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de Baubeta, Patricia Anne Odber

1992 0-7734-9607-6
Much medieval anticlerical satire stems from perceived discrepancies between proclaimed ideal and everyday reality, but it also owes much to a particularly successful literary tradition and cannot be accepted without question. After identifying the predominant literary characteristics of the medieval Portuguese clergy, this study uses other sources - sermons, exempla, visitation documents, doctrinal tracts, confession manuals and chronicles - to gauge clerical success or failure in fundamental areas of responsibility: attending and convoking councils and synods, carrying out visitations and preaching. It reveals the contrast between the literary stereotypes and documentary evidence.

Knowledges of the Translator From Literary Interpretation to Machine Classification
1996 0-7734-8826-X
Eighteen essays on translation theory, seven of which focus on issues arising from translation into or from Spanish, Galician and Catalan.

New Frontiers in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Scholarship. Como Se Fue El Maestro
1994 0-7734-9117-1
These 32 essays cover social, ecclesiastical, political and economic history as well as literary theory, comparative literature, and translation theory. They also cover time and space: Catalonia, Galicia, Castile, Portugal, Germany, Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, and Brazil, from the Middle Ages to the late twentieth century. Hispanists around the world will recognize and appreciate the intertextuality of these essays. This collection bears the subtitle Como se fue el Maestro and is intended to pay homage to Derek Lomax and acknowledge his place in the pantheon of scholars of late twentieth-century Spain.

Theoretical Issues and Practical Cases in Portuguese-English Translations
1996 0-7734-8806-5
Essays on the growing emphasis within linguistics on the study of discourse and the need for full communicative competence, and the problem of evaluating rather than just describing language performance. This volume is devoted to papers on Portuguese translation.