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McKay, Roberta A.

Roberta A. McKay is a Professor in the Department of Elementary Education of the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. Her subject area of specialization is language arts education. Dr. McKay’s research interests include the relationship between language and learning, constructivism across the curriculum and teacher professional development. She also has an extensive background in social studies and has authored social studies textbooks for primary and junior high school.

Social Studies for the 21st Century - A Review of Current Literature and Research
2004 0-7734-6355-0
The area of social studies is probably the curriculum area that has seen the least amount of change over the last 25 years. The purpose of this book in bringing together these diverse areas in relation to social studies is to contribute to a renewed dialogue and excitement about social studies and its essential contribution to global citizenship for the 21st Century. This work began as a broad review of the international research and literature on topics that the authors determined should be considered when reconceptualizing social studies teaching and learning for the 21st century. The contents of the review were developed through an examination of international and national social studies journals, textbooks, research handbooks, publications and conference programs to ascertain topics that have impacted the social studies community within the last decade. These topics were grouped to determine the five main sections of this review including purposes and goals of social studies, role of the disciplines, curricular influences on social studies, and epistemological views as influences on teaching and learning, and children’s ways of knowing. A comprehensive reference list for each of the five areas is provided as well as a summary of possible implications of the literature for K-12 social studies teaching and learning.