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Kayyali, Mustafa
Azteca University

Dr. Mustafa Kayyali is a prominent figure in higher education, specializing in administration, quality assurance, accreditation, ranking, and the intenationalization of educational institutions. He holds a Ph.D. in Quality Management from Azteca University, a Master's degree in Quality Management and Evaluation in Higher Education from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, and an MBA from the National Institute of Business Administration.
Dr. Kayyali has extensive experience in ranking, monitoring, and evaluation of higher education institutions, along with a strong commitment to advancing educational leadership. Dr. Kayyali is also an accomplished author and editor, contributing to numerous publications and serving on intenational academic advisory boards.

2024 1-4955-1297-5
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Understanding the Higher Education Landscape
Chapter 2: The Evolving Nature of Crises in Higher Education
Chapter 3: The Stakeholder Ecosystem
Chapter 4: Crisis Preparedness: Proactive Strategies
Chapter 5: Crisis Response and Recovery
Chapter 6: Data, Technology, and Innovation in Crisis Management
Chapter 7: Case Studies in Crisis Management in Higher Education
Chapter 8: Reputation Management in Higher Education
Chapter 9: Leadership and Crisis Management
Chapter 10: Building a Culture of Resilience
Chapter 11: The Future of Crisis Management in Higher Education
About the Author