the five chronicles, written by Pedro Mexía, Alonso de Santa Cruz, Pedro Girón, López de Gómara and fray Prudencio de Sandoval, of the life and deeds of the Emperor Charles V (1500-1558) not as historical documents, but as literary texts portraying an ideal monarch. The author teases out how the differences in the ideology, interests, purpose and background of each author influenced his portrayal of Charles V.