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Amutabi, Maurice Nyamanga

Maurice Nyamanga Amutabi received his Ph.D. in African History from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is an Assistant Professor of History at Central Washington University.

Studies in Lifelong Learning in Africa: From Ethnic Traditions to Technological Innovations
2009 0-7734-4757-1
This work examines and decodes African ways of thinking and learning, beliefs and value systems, while faulting the ambivalence that has attended the study of the subject in the past. It uses pedagogical, historical, sociological and critical thinking, and postmodern, postcolonial, and feminist theoretical approaches to interrogate ways in which lifelong learning has been experienced in Africa.

Studies in the Economic History of Kenya: Land, Water, Railways, Education and Entrepreneurship
2010 0-7734-3907-2
This book examines the economic history of Kenya from the colonial period to the present, integrating historical methodologies with those of anthropology, economics, education, geography, history, political science and sociology. the book covers topics that have been ignored by previous texts on economic history of Kenya, such as women, indigenous people (Ogiek), pastoralism, irrigation agriculture, livestock, fisheries, religion, community-based organizations (CBOs), NGOs, education and information and communication technology (ICT).