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Schreiner, Mark

About the author: Dr. Mark Schreiner is a Senior Scholar in the Center for Social Development at Washington University in Saint Louis and also a consultant with Microfinance Risk Management. His work aims to improve asset accumulation by the poor through improved access to financial services. He made the first credit scoring systems for microfinance. He has worked in Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, south Africa, Uganda, and the United States.

Performance of Subsidized Microfinance Organizations - Bancosol of Bolivia and the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh
2003 0-7734-6730-0
This study provides a framework for the evaluation of microfinance organizations, applied as an example to the two best-known microfinance organizations in the world, BancoSol of Bolivia and the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh. It shows how to adapt existing evaluation frameworks (for example, economic benefit-cost analysis) to the particular application of microfinance organizations. This is a major area of interest because microfinance is rapidly becoming the major development took in first-world/third-world development assistant.

Rural Microfinance in Argentina After the Tequila Crisis
2004 0-7734-6473-5
This work analyzes formal and informal markets for microfinance in rural Argentina. It provides a broad overview of rural financial markets in all their forms. It carefully describes the ways in which small, rural producers use financial services, be they saving services, loans or payment services. It then describes the current state of the supply of the rural microfinance, covering a variety of institutional forms such as public banks, private banks, cooperatives, non-governmental organizations, and input suppliers. After comparing demand with supply to determine mismatches, it suggests improvements in the micro and macro structure of the market that would likely improve long-term access to rural microfinance for small products.