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Cole, Richard G.

Dr. Richard G. Cole is a Professor Emeritus at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. His special interests are sixteenth-century printing, popular literature, culture, religion and community.

What Did the Lutheran Reformation Look Like a Hundred Years After Martin Luther? Community and Culture in Ansbach, Germany in the Seventeenth Century
2015 1-4955-0304-6
This work fills a lacuna in scholarship that compares the literary and academic work of three significant and innovative scholars and pastors: Laurentius [Löhel] Laelius, Johann Valentin Andreae and Johann Eberlin von Günzburg.They were all part of a powerful wave of utopian ideas that swept the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Europe. This is a snapshot of culture and community in the early seventeenth century and a case study which tells how and why Reformation ideas shaped communal life in Ansbach, Germany.