Kriese, Paul
Paul Kriese, is a Professor of Politics in the Department of Criminal Justice and Political Science at Indiana University East. Dr. Kriese grew up in an African American, Latino, and Native American neighborhood on the waterfront in Buffalo, New York. He brings a unique perspective on American life to his academic work. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University.
2015 1-4955-0371-2“This book clarifies and celebrates the role of African-American women through their democratic engagement in the United States…the thorough archival research, extensive references, and compelling interviews provide an organized rendering of interesting content that will be accessible to any reader seeking knowledge and insights about the valuable voices of the women who are the focus of this book."
–Frances Yates, Library Director,
Indiana University East2018 1-4955-0607-XThe book is a selection of brief statements from 6-8 African American men who summarize their points of view on the topics of religion, family , race, gender, education, and jobs. The transcribed interviews have been deposited into various Indiana libraries.