Ito, Michio
Michio Ito is a Japanese Choreographer and Dancer. He was associated with figures such as Ezra Pound and W.B. Yeats and is a seminal figure in Modern Dance.
2018 1-4955-0688-6This work offers the first complete translation of an autobiographical talk the dancer and choreographer Michio Ito gave in Japanese in 1955, which was originally transcribed and published in 1965 as "Omoide wo kataru:
Taka no i shutsuen no koto nado" (Reminiscences: On Appearing in
At the Hawk's Well and Other matters). Ito's memorable account of an important interlude in the history of early twentieth-century Anglophone modernism has been recognized as a significant primary source in the scholarship of Ezra Pound, W. B. Yeats, and Modernist studies more generally. This translated text includes 8 color photos.